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jh92 last won the day on September 13 2024

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  1. Just mixed up 20kg of basemix by hand and did not enjoy it 🀣🀣 with my mixer i have 3 attachments, paddle, hook and whisk. Would one of these be good for mixer the powders together? Any suggestions would be great πŸ‘
  2. Thanks I will have a look πŸ‘
  3. @yonny @kevtaylor with the SJ9 what would you wear underneath it? Just having a look at this: https://johnsonrosstackle.co.uk/snugpak-clothing/16045-11608-snugpak-sj9-jacket-dpm-camo.html#/16,size,xl
  4. I believe you can get an electric blanket that you plug into a power pack. For me if it's cold I'll keep myself wrapped up, decent boots, decent socks, longjohns, with joggers over the top, thermal top with a t shirt, hoodie, coat, wooly hat and gloves. In the bivvy I don't mess with heaters, I'll take a hot water bottle for the sleeping bag πŸ‘ tbh, if it's too cold I just won't bother going 🀣
  5. Na mate, I will try a belt or a velcro strap and see how it goes πŸ‘
  6. Didn't think of that mate, yeah maybe like a leather belt or something to strap over it will pin it down enough to stop it moving. It's a pvc stand that I can screw into the bench, but the extruder just sits ontop freely, so yeah a strap is probably the way to go πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£ The chest freezer is slowly filling up, cooked up 5kg of hemp the other night, doing 5kg of tigers this morning πŸ€™
  7. Suppose it all depends on the quantity you're doing and if you enjoy it mate, if it's only for like a kilo or two probably worth just buying them lol. Getting everything set up today, need to make a new stand for the extruder as the one supplied doesn't stay in a fixed position and can move, throwing the sausage off the roller. Head ache 🀣
  8. But does it ruin the bait completely, or is it just the 'skin' like once it starts breaking down past that, will it be good again? I don't boil for very long, just to get a skin on them and for the hookbaits I'll boil to the first one floats lol Still all a learning curve for me πŸ‘πŸ€£
  9. I'm yet to try it but I've got a pellet attachment for my extruder and the company recommend using water instead of eggs, adding liquids are fine, then left to dry by air. This is their recommendation though so I can't comment on breakdown times or how effective it is lol. I believe you can use eggs if you want but using water will break down a lot quicker πŸ‘
  10. Any thoughts on boiling vs steaming baits?
  11. I'm gonna have a hunt around over the next few weeks and see if I can get anything locally, I'm down in Devon and we have farms everywhere πŸ‘πŸ€£ The lt94 mix I'm using works out about Β£8.50 - Β£9 per kilo, that's including the eggs and liquids tho lol. I haven't worked out the nutty mix yet as I don't know how many eggs/liquids it's going to take per kilo. But the price of wpc80 and calcium caseinate is a bit nuts 🀣 I'm gonna have time to next week to give it a good go and gonna time myself to see how much I can knock out in a day. The manufacturer of the rolling machine is saying it will do 100kg in 18mm easily in a day. But I haven't used the mixer yet so unsure of the time it's gonna take to mix the basemix lol. I do expect its gonna take a few attempts to fine tune it and get a bit of a system in place, but I'm hopeful πŸ’ͺ🀣 It's all good fun though, I would like to make bait as a side hustle but if it don't work out that's cool, I've got all the equipment to make bait really easily and will serve me well in the years to come with the waters I fish. I don't really fish tricky waters, I like working a swim where I'm spombing out a lot of bait everyday lol.
  12. Yeah mate the price of eggs have gone right up over the last couple years 😬🀣 I haven't used any of it yet but I have seen I can get 20l of frozen egg for 32.99. Has anyone used that stuff before? Also gonna have a look if there's other options I can play with πŸ‘
  13. Yeah man I use hemp oil in my lt94 mix πŸ‘I do think to make it cost effective and worth your time you've gotta be buying and rolling in bulk lol I tried doing it all by hand with tables etc and 9 times out of 10 I'd just end up going out and buying a few bags of boilies because I couldn't be bothered with the hassle 🀣
  14. Tbh I haven't used any flavours yet, with yours I would probably try a small batch of how you've already got it and take it from there mate πŸ‘ I could be totally off with this but I haven't really bought into the idea of these flavourings, i like to think if you've got a bait full of goodness in front of a carp, they are most likely going to eat it regardless of the flavour🀣 Only thing I might add is a little bit of oil to help with rolling πŸ‘ best of luck mate let us know how it rolls πŸ‘Œ I might have a dabble with some flavours when I start rolling some pop ups, but that probably won't be until summer. One thing at time for me 🀣
  15. I'm just kind of winging it mate lol. I'll read bait making pages on social media, websites etc and then put a recipe together myself with what I think will work. I'll download the spec for each ingredient and have a look then just have a read online about what it contains. The sheets you can download when viewing an ingredient. I'm using aabaits for my stuff, I'm not sure if other suppliers have them available to download/viewπŸ‘ I also have a book about baits by Tim Paisley which has some cool stuff about absorption rates of different proteins etc. It's a little too technical for me at the moment as I'm still learning, but I do find it fun 🀣
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