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    crusian reacted to B.C. in Dogs and fishing   
    Yeah he really is... The original owners thought he was  vicious. But it was because they'd fed him loads of sweets and biscuits and some of his teeth were rotten and his jaw was swollen as a result... He wouldn't let anyone too near him, especially other dogs. But once I got his teeth sorted and a few taken out he was a completely different dog. I think he's just grateful to have a pain free life now. He always looks scruffy, he's got real character.
  2. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in Dogs and fishing   
    Sky has her moments! 
    Like when a muntjac comes past. She is out after it like a shot. She ran out of the bivvy so fast she managed to bend a storm pole, as the long lead was attached to my bedchair, which also got moved towards the bivvy door. Siberian Huskies are a breed that aren't usually able to be  let off the lead at all. They get something into their head and just run, their recall is also terrible. They only follow or behave to a dominant owner, so although people may think I am overly strict with her, she respects that. 
    I have managed to get her to behave when she is off lead in the swim, the camou screen now serves another purpose, although she has managed to go over it, but a very sharp shout made her realise not to go anywhere.
    Huskies as well as being able to jump a 6feet fence, can dig very quickly. I have seen her dig a hole to her back legs in soft soil in 2minutes. While most people think of huskies being sledge dogs, they are also hunting dogs for the Siberian Chuchki people.
    The heterochromia, one blue and one brown eye is a husky trait as well. They can have either blue or brown eyes, unlike most breeds who have brown eyes, but they can have one of each.
    Even on a walk at home I don't let her off the lead unless in a fenced enclosure!

  3. Like
    crusian reacted to greekskii in New Gardner Hooks........   
    Tbh I was going to borrow one off one of my mates that buys them 😂! 
    I only need one to put on the rig and see if I think it works or not. I might ask for a single hook sample from Gardner. 
  4. Like
    crusian reacted to Ginger9991 in Need a stalking rod!   
    I have been looking at the Extricator for ages and i would buy them HOWEVER, You cant get a rod back for them. I have been in touch with wychwood and they dont plan to do one as its "to expensive in the current market". They also mentioned to me that there reel placement means its wont fit into most genic 9 ft bags. So i havent brought them!
  5. Like
    crusian reacted to smufter in Wychwood 60" MHR brolly???   
    Not fishing during the winter months, I doubt whether I'll bother with the over-wrap.
    It was my birthday yesterday and I got a card from the in-laws with a cheque for £50.00 tucked inside, so that will go towards the purchase price of the brolly. That, together with the £50.00 I got for my old Solace means we've only got to shell out £18.00 of our own money! Cushty.
    Could be getting it sooner than I thought!
  6. Haha
    crusian reacted to framey in Wychwood 60" MHR brolly???   
    Could always coat it in factor 50 lol
  7. Haha
    crusian got a reaction from yonny in Wychwood 60" MHR brolly???   
    Hello Smufter 
    Framey beat me to it ! .
    I don't fish in France , and when I know it's going to be a scorcher I either do an evening session ,  or an early morning session and pick a swim that offers me shade - yes I know Yonny I should be choosing my swims on where the fish are , but I don't want to melt ! . 
    However , I have got a Skull Cap for my brolly which I took off as you need to take more care putting the brolly up and taking it down ( I broke the brolly in my haste to open it up  ) ; so I'm going to keep the Skull Cap on permanently and see if the double thickness of material ( and the peak ) stop , or reduce the problem you talk about .
    Failing that there's lots of trees around my lake ! .
  8. Like
    crusian reacted to yonny in What's the best line for carp fishing   
    You need to figure out what's important to you fella.
    - For distance casting go for a pre-stretched line (e.g. Fox Exocet etc.). They cast fantastically but aint so good where abrasion resistance is required.
    - For general angling without too much weed go for one of the new low stretch/partially pre-stretched lines (e.g. Shimano Technium, Gardner GT-HD etc.) These cast well and have half decent abrasions resistance.
    - General angling in weedy situations go for a traditional all-rounder (ESP Synchro, Gardner Pro etc.). Cast OK, nice and strong.
    - Heavy weed go for a heavy line (Gardner hydroTuff, Rig Marole SLS etc.). Not so good for casting but you'd land a bus in a forest.
    - If you want your line on the deck go for a fluoro. Again, not great casting, but the benefits are obvious.
    There's no such thing as a line that will do everything perfectly (although the low stretch options are getting there). Think about what's important to you and go for the most suitable.
  9. Like
    crusian reacted to framey in Wychwood 60" MHR brolly???   
    I believe the brollies have a 5 year guarantee
  10. Haha
    crusian reacted to brugge in Sharpening hooks   
    thanks for all your replies, l will get a set of the diamond files it will save carrying round my 10'' flat file!
  11. Like
    crusian reacted to marker in Sharpening hooks   
    i use the jag hook sharpening system, only the vice and file though, no need for either of the stones, you can get your hook sharp enough without them  
  12. Like
    crusian reacted to cloud9 in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    It's well over double figures here and with a whiskey to hand I can just about cope with the conditions indoors ....
  13. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in Alton Water Park   
    It was, the red sweatshirt pic, thats a Fitness First sweatshirt, so I had gone straight from work to fishing. Hard life, playing American Football, and working in a gym. I lost around 2stone when I retired from playing!
    Bruce drove down to photograph the 13.8 and I had that fish while he was there, had to wade up to my knees to net it.
  14. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in Alton Water Park   
    Most of my fish came on overnight sessions, only a couple on longer trips. 8 fish in 19 trips, most being over 20lb, 3 being 24.12
    The other fish were 13lb8oz mirror, (i weighed it because it was the first fish I caught from there,) a couple of 18lb commons and another mid double mirror.
    If you found them, multiple catches were the norm.

