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emmcee last won the day on July 6

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  1. The sad thing is some people will buy them no matter how much and yet so easy to make your own. Must admit I used the shot on the hook rig years ago but never noticed a real edge with it. They'll soon be an underwater film with this rig getting spat out or it will get banned for some reason or another.
  2. That's what I use, bargain.
  3. If you don't set your clutch properly then you will lose your rod. As finchey said the initial run is insane.
  4. Nice hound mate. I had my pb Friday night at 11lb 06oz and as you say the power difference with a double figure hound is something else compared to a single and the singles are like torpedoes.
  5. If you can't get any crab then whole king prawn are just as good in my opinion. Had 10 hounds in 3 hours on the south coast Friday night all in prawn.
  6. So with all the talk about the possibility of seeing the northern lights, did anyone manage to catch site of them? I was fortunate enough to be fishing on the south coast and was treated to a nice sunset followed by the northern lights. Must admit I felt quite privileged to witness it. Excuse the pics, had to screenshot my photos or they wouldn't upload.
  7. Think you were unlucky with your bed. As has been said the solar range are top notch in my opinion. I've had several beds from different manufacturers (fox, Nash sleep system plus others) but my solar bed is head and shoulders above anything I've had before in my opinion. I sleep better on that than I do my bed at home 🤣.
  8. Xc weather or "Windy app". But as has been said, the weather can change at the drop of a hat so none are 100% accurate in my opinion.
  9. I would think the results of the blood tests would be needed first. You could go ahead now and say get X amount for having the needle puncture your hand but if the results come back with something (which I hope they don't of course) then your payout will be considerably more and you probably can't sue them twice for the same thing.
  10. I think these solicitors only take on claims they know or pretty much know will win. So if they say no I'd say you've got little chance elsewhere.
  11. Well I'd go no bigger than 15mm for your pop up. I never went shorter than 1.5 inches and no longer than 3 inches for my chods and yes I'd say the bream are to busy with their heads in the silt/,bottom.
  12. Personally I never used a pop up bigger than 15mm on my chod, in fact usually a very buoyant 12mm but I'd still feed my normal boilie irrelevant of size of them. I'd certainly try and find weed that's a foot or more tall which in my experience the bream are less likely to feed on. That said, if the bream are the predominant species it may well be a very hard task to avoid them no matter what you use. Just remembered a mate who went over to double 22mm baits to avoid a load of single figured stockies that got put into the lake we fished. He totally avoided them and though his catch rate dropped a lot he only caught the better fish.
  13. As Nick rightly says, there is no rig that is bream proof. That said, I can honestly say that I've never caught a bream on a chod rig, tench yes but not bream. Obviously not saying you won't catch bream on them but for some reason I never did and I used them a lot and on waters that held large shoals of big bream . Also as has been said above, what you feed and how will determine if bream become a pain. I know a few angler's that only use 22mm / 24mm baits and hardly if ever get bream problems.
  14. Just seen this, was going to say QM services but looks like hes changed the name. He's based or at least was based in Plymouth.
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