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Everything posted by crusian

  1. Hi Highy There was a post about lines not so long ago , and basically what Yonny said was different lines for different jobs i.e. snag line , distance casting etc . So what would you want your line to do Highy ? . 😃
  2. Hi Northisbest - I love visiting my Son in South Yorkshire . Emmcee's post is from Aug. 2013 . 🙂
  3. Is Nick your Dad then Mufty ? 😁.
  4. Pop Ups , preferably white so they stand out over the black decaying leaves , I've not caught many with pink ; I like the idea that my hook is " cocked " already positioned ready to hopefully hook a Carp , rather than have to have it spin to take hold . Also I want my presentation to reset . I must try dumbells more , for the reason Gaz. gives . 😀
  5. Thank goodness you didn't post 'photos of you in your mankini Stevo 😬
  6. How's it going Cyborx ? , are you enjoying yourself ? . 😃
  7. Ta very much Yonny . My Ronnie hook holds have always been in the scissors , which is o.k. I suppose , but I would prefer in the middle of the lip as some of my scissor hook holds didn't leave much margin of error . However , I have been using sz. 6 Muggas so I'll try 4's - would that be too big for mid doubles and 20's do you think ? ; I never catch singles he lied 🙄.
  8. Hello Lumey In addition to what the others have said , ( i.e. location , location ,location and why the fish are where they are ) , as there are two of you why not have one of you on a pink pop up while the other one tries white or yellow ? ; personally pink has never really worked for me , but white seems to work on the few waters I fish . 🙂
  9. Love the colour of your finger nails , Buzz 😁
  10. Strewth ! , Bayeswater won't know what's hit it , bound to give up some whackers with your combined talents ! . 😁
  11. I discipline myself to turn the Fish Finder off , although the fish icons aren't to scale as I understand ; I did turn the Fish Finder on one Winter session which saved me casting into the margins as the fish were shown as grouped up in the middle of the lake . Also in the Winter when the lake was empty I very quickly mapped a small lake . Occassionally I may make a single cast well past where I intend to fish to quickly check out the lake bottom , and yes I grimace at the splash , but then is it as bad as 2 x 3ozs leads with maybe pva bags plummeting into the water ? . 🙂
  12. Spontaneous answer , different fish . You'll just have to have repeat captures and take some more 'photos as Nick says . 😀
  13. I love my Avons , getting exciting when the dial goes past the " white " and the colour changes in the little window . Yes I'm old and sad ! .
  14. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Good for you jh92 , you persevered and it came good for you . 😃
  15. A belated thanks very much Nick 😃
  16. Hi everyone Has anyone tried this rig out pls. ? , and if so what are your thoughts / observations ? . 🙂
  17. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Well you certainly had a session to remember Jh92 ! . Sounds like you'll be spending more on treats than on boilies . I have to admire your positive attitude , it will be so rewarding when it all comes together . 😀🐶
  18. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Well that's a damn shame , hopefully when the infection is cleared up and you can finally go fishing the weather will have cooled down . 🐶
  19. Yes you're right Framey . The thing is I thought the Gyro Hook would mean I could dispense with the Quick Change Uni-Link and the Shrink Tube ( I hadn't seen the video clip until Nige kindly posted the link - there was no mention of Shrink Tube on the blurb for the hook ) . But when I received the packet of Gyros in the post you only get 5 hooks per packet , therefore 10 hooks is going to cost you £15.98 compared to say £3.90 for 10 x ESP Cryogen Hooks plus £4.29 for 10x Quick Change Uni- Link . So I'll give the Gyros a miss , but I may try the Tungsten Swivel Beads in large to tidy things up / stop me fiddling around with Putty - assuming the Beads come in to stock . 😊
  20. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    From what I read I'm led to believe that's what quite a few anglers on the forum look like if they don't get their regular " fishing fix " .😁
  21. I'm guessing ( because I haven't caught on this Rig yet 😢) , that because the hook isn't a longshank that the landing net mess isn't going to get caught in the hook eye gap ? ; but I will try some shrink tube just in case , and also I'm thinking that the hook is more likely to sit up with drink tube . 🙂
  22. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Scents , hmm , that's interesting . Let the countdown begin , and you have a much better puppy experience than Yonny . 😀
  23. If I can recreate the problem I will indeed take a 'photo , but it's probably going to be like that mysterious noise you get with your car that disappears as soon as you get to the garage ! . When I plonk my rig into my ice cream tub with a bit of force that seems to sort the problem out , which makes me want to believe that when cast out the rig would hit the water and settle on the lake bed sitting up nicely . Aah , I did wander if I should add some shrink tube to cover where the hook eye joins the swivel eye . Thank very much fellas . 😀
  24. Has anyone used these please ? . A couple of times I've tested out my pop up in my ice cream tub to see how it sits and the hook appeared to have " collapsed " rather than sitting up " cocked " as it were . As the margins in my lake are no longer Winter clear I can't have a stab at recreating how my rig would enter the water , as when I'm testing my rig in my ice cream tub I'm just lowering the rig down . I would hate to think that there is a chance that the hook is jamming ( ? ) in the hook ring swivel while I'm sitting there thinking my pop up is beautifully poised to snare a passing carp . 😀
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