  15. Like
    crusian got a reaction from Donnygooner in Alton Water Park   
    Umm this thread seems to have morphed into an Ardleigh thread , not that I'm complaining ! .
    Hopefully Shakey74   won't think I'm being disrespectful , but would Nick also like to comment about unknown / seldom caught monsters please ? .

  16. Like
    crusian got a reaction from chillfactor in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    So there's only Chill. left out there , possibly lying snuggled up conserving his battery power ? .

  17. Like
    crusian got a reaction from chillfactor in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    Happy that you're safe and sound ( but not of mind ! ) Chill. , but will the snow covering stop you registering and / or striking when you get a bite ? .

  18. Like
    crusian reacted to chillfactor in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    well gave it as long as I could gents but no snow carp  .... it was getting over 2ft deep on the track out so was time to make a start on the long journey home , would of stayed longer if i could of but needed to get back to the family. started slowly as we couldn't get up the hill out of the lake lol .
    But a bit of graft on the shovel & we were soon on our way.  
    loved it 
  19. Like
    crusian reacted to dayvid in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    Good job you have Delkims and not Fox , you now have a chance of hearing that run with unfrozen Delks.
  20. Like
    crusian got a reaction from yonny in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    So there's only Chill. left out there , possibly lying snuggled up conserving his battery power ? .

  21. Like
    crusian reacted to yonny in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    It was only an overnighter on Friday for me bud. Thank God lol....
    Got some cracking sunrise shots....

  22. Haha
    crusian reacted to cloud9 in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    Was going to say it's got to be worth a punt , but is that too cheesy ?
  23. Like
    crusian reacted to cyborx in Alton Water Park   
    its most eminently possible that fish of that weight and over live in there, a ressa that has over 10 miles of margin, 3 miles long and over 2 mile wide and that not taking into account the smaller section the other side of the causeway,
    interesting fact: this ressa was used by 617 squadron (dam busters) for practice runs with the bouncing bombs for their campaign on the Rhur, during this practice it was refered to as 'colchester lake' 😛
  24. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in Bite Alarm Help   
    The order they were caught was 26, 20, 26, 16, all caught in January a couple of years ago on a 4 night session. I was just about to photograph the second 26 when the best looking fish of the lot took, that beautiful double.
    Picture order is the third fish was the 20lb, the top was the second 26.
  25. Like
    crusian reacted to yonny in A Bit Of Interactive Bank Chat   
    Yes. Although im beginning to regret selling the armo lol
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