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Everything posted by crusian

  1. Well George is better looking ! . 🐶
  2. Ta , Yonny That simplifies / makes things cheaper for me ! .
  3. Hi Yonny Would you still use Brown over Black Silt ? .
  4. Well hopefully the Homemade Boilie lads will be along soon to put your mind at rest , they can't all be busy ? .
  5. " You just keep thinking Butch ( Banjo ) that's what you 're good at " 😄. I guess Hutch and others like him are busy at the moment ; I' m sure they'll be able to sort you out when they come along . 🙂
  6. Hello Phil I don't know if it would work on Mainline , but on a Hook Length Braid sometimes when you cast the strands in the braid separate and air gets in ; what you can then do is make sure the Braid is wet and run it through your fingers to squeeze any air / bubbles out . What if you did a big chuck with just a Lead , and then slowly retrieved with the Braid pinched through a damp rag ? . Failing that ask Carpmachine , doesn't he use Braid as Mainline ? 😁.
  7. Thanks Yonny . I've noticed that when I pull a marker lead through my new water it's coming back with black leaves and twigs , so I was wondering about the Dark Blend .
  8. Hi Has anyone got any reviews for the Dark Blend pls ? . Ta
  9. Hi Everyone I am going to start using stronger line i.e. 15lb ( 0.35mm stated ) . So I was going to pair that up with a Sz. 6 Gardner Mugga and 20lb ESP Tungsten Loaded Semi Stiff Hook Length and a 15mm Pop Up ( with or without a topper of some sort ) . Does the panel think that sounds balanced please ? .
  10. Hello Highy Will you be posting a review pls. ?
  11. Thanks for all your comments fellas . That's interesting what you are saying CM ; for years I have always thought the " lilies " with the " buttercup " looking yellow flowers and noticeably different shaped leaves , were Kingcups . However , recently Ray Mears called them Yellow Lilies . So I'm thinking as there seems to be different polite opinions as to whether " Lilies " are abrasive or not , perhaps it's all down to varieties ? .
  12. Hello Chill The line snapped " cleanly " above the Polaris Float . The line about 1-2 ft. above the break was scuffed up . I don't think I overstretched the line . Ah thanks CM I mustn't take the lilies so lightly and check my line carefully next time a Carp tries to plough into them . Thanks Pooter . Thanks Nick . Is it me or have my " likes " option disappeared along with my emojis ? .
  13. Hello Yonny / Chill and anyone who's interested . I was using 12lb Rigmarole SLS Specimen , but I'm going to try the 15lb as I've twice had my line snap . The first time I thought I might have caught it on the Fishing Platform and weakened it . The second time a Carp ( that felt like an upper double ) was going for some lilies and when I tried to stop it the line snapped - the line was a bit scuffed up , but previously it had only been into some lilies . I guess 0.30mm is just too thin when there are lilies around ( and an odd branch that's snapped off a tree and sunk in the lake ) with Carp up to high 20s ? .
  14. Hello Everyone I see that Kryston have brought out a new versions of their Super Nova and No Tangle . So I use the No Tangle to stiffen up my Hook Length of Super Nova so it doesn't tangle during the cast and while it settles on the lakebed ; then the gel dissolves so that the Super Nova returns to it's limp and " non anchoring " state ? . But now if silver fish and / or small Carp start picking at my bait , sucking it in and blowing it out again my Super Nova Hook Length could tangle , couldn't it ? . So if I want a no tangle and resetting presentation I would be advised to use a coated Hook Length combined with a Pop Up ? . Thanks .
  15. Hello Nathan It was me that mentioned the back legs hitting the floor . I hardly use my Barrow , but the last time I did I made sure my Rod Bag was positioned well forward so I could get as close as possible to the Barrow ; although I still had to bend my arms so the back legs didn't ground occasionally the weight was further foreword and it didn't seem to take as much effort to push the Barrow . Oh I'm about 5ft 8ish so your extra height could well make all the difference . 😊
  16. I'll look forward to your feedback JH , especially how you deal with the arms . 🙂
  17. Hi JH I have the JRC Contact Barrow . I haven't needed to use it much , but when I do I have been grounding the back legs sometimes ; I suspect this is down to my poor technique i.e. I need to load the barrow so that I can keep my arms straight and lean forward towards the barrow. I chose the JRC as it folds up flat fairly easily ( when you use your arms and legs ) , and the wheel removes quickly .
  18. Hi Yonny So if the Spool of Line is sitting upright and the line comes off clockwise your reel needs to rotate clockwise ? . Also are you soaking overnight AND winding on through a damp cloth ? Ta
  19. Thanks Dicky Take a bow Ian , you were right ! .
  20. Hello Dicky After you've given the N Gauge a try can you post a review pls. ? Ta 🙂
  21. I THINK there is a kind of symbiotic relationship between Korda and Delkim ( until Korda start making their own Alarms ) , and Korda would only show their indicators - probably .
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