I add Mollasses to my particles because I get decent results from it. If it ain't broke and all that. Plus 5l of marmite would cost a hell of a lot more 😂
Also I don't use the aniseed mix, I don't think this one is either as its the same one I use.
I like to leave some liquid in my particles, I find they keep better wet. I also tend to add molasses after cooking too. Then they start to ferment after a little while.
I've not really tried it yet with a fish so not sure but it would make a handy back up, I will give it a try alongside my camera, my kids took most of my recent ones on the phone as I forgot my camera last time.
I got an app on my phone called selfer, and you can set it like an intervalometer,
Thanks yonny looks great, will screenshot it so I can keep it and will get my camera out tonight and have a play.
I'm gonna have to digest this post, is it similar for canon lol, I'm an auto man 😳
Great post though will have a look at my camera when I get a minute. As I've not been so happy with my shots lately.
Smashing it @jh92 cracking fish keep em coming.