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Everything posted by commonly

  1. commonly

    Silly Rules

    You remind me of a member from a while ago??
  2. commonly

    Silly Rules

    The lakes I've heard to have it, have remained open. Cash is king unfortunately, see khv on past thread
  3. commonly

    Silly Rules

    Reminds me of a dump I had the misfortune of fishing in my early carp days. The nets were large mesh! On scaffold poles, unhooking mats had literally no padding, so you may as well of unhooked it on the bank. Omg, good idea but very few owner's will invest time or money. I'm neither a boat or drone owner, I just find it annoying that people without, pee and moan about those that have. If another angler is being a nuisance I'd have a word, but I don't encounter that kind of angler. Each to his own imo
  4. commonly

    Silly Rules

    you won’t get 48hrs of sunshine to dry off kit thoroughly. Air dried is the way that seems to be the most accepted form of control in the circles I know & with a stiff breeze it won't take too long to dry your kit or if stored correctly it would dry at home /garage/shed. Any decent angler will & should do their bit. I have several nets, for different waters. Linear fisheries? Arguably the best & busiest day ticket waters in the country. No dips. Not sure of their disease policy. Imo, if I had to dip my net, sling & matt, or go elsewhere then I'm off.
  5. commonly

    Silly Rules

    Barbless hooks, no boats, no drones, net dip, fish from swim only (no stalking?) all the commy rules, if the bailiff sees something wrong he should right that wrong or tell 'em to leave. As above, noddys affect peoples perspectives & certain rules apply to every aspect of life, but come on! This one is amusing, won't name the venue. 36hr fishing! You have to hand your rods to baillif for 12hrs, then you can fish again but only 36 on & 12 off???
  6. That's me, but I'll only use forceps if the hook has been swallowed, not that that's been a carp. Bream & pike! These type of rules, along with waders from another thread, really get my goat! I make it a rule to not fish venues with pointless (& barbless) rules! & I fish some of the countries top venues.
  7. I'm no expert bud, but as above use the cat to lick up krank, much stronger imo. I've never had one bend & have been using them since they first came out a few years ago. 100% pukka hook hold. I tried the chod (oops, zig!), with foam n old pop up. Couldn't get hold of zig foam nigewoodcock spoke of, but got avid zig balls. Nice presentation. No perch, so that's a step in the right direction.
  8. Well no surprise I blanked at the weekend, storm conditions Friday, tail end Saturday, drowned packing up yesterday morning. (hate packing up in the rain). Spoke to a member about the kamakura hooks, he said no good they get bent?? As yonny said they do need a little more work to get that sticky sharp point I'm after. Then I found out for myself, Saturday lunchtime reeled in & it was bent with gape widened. No such problem with the Krank (that was sharpened to perfection) . I won't be tying those overpriced hooks any time soon! Keep sharp (not bent) , practice makes perfect!
  9. I had the same thought a few years ago, kept getting done by little perch! Goddammit, looks awesome though. Let us know how you get on
  10. When I say trimming, I cut an 1/8th of each, to give flat to flat surface, minute amount of glue to stop the 2 separating, as I found that to an issue in the past, due to the length of hair I have. Tend to trim the pop up to get the balance I'm after.
  11. Good one, I hadn't considered that. My intention would be to trim a bit & similarly a pop up, superglue before putting on the hair. How much is likely to dispute, do you think? This may effect the balance as ideally I like to be 2-3 inch off the bottom. Headscratcher!!!
  12. Just waiting on delivery of 5k of Scopex squid, got some cultured hook baits too. Has anyone tried them? Fri and Sat night, can't wait!
  13. Bite time is known to be the morning, so I'd need to set the trap before dark ideally. I've seen the odd fish show in the middle of the lake. The average depth is 6-7ft. Weed is 3-4, if not to the surface. I suppose I need to second guess where they are going to be on the first morning. I will try to spot shows, to be better prepared for the next. Any thoughts for depth on the first night?
  14. I know, I deserve a good ribbing. I've felt a right plum all day, I Can fish honest
  15. So that arrangement of foam is your go to? Is that a supple hair? I have 10 & 12 lb mono, would you go heavier in dense canadian weed? I've only ever had pasties & perch, with foam or the bugs.
  16. My brain has turned to mush!! Had a week to forget! I have been on about chods, since Thursday & there you are offering your wisdom on zigs. My bad, sorry. So back on topic, which hook type?? I've tried wide gape, curve shank & chod, but wouldn't be more confident in any of them. Cracking fish! Did you bait the area?
  17. Looks good, that foam looks a lot wider than the type I have.
  18. Noted. Sorry, I meant the hook link length from ring swivel to hook. I try to get the short, but with my chubby fingers I normally end up around 2-3 inches.
  19. Stupid as it's so simple, but I'd never thought of that! Cool How long would you have your hook link in the weed?
  20. Do you use an aligner or just a band?
  21. Just off to have a play at my local for a few hrs, no weed so a bit easier than the syndicate.
  22. I appreciate your help, & I'm feeling confident as your respones are in line with my thoughts. Now at the business end, pop up? I know some lasso them, I use a fine bait needle & floss, I can't bear the thought it may come loose. the pop ups, I use don't tend to take on water. Still buoyant after 12+ hrs. Sometimes I will whittle them to a dumbell shape. Since this conversation has started, I'm wondering wether to to try zig foam or something different to the norm. Any pointers welcome
  23. Again I've heard differing theories, heavy or light lead??
  24. My inline, will drop the lead. & the hook link, tied to the double ring swivel, is cushioned by tail rubber to the swivel, on a take. Excuse my stupidly, but wouldn't the clip have to be the wrong way round to drop the lead on the zig, helicopter presentation?? Or do you mean clips to hold the hook length up the line?
  25. Yes I'm always naked!!! 😉 I meant the lead drop systems. I use the naked chod beads. Ensuring the rig will go to the swivel when any tension is applied, Swivel, protect the line with anti tangle sleeve wrong way round, with a tail rubber holding it in place on the inline insert. I've heard different theories on this, but do fish slack or tight line?
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