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Everything posted by crusian

  1. Hello Fellas I see that ESP have released their Cryogen hooks in barbless now , so I was wondering whether to go for the Gardener or the ESP - I'm currently using Gardner Muggas on a Ronnie Rig . Ta
  2. Blimey TKT I'm glad I don't live in Leicestershire your water sounds really boring .
  3. That's a good point Cloud . I sit up in a chair during my day sessions and I have enough headroom as I have a Trakker Tempest Brolly and there are no internal ribs nor boss , BUT I am about 5ft. 8" .
  4. Ooh you keep saving me money with your suggestions , Yonny ; and the best thing was watching the Tacklebox TV review on Youtube .
  5. Thanks B.C. ; as you know the Vass R has a fixed fur lining so your observations are very helpful .
  6. Thanks very much fellas , but now you've given me choices ! . I'll have to get myself down to a tackle shop and try both on to get the sizing right in relation to thickness of socks . In theory I'm leaning towards the Skee-Tex , because I'm thinking I could take the linings out when / if the weather warms up ? .
  7. Hello Spr I can't find the post now , but you mentioned you wear a pair of Skee-Tex Ultralight , how do you find them please ( i.e. how warm , hardwearing ) ? , as you are nutty enough to go fishing when it's snowing - allegedly you're in for a treat this week ! . Sorry for the post hijack everyone , but with all these discounts flying around maybe someone will treat themselves to a new pair of wellies ? .
  8. That's a shame that you blanked , Smufter , but at least after all your research you are happy with the MHR . Thanks for the review .
  9. Thanks BC . It looks like Angling Direct have reduced their prices to bring them more or less in line with Cyprinus . I guess that Cyprinus only deal online , so I might be off to A.D. to " have a bit of a lie down " .
  10. So is the Cyprinus Base Camp Flatbed the same bed as the Wychwood Tactical Flatbed pls. , Yonny ? . Ta .
  11. Hi Smufter I know I'm repeating myself , but the shop recommended I buy a 50" Solace as the 60" would be just too big ; I've now got a 60" Trakker and I can get my spare rods , in their sleeves , inside the 60" sheltered from the weather / sticky fingers . Glad you're enjoying the MHR , you and PG Tips Monkey should stay nice and dry tucked back inside . Your swim looks nicely tucked away and private , love the little bridge . Tight lines ! .
  12. Well I don't need to borrow the MHR anymore thanks Smufter , I'm acting as Plumber's Mate to my Wife and then it's off to the pictures . I wouldn't take the MHR out of the bag as you know full well it you'll never get it back in there ! .
  13. Now I'm in a quandary Smufter , do I wish that you have a lovely , dry , carefree day fishing , or that it chucks it down so we can have a report on the MHR ! ? . Maybe I should borrow the MHR as it's probably going to rain on Tuesday here , which coincidentally is my day off this week ? .
  14. I've heard the expression that " everything is bigger and better in Kansas " , well your clouds are epic ! . 😀
  15. Roll on the 20th then , I'm getting excited to see what the final outcome is going to be - yes I know , I don't get out much ! 😟
  16. Well hopefully the recent cold spell discouraging you from fishing , Smufter , has worked out to your advantage , imagine if you'd bought the MHR and the new offering is much better for you . Anyway I'm finding your post very interesting , thanks very much . 😀
  17. Awesome 'photos Lineguy . I wouldn't be surprised to see a UFO emerge from those clouds .
  18. Has anyone actually paid £40 for this line , or is the going price really £20 ? .
  19. Excellent ! , it will be great to get at least 2 reviews and see if there are any findings in common .
  20. Well off you go then Greekskii , the forum is waiting for a review , chop , chop ! .
  21. Hello AA I should have said that I have a 11' rod for my controller work AND a 9' rod for my close in ( just a hook and a mixer ) work and / or tight swims . My 9' rod is an old fibreglass rod , but I have read good reviews on the Extricator , and I wouldn't be surprised if someone on the forum has got one . I have no experience of the Nash rods , but Spr is obviously very happy with them . I don't know where you live , but there is the Brentwood Carp Show this weekend , then 5 Lakes , maybe you need to go and have a "play " with some rods ? .
  22. I'm glad BC has had practical experience of this brolly system because just watching the youtube video it LOOKS flimsy , and wouldn't the material not stop the scorching sun as per your problem in France ? - BUT I have never seen one in the flesh . IMO don't waver Smufter , go MHR , you know it makes sense ! .
  23. Hello AA I'm thinking that an 11' rod would pick up / mend the line better if you were surface fishing with a controller further out rather than stalking close in . Also would you need the extra length in certain swims to reach over , play fish around margin lillies / reeds / weeds ? .
  24. So it's what everyone is saying then , buy the MHR ! , but like Framey I hadn't considered blocking the sunlight out ; fortunately I've still got my 50" Solace if I have to fish in the open with the sun beating down .
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