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Everything posted by crusian

  1. crusian

    Loop Knot

    That's very interesting knot , Nick , I'd never heard of it before . 😃
  2. crusian

    Loop Knot

    Thanks Mufty . 😃
  3. crusian

    Loop Knot

    Hello everyone When tying a loop knot for a Multi Rig ( the loop that goes over the hook ) would you use a standard loop knot ( "granny knot " ) or a figure of eight loop knot pls. ? . Ta 😃
  4. Well don't tell anyone then Phil 🤐 . When you do use these pop ups Phil what do you feed with please ? . 😃
  5. Oh dear , didn't you have a second rod to put out a pink almond pop up on ? . Well if mate no.4 didn't go that's an extra 1/4 of a pie for the 4 of you who went ! 😁
  6. So what , if anything , was mate 3 doing that you weren't ? . 3 mates ? , you're a popular fella ! . 😀
  7. crusian

    Some of mine

    So Buster sleeps with your Wife , and you're crammed into the dog bed , Dave ? . 😀
  8. Thanks everyone , I think I'll use some of my Amazon voucher ! . 😃
  9. Hello Everyone I had a laser spirit level bought for me for Christmas , which made me think . When casting to a far bank margin with something reasonably solid on the bank , i.e. a tree , could you use a laser measure to get an accurate distance then use your distance sticks to run out your line before clipping it up ; or do these laser measures only work indoors and leaves / branches plus sunlight would render them next to useless ? . 😃
  10. Well it's good to see a happy Hedgehog , and that incredible fully scaled you'd have to be a right plonker to have a moody blank expression ! . 😀
  11. Aah , the famous " there's a (rein)deer behind you " 'photo 😊
  12. Hi Ian My Wife and me are very happy to read that your lad is on the mend , it's a shock to learn you're mortal even if you're built like a brick outhouse ! . You didn't fancy some wild boar for dinner then ? . 😀
  13. My Wife's just said it's a good job your Son didn't fall ill while you were away in the middle of nowhere . So how's your Son doing now ? . 🙂
  14. I'll look forward to that . 😀
  15. I hear them before I see them , just as well really as they move so fast it gives you time to look , but knowing their flightpath is a huge advantage in spotting them . I just wish they would stand still close enough and long enough for me to focus my binoculars on them ! .
  16. Or the ESP pre mades , depending on what hooks you prefer to use . By the time you've bought all the swivels and stops it works out cheaper to buy the pre mades , then just add the hook length of your choice .
  17. Thanks Yonny , I love it when you save me money ! . 😀
  18. Well Yonny if you're going to be helping with baby say goodbye to sleep for a few years and you'll see quite a few sunrises ! . 😀
  19. Hello Everyone So which wellie should I ask for my birthday do you think ? 🤔 Ta
  20. I have Garcia Mitchell 301 reels and Mitchell made Arbors that turn say a large capacity spool into a medium capacity spool ; is there nothing like that available for your spools Highy ? . Alternatively I would go with old line as Oscsha says , but making sure that the diameters match ? . 😀
  21. Hi Highy I have been having a few problems with my Rig Marole SLS Specimen ( which may be nothing to do with the line ) , so I'm trialling Gardner HydroTuff because I'm a snag / feature Man too ! . The Gardner's not what I would call low diameter though . I also store any line spools in a biscuit tin as Golden Paws says until I change the line on my reel spools ( once a year ) . 😃
  22. Hi Highy There was a post about lines not so long ago , and basically what Yonny said was different lines for different jobs i.e. snag line , distance casting etc . So what would you want your line to do Highy ? . 😃
  23. Hi Northisbest - I love visiting my Son in South Yorkshire . Emmcee's post is from Aug. 2013 . 🙂
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