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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Stick all those hook links in a Rucksack and walk it off 😂
  2. Tungsten loaded needs mucho lubrication, that seems to stop it splitting, l got a little Gardner stripping tool the other week makes life so much easier 👍 Sink link is a nice uncoated braid, I only stopped using it because I ran out 😂
  3. Could be a new trend I think maybe a real blingy reel seat would look amazing 👍 a real juxtaposition of vintage and futuristic,
  4. I am currently listening to Gotta get theroux this on audible, Great listen love Louis Theroux
  5. I think you should rat look it lol, shiny new rings and a camo shrink wrap handle That would upset folk not enough of that sort of thing in vintage tackle 😂
  6. Glad they didn't listen, they've done a lot of good programming 😂
  7. Just re watched the start, yes it may have been the same vid wasn't you was it they had beef with? 😂
  8. No I think that was a the park lake campaign, I will try and find it for you
  9. PB jelly wire is the one I seem to go back to it's lovely to use, and I'm getting into Gardner trick link at the moment, I've tied up a few different rigs up this week, just to do something to chill out 😳 That being said I do own and will use a few others 😁 ESP tungsten loaded stiff and semi stiff (prefer semi stiff I think) Mouth trap Bank tackle semi stiff coated, not a bad braid tbh very usable and reasonably priced I would really like to find a really nice uncoated braid though still? 😂 ESP sink link was good, bank tackle kevlar one is OK, but a real nice soft naturally acting braid would be nice for my bags and bag rigs (which I tweaked last night with a different hook pattern 👀😬😀)
  10. You could always look at mountain warehouse or ski type mounteneering shops they have similar clothes but usually go a bit bigger
  11. I did think that afterwards tbh I might test the stretch against the p line, I have no gripes with the hydrotuff I really want less stretch so I can stick it under trees more, 😂 Tbh the bushwhacker may have to go on hold for now as we've just been shafted by our local council, universal credit is only credit if you don't work at all, because I work my wife is entitled to basically sod all, makes me wonder why we both paid all our taxes for all these years,it's a one way street, I've written a strongly worded email to our local mp this morning, the system is corrupt and I intend to fight the power 😳
  12. My kids went through a bag puss phase it was on amazon prime I think And morph
  13. Only trouble with that they would still go in your garden, 🥴😵🥴🥴
  14. Blimey that is a big bed, how much does it weigh? Looks like it might be a custom one, I take it JRC don't make one either?
  15. Aren't cats the ultimate test of a bait? I thought dogs eat anything? It must be a bad bait if a dog won't eat it 😂 I might leave some out for the neighbours cats and then supersoak them when they come in the garden 😂
  16. Amen to that lol, I would've been some right horror shows looking back 😂
  17. Sadly I doubt his mum knows how dangerous what he did was, filling up your waders in freezing conditions isn't the smartest move is it, still he was lucky this time and he snapped his new £50 perch lure rod and got another one the next day, when did perch rods become a thing 🙄😳😳😳😳😱
  18. And he did a special get in that net for us 👍 Pink almond supreme though winning goo, hopefully I will be doing some boshes this year 🤞 Must get some pink dumbells I think 🤔😁 Retrobaits have just brought these ones out they look pretty special I think https://www.retrobaits.net/product-page/snail-dumbbell-wafters
  19. https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=Wolf+icon This may be a guide of price when they are released 👍 looks like a 3 rod set will be £765 which is better 😁
  20. Have you tried the wide or xl NGT bedchair bag? I had a wide cyprinus chair and it fitted that nicely, it's a big bag
  21. Good stuff will look forward to giving it a go thanks,
  22. That's always the trouble with bulk spools, i always find one has less on than the others 😂 I found the tiger line on Johnson Ross also it is over £65 for 3 spools or 250m per reel the 1000m is out of stock in 20lb I just just lashed out and bought the UK p line thanks one quick question does it sink really well and not stretch much? I know it is a bit late but it was a bargain if it works 😁 I seem to remember the guys on carp cast banging on about p line and saying how good it was, Thanks for that, I was hoping someone would have a good word to say, carpology Joe also said it cast well but he seems to say everything is brilliant so you sometimes have to take it with a pinch of salt, I doubt i will need to cast it that far, most of my fishing will be fairly close range this year, I've just bought the P LINE but if I don't like that I think I might get the floorit next 👍
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