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Everything posted by crusian

  1. I use Hydro Tuff , Cpt. , and so far I am happy with it . Have you decided to use HT after finding your answer ? . 😄
  2. Missed the show this year , Blue , visiting my Son . Thanks very much for the review . Next year will your Wife be offering Bed and Breakfast at you gaff with a taxi service to the show and a packed lunch ? . 😁
  3. I will be very interested to read the " Smufter Review " . The German guy in the video seemed to spread the brolly open with incredible ease , something which ( as I haven't got the arms of an Orangutan ) I find a bit fiddly ; also having " flicked " the brolly open the sides appeared nice and taut without any tweaking i.e. pegging down after using the strap to pull the sides in . 😃
  4. Have a great time , Ginger , stay warm and dry . You may have seen that the chaps on the forum that are out fishing at this time of year aren't catching much , but still enjoying just being out on the bank . Having seen 'photos of you , your " old man " is probably around my age you cheeky young wippersnapper ! . 😁
  5. A water near me has a scaffolding pole driven in where there is a gravel bar , but I'm sure you'll be a lot more discrete ! ; maybe trees as markers , and just hope they don't blow down . 😁
  6. So I guess you will otter fence your project , and take detailed 'photos of the lakebed before it fills up with water ? . Sounds very exciting . 😁
  7. As an extreme example , if you sat up all night in a Deck Chair and had a bite wouldn't you be painfully slow to react because you were so stiff and aching ; a comfortable bedchair would hopefully have you ready to spring into action ! ? . 😁
  8. Hello Ginger , wondered what had happened to you , and sad to learn you are injured . I'm sure you must have thought about Suffolk Water Park - Jacobs Creek . I've never fished it before , maybe Nick has ? . 😃
  9. Kev. , would you use a Deeper to quickly get a rough idea of the features of the lake , if you then got your Marker Rod out to confirm your findings ? . I find that I need more experience with my Deeper to get the most benefit from it , as Carpepecheur says . 😃
  10. Well nobody would be ringing your bell without permission , Dayvid ! . 😁
  11. Well I use my Deeper for Map Making Spot Finding I use the Deeper on days when I'm not actually fishing , but just want to be at the lake / only have a few hours available to me / the weather is too cold and/or wet . I wouldn't use the Deeper if there was anyone on my part of the lake as I wouldn't like it if I was fishing and someone was casting their bolt rig out every 5mins. 😃
  12. Hello Elmo I use a Deeper Pro+ , but with the Fish Finder turned off ( yes I'm that disciplined 😁) . However , having obtained a quicker map of the lake bed with the " Big Cone " , if I see something interesting I'll get out my marker rod outfit as I'm not totally convinced / understand the Deeper Pro . 😃
  13. Thanks , Elmo . My Wife's unexpectedly going away for a night or 2 , so tomorrow I can go out to play ! . 🎣
  14. Ahh , lovely stuff , Emmcee . Thanks very much . 😄
  15. Hello Everyone I was doing a bit of marker work down the shallow end of my lake so as not to disturb the other anglers down the deeper , main body of the lake ; and I was surprised to see 3 or 4 , maybe scraper double carp , swimming about quite active . So I'm thinking as the carp were so active they must be using up energy which they would need to replace by eating , but as I don't think the shallows are fished much , if at all , at this time of year , what are the carp eating ? . I was bringing up what I considered healthy , freshly growing weed , but are there any " naturals " around at the moment ? . Ta 😃
  16. Hello Elmo , Happy Christmas . An Apeman C550 Dash Camera and a MacBook Pro ( 2nd hand , but well cared for ) . 😁
  17. Thanks very much , G.P. , I did ! . 😃
  18. I've got an original Trakker Tempest Brolly which I'm very happy with for the speed and ease of erecting . I did snap the the top of the composite block when I heaved on the lever without spreading the Brolly out to its' full extent , but the block was replaced f.o.c. through my local tackle shop . 😀
  19. Hello Smufter , and the same to you . I've missed your Tuesday bulletins . 🎅🏻
  20. I want the Kingfisher(s) on my lake to just stay still for a while so I can get a good view , and if one were to land on one of my rods that would make my season . Never mind actually catching a Carp , taking home wet net , sling ,and cradle is very overrated ! . It would be good to get some continuity going in 2020 , the last couple of years have seen interruptions to my plans due to health issues . 😃
  21. I'm very pleased that you're enjoying your fishing , Nick . What would make me even happier would be if I stumbled upon you holding a monster of a Carp , just ready for me to take the 'photos . 😁
  22. I use my cane rod for stalking off the top , but at this time of year it's not seeing the light of day . So I thought I would try using my cane rod instead of a carbon rod this Winter and see if it was practical if I needed to reach the far margin ; I gather you need a different casting technique with cane than carbon . I'm a small waters man so I should be o.k. , a big pit is not for me , then I may also sell my carbon foods to fund another cane rod . 🤔
  23. Well I'm jealous , Carpepecheur , that's very exciting , even though it sounds more Indiana Jones than fishing ! . 😁
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