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I only get to go every now and then, so wouldn't know for sure. It worked for me on 2 very weedy waters. I know a few fish farmers who swear by it for clearing the silt and carp off the deck. The fish love it and tear up the weeds. We used on my mates little 2 acre pond in one swim that was full of Canadian and 4"of silt, within several weeks it was hard bottom and lilly pads came up which he'd never seen there before. He'd tried dye, weed cutters, hand balling it, nothing worked like it. Effortless2 points
New bedchair, HOW MUCH?
elmoputney and one other reacted to commonly for a topic
We can't help having a bulky build mate, 8-10 stone would be fine on these type of beds. This one is in the running https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235391171203?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8py9PnHURjO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=yW-jXGLIRqK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY2 points -
elmoputney and one other reacted to commonly for a topic
If you can go secret squirrel, try hydrated lime several pva bags and in a several weeks those spots will be clear as a dinner plate.. Just keep it subtle though, as has been said, other anglers will soon be on your spots2 points -
New bedchair, HOW MUCH?
commonly and one other reacted to salokcinnodrog for a topic
Have a look on eBay, there were a good number of Solar Undercover bedchairs for sale, they look like unsold stock. I've been using mine for a few years now and if I was to be really picky, it would be legs don't lock out, BUT, if it's properly levelled out there is no problem. When you break the 30lb it is really special!2 points -
Delkim EV alarm fault
elmoputney and one other reacted to ouchthathurt for a topic
I used to spray them with WD40 and wipe off the excess prior to a wet and windy session which improved this somewhat, yet my boys “budget” fox mini microns at £20 a pop have got completely soaked, dropped, stored in a damp garage covered in mud and all he’s ever had to do is change the batteries once in the last 2 years. They’ve never missed a beat Well a night in front of the log burner has dried them right out and solved the issue, so I guess it was moisture in the alarm as suspected2 points -
Supermarket type liquids
elmoputney reacted to jh92 for a topic
Lidls cream liquor and condensed milk are two that I use 👍 also used evaporated milk in the past 👍1 point -
Supermarket type liquids
elmoputney reacted to framey for a topic
Any will work. if fish are like humans some may hate it 🫣🫣😜1 point -
Thanks mate, if I don't get far with raking it with the Gardner rake and baiting particles at the end of each session, I will give it a try 👍👍 I've been quite lucky over the last month I've been able to get on the same swim fishing to the same spot, at first there was a bit of weed out there but I started baiting heavily with particles at the end of each session and now I'm starting to get a nice donk with the lead. But by the sounds of it using lime will be more efficient 🤣1 point
Black nuts
elmoputney reacted to greekskii for a topic
I mean they are white inside so they do look good mixed with those two tbf.1 point -
elmoputney reacted to jh92 for a topic
Would it make the spot unfishable for a few weeks, like once the lime is on the spot, would fish avoid it? I've been and got a Gardner weed rake to put on my spod rod to try 👍1 point -
1 point
jh92 reacted to salokcinnodrog for a topic
I don't like dumping the lead unless I absolutely have to, and never on helicopter setups as it is the lead staying on that ensures that the rig can come off the other end of the break-off should such a thing occur. The slimy green algae silkweed in any water is a nightmare but Canadian is not too bad. Even with a plain lead you can pull in plenty of weed, with a marker lead or wired lead like @ouchthathurt pictured you should be able to clear quite a patch, just don't leave it obviously on the bank. I've done that on my syndicate and one person was waiting for me not to be there to take advantage of my effort, so I started clearing at an angle, i.e. not directly in front of the piles of weed.1 point -
Rod Shots
B B reacted to elmoputney for a topic
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jh92 reacted to ouchthathurt for a topic
1 point -
Supermarket type liquids
kevtaylor reacted to Old_Skool_Carper for a topic
meet an angler the other week who was moaning about his £13, 115ml kordaRipOFF goo lol so gave him my recipe ....was gonna write up a new post, did a search and this thread came up... yeah @Pete Springate's Guns ya post is bang on what i use but i add 1 more ingredient which is molasses. Vecon - Fish Sauce - Molasses, all in equal measures, told the said angler ya can buy Squid Brand Fish Sauce 725ml...for £2.50 from sainsburys you simply adjust the consistency using the Fish Sauce, told him ya can make a liter for chump change! AND most of all WORKS MUCH BETTER THAN ANY ripoff BAIT-TackleBARRON c r a p! case in point, a mate that took me babel fishing last year, he raved about his 'sticky' glug! Hmm...he BLANKED all morning next to me, while my CHEAPO secretSauce had the rod bend over every hour with some lovely barbel!1 point -
Has the mania about otters died down?
kevtaylor reacted to salokcinnodrog for a topic
They had to fence the area in Norfolk that Springwatch was filmed on. Quite amusing seeing on television an otter raiding and killing a coot and it's nest on a bird reserve.1 point -
Best bit is the RSPB have also fenced some waters they also use terriers and shooters on their land otters are over protected think the longterm plan is to introduce a animal that will compete with the otter, same people that think foxes do vermin control by feeding on rats, the level of denial is frightening.1 point
Has the mania about otters died down?
kevtaylor reacted to salokcinnodrog for a topic
It's still a big thing. Waters that can't be fenced are under threat, even a water that is fenced, the fence needs regular inspection. A fallen branch, a hole, otters soon get in. Like @kevtaylor my water isn't fenced, and I have seen otters on there, although the fish we lost were pike, one common had tail damage. A syndicate member was playing a pike and then just got reeled. I found his trace around 50metres away from the lake in the meadow, and I have found pike heads and skulls on the bank. The only protection is the gamekeeper!1 point -
A lot of my waters have been ruined by otters tbh, there's not many being caught from the tidal anymore.. we've seen otters swimming about and found dead fish in the hedges and reeds etc, wasn't long ago we found a big mirror all chewed up in the hedge, was probably a 20+. The canal has lost a few old ones as well, it does get restocked by the local club but a lot of the old fish have gone. A local pond has got a fence up now but lost most of its original stock. They were really old fish, owners estimate were around 40 years old. I cant say for certain but they were apparently priory fish? I'm not too clued up on that though lol We've got otters on the reservoirs as well. They seem to be on all the unfenced waters around here 🤷♂️ It's a shame but tbh a lot of these waters I've stopped fishing, I still like a go on one of my reservoirs as there's still a good stock there and still some bigguns left, but I mainly fish a fenced complex now on a season ticket and moving forward I'm gonna spend most of my time here 👍1 point
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