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elmoputney last won the day on January 12

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  1. Thanks I've used AA Baits a couple of times, not for hydros though so good to know thanks.
  2. That's what I could have said to you regarding the bait question, but that's kind of not the point of the forum, we bounce ideas about and share, I have my own ideas about liquids and know which ones have been good in the past, however at the moment BAF have pretty much tried to stop supplying the average Joe fishermen, so it can be an expensive game buying duff liquids. So I'll ask a slightly different question who do you consider a reputable hydro/liquid manufacturer now BAF only want to do trade sales?
  3. Bobbins are essentially an extra visual indicator to see if your line is moving. The main reason for them is to highlight drop backs (the line slackening) which could indicate a fish picking up your bait and moving towards you, that said if you fish them a little slack you can see subtle forward movement (the fish moving away) as it lifts up. They also highlight fishing moving through your swim as they pick up your line with their fins, this while frustrating can be a great tool for locating fish particularly in winter when they don't give you any other signs. They will certainly help you more than be a pain anyway, so just get some and have a go, Good luck.
  4. So which end product liquids would you be adding to baits?
  5. This is one my daughter caught within 5 minutes of chucking out Cmc pop up with a handful of RNM around it.
  6. Kream crunch jaffa, ive not used it myself tbh but you only have to look at the fb catch reports. It definately catches lots, I do have a lot of confidence in their choc n orange pop ups though, they work and smell lovely also 😏 The banarama is based on KKJ but I've only used it once so far, I didn't catch but that was probably my fault not the baits. I would use any of them confidently.
  7. No i just get my bait from them. I needed a new bait Co, as the last one I used sadly closed during covid, these were local to me and it just made sense tbh, I've got 20kg of this one at the moment,smells lovely, I was using RNM for the last couple of years. I bet it's apocalypse?
  8. If you wanted a nut base mix to have a tinker with the Reaper Nut Mix might be a good starting point for you. I've been using the boilies for a couple of years and the fish do seem to like them. https://innovatebaits.co.uk/products/?category=base_mixes
  9. I've been using Innovate Baits for a couple of years with no complaints. Great bait and comparatively decent value. And they have a decent range of steamed baits I'm sure you would find one you liked, they all seem to work and have caught a lot of the good ones on my syndicate.
  10. Terrible tragedy sorry for your loss, I remember asking about a bivvy heater once and you guys all told me not too. I never have, glad I listened tbh, sadly it happens too often. Hot water bottles, baselayers, a decent meal and some tea and decent sleeping bag.
  11. My spinner rig does work with wafters, the d rig kickers lend themselves pretty well to a wafting hookbait, I do think the the double B shock rig, might be effective for stopping them being able to get away with it, next time I go I will be using it, and with a pva bag clip on the swivel would make a decent little trap.if you want some decent bulk PVA mesh these are good. https://www.westmorepvamesh.co.uk/MobileIndex.php
  12. Pretty sure someone suggested it on here, when I was struggling with the x stiff
  13. Isn't it best to wet it before you strip it?
  14. What you just said makes me think deep down you want to try my spinner rig and that's fine it really is pretty great 😎. Avid d rig kicker (best d rig kicker) , spinner swivel, whatever boom you fancy, korda balancing weights for pop ups, quick hook changing, similar hookbait seperation, much less faff and comes tried and tested by me 💪 Also if you are thinking of mesh bags you also need the double "beep" shock rig, I think it's a winner 😂 Good luck with whatever you choose though.
  15. Loved this one,Great film.
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