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Everything posted by commonly

  1. I hope the birds leave you alone mate. Bd lucky
  2. O! Damn, I've had a quick look and see any, but I'm mot signing up to Facepack. Maybe your OP was plagued with predicted text and just twisted my melon
  3. It was meant as a bit of fun mate. Reading your post is a bit of a word salad and quite hard to understand
  4. Maybe give it a miss before you post?
  5. Have you bunked off work?
  6. Lovely fresh spring morning. Nothing else to report, so far.....
  7. I'm in damp proofing, so I'm looking forward to some extra business👌 Eco warriors, think they're doing the right thing, without actually weighing up the real world consequences. See the size of the rats in Brum!!!
  8. It is quite heavy, but has the feel of decent quality and adequate strength to take my weight. Trying it out on the weekend, so I will let you know 👍
  9. This just arrived. Got a £15 off voucher. Seems good quality and comfy, time will tell Thanks for the suggestions gents
  10. commonly

    March catch reports

    Lovely golden lump, nice one. Zig, or bottom bait?
  11. Get on it then mate.
  12. Great in principle, but a few flaws imo. I would always want a groundsheet and don't want to make a hole in it, then when I put my weight on it, the bank stick would just sink into the ground, thus not providing any support. Just say it's really hard ground and I did put a hole in groundsheet, I don't think the plastic butt rest would last very long. Thanks anyway
  13. As far as I know it's lake exclusive booking and last time I checked its pretty much booked up until 2026!!
  14. If it works, I'll have to nick a bit of that😉
  15. commonly


    I only get to go every now and then, so wouldn't know for sure. It worked for me on 2 very weedy waters. I know a few fish farmers who swear by it for clearing the silt and carp off the deck. The fish love it and tear up the weeds. We used on my mates little 2 acre pond in one swim that was full of Canadian and 4"of silt, within several weeks it was hard bottom and lilly pads came up which he'd never seen there before. He'd tried dye, weed cutters, hand balling it, nothing worked like it. Effortless
  16. We can't help having a bulky build mate, 8-10 stone would be fine on these type of beds. This one is in the running https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235391171203?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8py9PnHURjO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=yW-jXGLIRqK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  17. Thanks Nick. With my bulk I really want an 8 leg one.
  18. commonly


    If you can go secret squirrel, try hydrated lime several pva bags and in a several weeks those spots will be clear as a dinner plate.. Just keep it subtle though, as has been said, other anglers will soon be on your spots
  19. I've got a back up cheapy. I'd be happy with any common over 28lb🤩
  20. Thanks @jh92 I'm undecided ATM, I'll be in touch.
  21. As you may be able to guess, I'm in need of a new bedchair. Cheap ones below £100 don't tend to be much good in my limited experience. Being just a lot over weight, I need an 8 leg decent quality bed. But, at £450 + I'm struggling to justify that amount This is just blatant Carp tax & exploitation, as with nearly everything else these days, I feel I'm being ripped off.😏 I'd be happy to pay around £200-250ish, but the choices are very limited. Just wondered if anyone has any suggestions? Ta
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