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Everything posted by crusian

  1. Hello Yonny Sorry I've been tardy with my feedback , but I haven't been fishing as much as I would like lately . I chose 12lb as the water I'm fishing at the moment , and probably future waters , do not have any Carp heavier than high 20s ; in addition the snags I will be up against ( when they have regrown ) are Lilies , King Cups and Reeds . So far the 12lb has been more than a match for the remnants of last year's Reeds , and overhanging margin branches . I have been just fishing the margins , and I think some longer casts and / or a heavier weight ( I use 1/3 oz for my margin rod ) would help the line to settle down on the spool as I have had some " coiling " .
  2. Hello Richard I hardly ever night fish , but I thought cooking inside your Bivvy was a no no . Or are you just joking ? .
  3. As a Ginger Haired Gentleman , what's wrong with the lovely Coppery Colour ? .
  4. crusian


    Cloud , your St. Bernard certainly puts the DIS in disdainful looks .
  5. Hello Bags Personally I've never owned a 3lb t/c Rod , but if you described what you want / need the rod to do hopefully someone will be along to advise .
  6. So I can't catch anything bigger than a scraper double , and I'm short . I haven't got a lot going for me then . I think I'll take up Bird Watching .
  7. Ah , but you catch more than your height in big character Carp , Nige .
  8. Am I the only one on the forum that's average height - everyone seems to be 6ft +
  9. Thanks for your detailed write up BC .
  10. It's a shame that you haven't been able to wet a line on your weekend off Nick , but maybe Sky is getting some long walks ? . You could always try Husky Racing
  11. I love my Trakker Tempest Brolly . Sometimes if it's wet and I can't dry it off in the garden I can just connect the sprung loaded rib poles and leave the brolly in the garage or the greenhouse " unfurled " and with a bit of turning over every day within a few days it's dry .
  12. So wouldn't David also be better off with a 3 wheeler ? . Surely it would be less tiring to just push , rather than lift and push ? .
  13. Hello spr Stupid question , but with a 3 wheeler I guess you push the barrow with all 3 wheels on the ground , rather than lift the back legs off the ground and keeping your arms straight push the barrow along on the front wheel ? .
  14. Hi jh92 What about a JRC Stealth X - Lite Chair ? .
  15. You'll have to change your name to Dedicated Dave , 2 1/2 miles is still a very long way to me - Yonny is just mad enough to run that distance wearing a backpack as well as pushing a Barrow just to make it more of a challenge
  16. A 4 mile walk , wow ! . I guess you are going to be fishing a Canal ? . So how far to a towpath ? , because I just had a mad idea of you getting a Dinghy with a little motor to shorten your pushing time . O.K. , I'll get my coat .
  17. Not that I'm doubting Yonny for a minute , but could you report back on your test results please Chill ? , it would be good to have 2 reviews ; and if Nick does his bench tests and compares the results against Diawa Sensor Brown and Gardner Pro Carp Light Blend I'll be a very happy bunny .
  18. Munch Baits do freeze dried Snails , or what about Dynamite Baits Hempseed and Snails ? .
  19. Hello Stevo Have you been out after your monster Perch yet this Winter ? .
  20. Gardner Pro Light Blend 12 lb or Sufix Synergy Carp 15lb
  21. Well I was going to recommend my Angling Intelligence one , but Phil has done you proud .
  22. Hello Cyborx Well I've been having this problem of short hair or long hair all season , so I've changed to Pop Up Rigs ! . So now all I have to do is position the boilie tight to the " shoulder " of the hook , umm no I'm still having problems with missed bites and losing fish .
  23. I was told at my local tackle shop that the small Carp were so damn quick when they sucked in and spat out the bait that a longer hair meant the bait stayed their mouth's longer and therefore gave you more chance of hooking them . However , the bigger Carp took a slower , more measured approach to eating bait . Well that's what I was told anyway .
  24. Thanks very much everyone , especially Yonny who's saved me lots of money as he has " used most of them " ! . It's all the properties that Yonny lists Stevo that I'm , and I think the other chaps are after .
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