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jh92 last won the day on July 2

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  1. jh92

    New purchases

    Maybe thinks you went into angling direct or another big store? πŸ€” Is the groundbait by sonubaits any good?
  2. Has anyone fished this lake? Looking at going for the all inclusive package where you just bring your reels, alarms, sleeping bag, tackle and then everything else is provided. Any information or anything would be great πŸ‘
  3. jh92

    New purchases

    I will let you guys know how it performs, also got a cheap spomb and some pullers and baiting needles. Seems like a bargain but probs utter rubbish 🀣🀣
  4. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€£πŸ€£ It's the setting up/packing down I hate when it's raining, you got all the faff of trying to dry it all at homeπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ I'm looking at a day ticket on a new res for tomorrow, but heavy rain is on the forecast and I can't bring myself to do it 🀣 My best session was 24 hours in storm, probably shouldn't of been fishing with a red weather warning but in the space of 5 hours I done 4 20s, believe two was a 27 and a 29, then a pb common of 31.5 πŸ€™ It was really weird conditions, the sky went like a moody yellow colour, torrential rain with a stream of water running out from under the ground sheet and it was really close and humid. At one point I was bringing in a fish with the tip under the water because i had lightning cracking above 😭🀣
  5. jh92

    New purchases

    https://www.cut-tail-baits.co.uk/product/nozzle-kit-witches-hat Gonna give these precut nozzles a go πŸ€™
  6. If you do go for one with aniseed in, I recommend bucktons pigeon conditioner, smells lovely when prepped πŸ€™
  7. Yeah mate very disappointed with myself. That's me back on the wagon now πŸ‘πŸ€£ quite a few 20s and a couple 30s came out of the water I was gonna fish πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Looking at the bank balance this morning and seeing the price I was paying on rounds is soul destroying 🀣🀣I'm trying to forget the rubbish I was waffling, hopefully I don't bump into them for a while πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£
  8. Feel like I'm getting old, can't handle a hang over anymore 🀣🀣 went out for a few after work on Saturday with plans to go fishing Sunday for a 24... strolled in early hours Sunday, ended up ill on the sofa until last night 😭 also feeling very sorry for myself today🀣🀣
  9. jh92

    New purchases

    Well that was chaotic, took a few attempts getting it all lined up correctly to auto cut the sausage etc 🀣🀣🀣 I've learnt a lot in the last hour, the machine is quick and I was not prepared for how quick the tray filled up with baits and getting them into the other trays before the next lot came out the machine πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£ The machine came with a precut nozzle but will need to cut a new one for future use as the one it came with is producing dumbells at the moment lol Not a problem tho cos they will be going out by boat/spomb πŸ‘ Been boiling them on the cooker until the first few float then putting them into trays to dry, but it's a slow process so gonna need to get a burco or maybe a fryer πŸ€” Anyway I'm happy with it, just need to get a routine sorted and it will produce a lot of bait in no time πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  10. jh92

    New purchases

    Took a while to sort out because of work etc. But have pretty much everything sorted now (dough mixer next on the list lol) Just washed the extruder and gave the roller a wipe down to get the factory residue off, got a batch of basemix weighed up, so will be rolling in the next hour or so. Will post some updates. Hopefully it goes well πŸ‘πŸ€£
  11. I think most particles can spoil after a while mate and can put the fish off πŸ€” I prefer to use fresh, up to a few days old. I also drain/freeze it in zip lock bags, store the juices in a bottle in the freezer and when thawing out add it back to the particle with some extras. I normally use condensed milk and evaporated milk. Makes a nice cloud πŸ‘ My particle mix at the moment is hemp, standard and jumbo tigers, whole maize and flaked maize. Jumbo tiger with a piece of pop up maize as the hook bait πŸ‘
  12. That's wicked mate, do they fight well?
  13. My local has spawned twice this year already and its driving me nuts, both times it kicked off early hours when I was booked on πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£
  14. Can anyone suggest an air compressor for a 8kg extruder? From my understanding I need an 8 bar one that is oil free. I'm not too sure on the tank size though. Also, does low noise/silent ones work as efficiently as a normal one? Thanks πŸ‘
  15. Excuse the legs 🀣 Been feeding a pair of Robins on the last few seasons and I'm sure they've been taking the food back to a nest πŸ‘Œ its got to a point where they come to the door and wait for me to give them something 🀣
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