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As you may be able to guess, I'm in need of a new bedchair.

Cheap ones below £100 don't tend to be much good in my limited experience.

Being just a lot over weight, I need an 8 leg decent quality bed. But, at £450 + I'm struggling to justify that amount

This is just blatant Carp tax & exploitation,  as with nearly everything else these days, I feel I'm being ripped off.😏

I'd be happy to pay around £200-250ish, but the choices are very limited.

Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions? Ta


8 leg you are probably looking at 

Avid revolve x 

JRC Cocoon ii 

Trakker RLX 8 Leg 

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235391171203?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8py9PnHURjO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=yW-jXGLIRqK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY this is rated to 25 stone and a sleep system too. Seen one at carp show but can't vouch for it. 

I guess if you can go to a shop and try one maybe? 


Posted (edited)

Solar do or did a cheap version of their SP Tech - I bought it cos it's lighter for my long barrow trips.  Only paid £205 and I think that's a good price.  Whilst I've had it less than a year I think it's no longer a thing unless you can find old stock - possibly 'Undercover Pro Sleep System' or similar - I put it on the New Purchases thread some time ago.


Edited by kevtaylor

Would second hand be an option mate? I've got the indulgence ss4 wide boy and it's been an absolute game changer for me, I can do a week session on it without any issues lol. It handled me at 17 stone 🤣


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