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Everything posted by commonly

  1. There was talk of banning them when the lake record died pre spawning, but I'd be OK. I've not had a lot of luck with them. The drop lead rule kind makes it all a bit gangly! I've tried the fox & Korda systems, but don't feel too confident in them. I make my own with a bit of tubing and anti tangle sleeve. I hate the thought of there being a snag in the weed, if the lead didn't drop, it could end up just smacking the fish.
  2. Are they the ones that need a wire to connect the alarms to each other? If so pm me
  3. From what I've seen you do very well and I'm guessing you have a good head of fish to go for on your water. My decent syndi is 9 acre with only 32 known fish. My targets are the 4-5 Redmire strain commons, all 30+. I'm intending to use Scopex Squid next time out, + kamakura's😉. I only get the odd 48 sesh. I want to maximize my chances anyway possible. I've only had a small stocky so far, better than some but the weekly lads do 6-10 a season. I'm confident in the rig I caught on, but would like to try something new on the other rod(2 rod only) which I always try something different with. Which rig would you suggest, known spots in each swim & 3-4ft canadian everywhere else!!!
  4. Is that with bigger hook baits? I normally have 18-20mm boilies, trimmed with pop up to required position 2-6"
  5. This is what I have. Paid the same money in the tackle shop. https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/JAG-Hook-Sharpening-Kit-Carp-Fishing-Tackle/897871507?iid=152613105918&chn=ps&ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F710-134428-41853-0%2F2%3Fmpre%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ebay.co.uk%252Fp%252FJAG-Hook-Sharpening-Kit-Carp-Fishing-Tackle%252F897871507%253Fiid%253D152613105918%2526chn%253Dps%26itemid%3D152613105918%26targetid%3D489915641474%26device%3Dm%26adtype%3Dpla%26googleloc%3D1006689%26poi%3D%26campaignid%3D1458126932%26adgroupid%3D55146917885%26rlsatarget%3Dpla-489915641474%26abcId%3D1139086%26merchantid%3D7441614%26gclid%3DCj0KCQjwrszdBRDWARIsAEEYhrfRLqBeQjNvYZwkRy_0WZie0uo6R2Y9pPwXJe5VDfIMJ-CzwfW57rMaAh3BEALw_wcB%26srcrot%3D710-134428-41853-0%26rvr_id%3D1689902506745%26rvr_ts%3D36621d081660a99c6231b2e6fff4e1fe Sorry about the enormous link. Lol. No good with tech
  6. I prefer the flat file, in the vice, it's more uniform the amount of strokes in a given direction.
  7. I wouldn't know, but take your word for it bud. Ive done well with them so gives me confidence. I'm going to order some size 6 Kamakuras. Snowman popped off the bottom is my usual hook bait. Whats your preferred size yonny? Do these count as bent hooks?? Not an issue for my ticket waters, but I have noticed some rules on various venues have a ban on bent hooks.
  8. It's the only hook I use for that reason. I believe Tom dove had something to do with the development of it. The krank choddy is the same, near perfect hook holds. I've only had 1hook pull in the past few years, every other bite has put a fish in the net.
  9. If you can get the jag kit. Comes with 3 files, magnifying glass and a vice. Very useful if you have chubby fingers like me And a pen to reduce rust time
  10. it amazes my how many guys don't do it. I've shown a few of my mates the results of a few strokes a file will make and they still just tie up with hooks straight out of the pack! You can lead a horse to water!
  11. I've been doing it for the last 3 years & will select only the sharpest one's from the pack to begin with. Bin the blunt one's. Thanks for your feedback., nice to hear someone else's opinion. I was only going on what I'd been told. They are a few quid dearer but if it gives me an edge, then I'm on it.
  12. Just seen someone I'd regard as a top angler. He's raving about these new hooks, chemically sharpened beyond any file. Reckons a regular night he'd have 3-4 fish, done 12 the other night!!! Now I'd say this time of year you may get another couple, but that number is impressive & worth switching for an improved catch rate. Like he said it made him feel like he'd been getting done before. https://www.tackleuk.co.uk/SiteAssets/Products/800-800/fhbprxdg636719313013867630.jpg
  13. Dry or prepared?
  14. This seems as good a thread as any. In recent discussions I have been minded to use Scopex Squid. One of the write ups says an angler tore my syndicate lake to pieces with it! Nash seem to be the main supplier, but wondered if anyone knows of a reliable source?
  15. Not been for years, I know someone who has, but not my cup of tea. It used to be in a terrible state with lines trailing everywhere. Commy cash cow is the impression I have of the venue. I used to have a syndicate ticket near there. Nice little 2acre with a good stock of British carp. Maybe available for private hire. Pm if interested. Meynards is supposed to be good. Not fished it personally, but it's in that area.
  16. Lakeside, Chichester, West Sussex. A few lakes I think and some lovely beaches nearby
  17. Makes sense I guess? Surely not every angler is fishing Maggot though? Unless your sponsored maggots get expensive when you buy gallons, which is why I was surprised to notice limits being put in the rules. If I remember rightly wasn't it mid year, my syndi was closed for spawning, so planned to go oxlease, first time ever, it was closed! There must be so much rotten bait on the bed in that lake! & other pressured waters. Had the same issue a few weeks back , booked to stay at lakeside chichester, planned to fish Vinnetrow. Closed. Low oxygen levels in this case.
  18. Excellent winter bait, get the odd pike and perch too. I've noticed a lot of waters now will limit the amount, 4pints a day? They must mess with the eco system I guess?
  19. I had the same problem with the trekker big snooze, only used it handful of times and the shop where I bought it said it was wear and tear!! My avid one is holding up a lot better, been through the wash a few times & no sign of wear and tear!
  20. Thanks for the link yonny. Good reading there. My water is a drop the lead rule, instant ban! So after a bit of experimenting, & due to the mountainous canadian weed. I am naked to a drop off fox in line, with a sinker wrapped in putty 2ft up the line. I use 4-4,5oz up to 100 yds. 4_5"combi rig with a large split shot where the braid is stripped off the fluro of Hydrolink, to set the hook. Pop up or snowman. I tend to get the hook bait 2-3" off the bottom, with a few freebies in stocking, which helps avoid tangles. I will play around with lengths & not necessarily drop the lead on other waters. I often get liners, but put that down to fish & movement of the weed. With this setup I definitely know when it's a take & have a 100% land rate & confidence in it. From the rotary, in my early days of fishing & carping I used to use a small 1/2 oz in line ball lead to devistating effect. Fond memories and stirs up the grey matter to uses nowadays.
  21. Well here's hoping someone knows a bit more about Belgium now!!! One off my bucketlist., I'd love to go & fish for a few days before or after the F1, which is the last weekend of August. I've looked at blues Lake, very nice but very busy. Does anyone know of any good carp lakes in that part of the world?
  22. Forget the small one at that range, go medium or large. You'll have a lot more control on the cast & you won't have to put so much in. Imo the small ones are for margins. I use the Albright knot to join lines.
  23. The lengths we go to!! Some might say your mad!!
  24. I use 15lb subline (Korda) mainly to satisfy syndi 0.4mm rule. It's very weedy & I have confidence in it, sinks like a brick, but can go springy. I always cut off 2-3 rod lengths, more if I've had a good scrap! I must admit though, it's pure laziness that I use it, as it's the only line in the local tackle shop, that meets the diameter rule.
  25. Yes, Arma mesh. It has its uses, I tried it for a sesh at my syndi, with luncheon meat, trying to be different! Had a mid double, angry pike. The mesh stayed on the hair even in the mouth full of those gnarly teeth!
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