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Everything posted by B B

  1. I often wonder why fisheries insist we use 42 landing nets.... dont telll anyone but I use a 36 ๐Ÿค
  2. I count myself lucky I can lose myself in a book take my mind of things when your head gos in overdrive Hang in there mate. ๐Ÿ‘
  3. What ! No mudguards ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Just got in from a walk 4 miles best time to go out with no body about, had to go the other half been on the wine ๐Ÿท her parting words to me were โ€˜glad your off out your looking like Jack Nicholson in the film the shining ..if you had more hair that is. ๐Ÿ™„
  5. On a lighter note if I may.... I often wondered what was in the back of the shed so had a look today and found a bull worker which is a exercising device, I think they still manufacture them. I took it with me when I moved out of by mums many years ago. So the jumper and shirt came off and gave it a go after 5 mins i hear the bedroom window open and the other half yells spray some WD40 on it it will be easier ๐Ÿ™„
  6. Well i had another fishing 48 hr trip planned and paid for cancelled today the fishery will honour the booking when all is well tho. Two previous trips to Linear Oxfordshire had to be cancelled because of the floods ..... and iv still havenโ€™t used my new reels. ๐Ÿ˜ž
  7. Iv just popped over some frozen food to an old customer who lives close just around the corner I warned them il be wearing a face mask so donโ€™t be alarmed. I ran the bell used the key too open the door and jumped a mile they both had on proper face masks with filters. We had a laugh over a cup of tea in the garden keeping our distance.
  8. Bet if your good Mrs said give me a hand spring cleaning you run a mile ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. The only way people will listen if they see police on the streets I drove down a busy road with shops either side filled with people shopping,Gregโ€™s had queueing up almost to the door. Give it a week
  10. If you get the gear to make anything that would be interesting to follow Good luck with the shopping
  11. Now thatโ€™s a swim with options best of luck ๐Ÿ‘
  12. I missed it as well ๐Ÿง
  13. Just had look on there website I didnโ€™t see it mentioned. They would like you to pay by card to save the bailiff handling contaminated money if any 48 hr tickets iv no idea why. Where did you hear that from ?
  14. Maybe that amount is from the war chest
  15. When it impacts on my fishing got to do it mate ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. Well funny you should say that Elmo ๐Ÿ˜‰
  17. Had to take 10k of frozen sticky baits Krill out the freezer to make room for food today got to air dry the lot ๐Ÿ™„
  18. Same with me Blue
  19. I tend to take a small amount of pva nuggets just enough to use for the session I put them in a zip lock bag. The spare pva refills go in there also. ..... whereโ€™s the flask going ?
  20. Must be a lot to photograph then ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. Very neat ๐Ÿ‘ .... I wonder if we added up the cost of filling out our tackle boxโ€™s what the amount would be ?
  22. Had a look on eBay put long peak cap in the search lots came up ordered 2. Didnโ€™t get any Wuke caps but thanks.
  23. Ta Welder il have a look just call me BB its quicker ๐Ÿ‘
  24. After the above for outdoor work and fishing got a eye condition and my nose easily catches the sun. Any recommendations ?
  25. 7 JRC Dave lane classic rods 3x2.7/5 3x3lb and a 3.1/4 which doubles as a marker and spod rod Okuma 8k reels with Fox Exocet line Atts alarms Fox pod Chub Vantage bivvy 1 man but more like a 1.1/2 man with wrap JRC Stealth brolly the old one which is why I got no hair JRC sleeping bag. 2 Barrows so old canโ€™t remember make .... and still got the builders barrow from back in the day. Special mention Korda krank hooks Apologies to the gear I forgot to mention
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