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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Strong spod rod and braid and a castable weed rake if you cant use a big rake, this is always in the car does a great job clearing localised weed That being said I have lost 3 castable weed takes already 😁 That was the last one I lost but that was due too poopy fox exoshat braid
  2. I think I have different thoughts about spombing on my lake I've done it and it hasn't bothered them, and then other times they don't seem to respond well and it can be the kiss of death , I think it largely depends on how established the spot is? I guess if they are used to finding free food it won't bother them as much, one thing I've done well is bait heavily a couple of days in advance then just topped it up with boilies and big Pellets via a catapult on the day for some reason that doesn't bother them,Infact I think the noise works like a dinner bell, also using the tfg airbomb can work better as it doesn't splosh on the spot but a few metres off it, takes some getting used too though 😁
  3. This is a good idea, I just thought chuck it all at them and it will be a winner lol, lockdown is probably hazardous for a habitual over thinker 😁 I think hemp, pigeon conditioner, boilies and pellets will be a good starting point I have pigeon conditioner, Pellets and boilies but I think hemp mixed at 50/50 with the PC will make it a more appealing particle mix,
  4. It does make me think though I did alright not breaking the rules last year, if I start now then I am no better I guess, 🤔😳 Maybe hemp, pigeon conditioner and a mix of pellets and boilies is the way to go, then the only thing I'm adding is hemp,😁 Cheers guys
  5. Well technically they should never have seen a tiger nut 😂 But I've had people telling me they are devastating, I've seen them being used on catch reports so I think people are using them all the time 🤔
  6. Thanks for that Nick Again makes a lot of sense, i think I was trying to cover all bases but simplifying it does make more sense really, Tbh one of the reasons why I thought about adding some of the bigger particles was so I could try different hookbaits and also so they didn't get used to one sized bait, but this could still be done in other ways, with stringers or mesh bags and Pva friendly items, I have got some mainline crushed nuts that are Pva friendly which could be useful, maybe just add some groundbait and couple of whole tigers or whatever and one on the hook, could be a nice little trap 🤔
  7. That's probably good advice tbh, I guess the point of trying to make a hookbait stand out is that it does 😁 I've already got a load of pigeon conditioner so that has to stay in, will have a rethink about the rest, I want some bigger particles in there I think though Thanks good advice as usual 👍
  8. Nothing groundbreaking but I'm bored and fancied trying to come up with a spod mix that should work consistently , I was trying to think of using a spod mix as a whole and rather than chopping and changing just use this everytime for prebaiting and also when fishing, this is what I came up with Spod mix 1kg pigeon conditioner 1kg hempseed 500g maples 500g popcorn maize 500g peanut granules or peanuts? 500g tiger nuts whole and crushed Once cooked add Good glug of Molasses Salt Liquid liver hydro Evap milk 1kg of boilies whole and chopped and Pellets before spombing out and also some cloudy groundbait to bind Any thoughts or ideas to improve or customise this further would be appreciated? I kind of want a mix that is unique so it has my stamp on 😁
  9. If you taught the nuns to fish, they could be nuns on the run 😂
  10. Agreed its too late for me, save yourselves 😜
  11. I've deactivated again, feels good 😁
  12. No what I said was difficult to explain so I probably didn't explain myself properly 😂 I have gone off them being directly on the hook like a Ronnie or German rig, I don't mind them if there is separation like a d rig or multi rig hope that explains it better 👍
  13. They are my Mr tumble socks love em, I once wore them with shorts on a school run caused quite a stir that day 😎
  14. Yep they make life so much easier why wouldn't you 😁
  15. Finally got my silt Gardner trick link today, I think that will do just fine, would probably make it a couple of inches longer but not too much, this one was longer to begin with but I found it didn't turn as well with a loop knot, so I think probably about 5-6 inches tied onto the swivel with a 2-3 turn blood knot, simple but I think may be tricky to deal with, happy with that 👍
  16. I sold it this morning so was happy enough but my phone didn't stop pinging til I deleted the ad, it was mental lol, I deactivated my account last week as I got so fed up with people lol, but i decided it was the quickest way to sell these boilies so I rejoined, I can feel another deactivation coming 😂 I had someone message me saying they were a field tester for CC Moore but they loved the stuff so would take it off my hands for £100 even though that was more than he usually payed 😂
  17. I've seen it all on there, makes me quite sad tbh,I got called a scammer and all sorts , was mental I was just trying to sell some bait, it's a shame there is so little faith left in people like that, I guess I've always been lucky and been on here where there is a decent community, still the guy seemed happy and I gave him some pigeon conditioner and pellets as I wanted to empty the bait bins a bit, But I'm happier I decided I wanted to stick with retrobaits this year and having 20kg of CC Moore bait wasn't sitting well with me, I could feel some of you guys telling me to just stick with one bait everytime I saw it 😁
  18. Jeez Louise Last night I wanted to sell the 20kg of live system I won, I put up an ad for £140 on fb as those sizes would be £150 from CC moore,not cheap but I didn't want to give them away and with a view that i would take a decent offer, the amount of abuse and keyboard warriors that got involved was unreal, its been collected this morning for a price I was happy with and the bloke saved some money too, but I feel quite mentally scarred still from it this morning, I only rejoined fb to sell those, I think my account will be deactivated again, so much wrong with fishing and fb anglers these days, wasn't like this in my day 😳
  19. UB baits Tutti fruiti bobbers with almond and pineapple supreme, I think these might be good 🤔😁
  20. One word all modern content providers seem to use is ARMOURY, "you need this rig in your armoury as it might get you a an extra bite or two" Terms and conditions this may or may not be true, but the angler has an armoury at his disposal so he can always change to another method that may or may not work if this method proves unsuccessful 😂
  21. The indecisive guide to angling 😁 By Ifs and Butts publications Could be a hit
  22. So i guess the moral of the story is if you tend to fish overnighters like myself, fish in silt or just off pads and weed, 😂
  23. I only tend to use soft coated braids in bags as they do have a tendancy to tangle, if I was going to use it without I would still use a Pva nugget or small mesh bag to keep it away from the lead, even in bags and stuff I've found them come back tangled up though, which is a shame because usually it's most natural acting presentation you can get
  24. I like your theory about the day/night time being different, I remember Simon Scott talking about something similar in a podcast he was suggesting that in the day time the bloodworm could stay hidden in the silt but as it gets to night time and the oxygen levels decrease, the bloodworm have to come to the top of the silt to get enough oxygen,so that also makes them easier to eat, that may help explain your theory a little
  25. I would have thought that is the only thing to do in the circumstances really, surely that becomes an organised gathering Priti Patel will be fining people for attending 😁
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