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Everything posted by commonly

  1. Avid. Nice n warm
  2. Just a thought have you tried tightening or replacing the elastic cords on your chair. I do it every few months until it wants changing. Loads cheaper than buying a new one mate
  3. Apart from the hood mate its no better. Quick look says its 5kg heavier, never heard of the brand but who knows. I did like the hood look.but the ones i went in at a show were lower head height being 6ft & 16 odd stone i like a bit of room to move so went for the jrc as seemed bigger. Im sure theres loads out there fella
  4. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/172811400180?_mwBanner=1 It would seem most tackle shops have sold out 75 quid on the bay. Cant say enough how good this bivvy is with twin skin, unlike the one you're looking at so you will end up with condensation etc. Look at the write up on this https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/jrc-sti-twin-skin-mk2 I see some shops with it still in stock are charging 380 odd!!!!
  5. http://www.pippingford.co.uk/coarse-fishing Hi Ian Found it. Lived in this area for around 9 years & never heard of it before. Definately worth a look if membership is available. Thanks
  6. I went to the ice rink they had up there at xmas. As you say very weird, wierd!.. I was told of a beast in the little pond on coombe hill rd. Asked the new warden of the apartments if i could fish but was told no. Where abouts is pippngford park?? Have you fished Weirwood? I heard theres a new owner again.
  7. I don't normally fish either matey, i did go stalking yhete a few years ago with a local mate, from what he said the bigger carp from both the hedgecourt lakes have been nicked. I think its egac water, not sure if theres any tench thete, probably because i haven't heard of tench thefts. Heard the same of the Poles eating all the fish at Lakeside. Recently tried hunters lodge with my young son & a mate on the smaller lake. My mates going to join for £30 & 25 for every24hrs. Supposed to be a few 40's
  8. I hear you. If youve been to one youve seen whats on offer! Check price online. I use erics for bigger purchases, ask for Sam (met him @ big one, true to his word, which is rare these days) & they'll beat internet prices.
  9. Wire mill is just before beaver farm on the left of A22. Supposed to have a few20+ but only been there once. Had a few nice looking early doubles. Rumour has it some of the fish from beaver made it in there when we had floods a few years ago. Ive seen other pleasure anglers having pleanty of silvers. Good for fiver in the honesty box + the food in the pubs great if you get hungry. Just spent friday at Hunters lodge. On A264 near M26 Copthorne. Not a big venue 6 swims/anglers on each lake. Took my 5 yr old for his 1st overnighter. Great fun. We had 12 fish, Lovely looking commons & plated mirrors upto early doubles on jacks lake. Sposed to hold a few 40s on Micks lake!! £25 reasonable price.
  10. This carp fishing lark dont get cheaper mate. It seems you always need/want something else/ better. I cant even buy bait without a few other bits & bobs, before you know it you've done 40-50 quid. Sounds like you've got the right idea. Try some of the shows, carp society is around xmas, you can usually get a bargain there.
  11. If you can fella find a few more quid the sti twin skin (god knows what no.) has got the vents, in good weather i dont use the winter skin. You can see the stars etc. Other anglers often comment how good it looks, for £200(erics angling) it"s as good as bivvies twice the price. No condensation, packed away wet no probs, zips & peg tags all designed to last.
  12. Jrc. Cant go wrong excellent quality. My mates had his getting in 10yrs,apart from a bit weather beaten, its still in perfect working order.
  13. Antil tangle sleeves are like tail rubbers & will go over the swivel from hookilnk at lead/ clip to mainline or leader. Personally i dont use shrink tube. The rigmarole fluro to swivel i use 3 turn blood knot or loop knot. Then the anti tangle pushed up over the knot, if it moves push it over the eye of the swivel. It shouldnt make any difference on lead arrangement. A few more edges. Pull everything down with pulling tool, chod pen & i only started last year sharpening the hookpoint & ensuring its sharp every time it goes out
  14. I dont tend to push the bait onto the swivel this allows more movement. I also use an anti tangle sleeve from the lead or clip just for peace of mind that the trap is set!! Goid luck fella
  15. The size of pop up will depend on the bottom bait. I cut off 1/4 of bottom bait with a craft knife. The same with the pop up. Check how it sits in a bucket or the margins, you can trim down the pop up accordingly, u want it to sink slowly, i waft my hand in the bucket & check how it moves. You'll know when its sitting nicely.
  16. I use stiff rigmarole fluro, size 6 krank, 3 turn blood knot allows a bit of movement in the hook, micro swivel held with rigmarole hook stop, floss to attach bottom, snowman or wafter. Excellent hookholds, never lost a fish on this rig.
  17. I wish try 20 nights for my current ticket!!! Only went somewhere else as my lake was closed for spawning
  18. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjA2LSeuLDVAhWCu-0KHQPzC9cYABAGGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.co.uk&cid=CAESEeD2AGL0uQzJY5okmOuHn1jg&sig=AOD64_31wHoZZHVMVriHHZEVfvGi9pMo6Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiTy66euLDVAhUCK1AKHTDXD9UQwg8IIg&adurl= I hope this link is it. Bought jrc 2 man sti twin skin 4 years ago. Erics angling £200. On good advice from a mate whos had his 3 years longer, his is still in good condition as is mine. Packed it away wet a couple of times, no problems as i found mould on others in the past. Excellent quality & value.. Im 6ft,got a wide bedchair. Loads of room. Highly reccomend it
  19. Go on then. Where's docking?
  20. Unless I'm in a bag, I always put anti tangle sleeves at swivel end fella. always kicks the bait away from the lead
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