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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. The point is still popular lol, I've never caught in it tbh, people seem to do it better than me with boats these days 😁 They Definately still like hiding out the back though near the coaches The car park is now pat and ians house he has moved up there, It has Definately changed up there probably a lot weedier than it used to be but i still enjoy it, nice and quiet usually, some nice fish in pingrees, I wouldn't mind a go at those this year, Well I've sold some more stuff tonight my old fox spod rod and 2 old spod reels, I now have some cash for a Bush whacker 😬 I can see me spodding less if I get one I might need to sell some more stuff to buy some extra sections though 😁
  2. Where is this drop off you speak of 😁 I've noticed there are shallower bits on the far side of the point,there is quite a deep channel through there, I think your old fav swim was one they call church with the channel that goes into the main lake to the left, always busy lol I've found a lot of my old spots are overgrown these days, I used to have a great one off the end of an island which had a drop off but nowadays its pretty unfishable as the pads have taken over shame because I would have had 3 hot spots in that swim last year rather than 2 lol Reed lake is pretty much a safe zone now so overgrown, and nobody wants to be the first to make it fishable but I'm tempted to rake it, the way I see it if they arent safe there they will push out into the lake, I might be able to have a go for a bit till I get rumbled if I do it 😬 I think spodding can be hit and miss tbh I would rather not and use a pult or stick if I can, like I've said I'm happier to if the swim has been getting a regular feed,
  3. It certainly has benefits to people fishing the same swims, like they pretty much let me get on with it,also it means I can make use of the the less popular ones, but it gets boring seeing the same swim week in week out, I think this year I just fancy making the most of the whole lake there will be chances everywhere, last year I found so many bubblers and couldn't or didn't capitalise on them and I found one of the big commons whilst walking about last year, just sitting in the margins, if I had my kit with me I may have been able to target it, gets a bit like I am going through the motions after a while, 😬
  4. The fox grappling leads work OK for clearing weed does take a lot longer but they do thin it out a bit, if you kept casting it onto the spot and retrieving it would help make your line lay better, I tend to do anything like this when there is no one around and preferably when I'm not fishing myself,and usually when I plan to prebait, I guess a park lake makes all that trickier though 😭
  5. I'm very much the same lol, I can easily blow a session in advance, I think my strengths are probably prebaiting, and my usual idea is I WILL make that spot a feature lol, to be honest it does work out OK usually but I could be fishing better whilst building up those spots, Part of the trouble with the lake I am on people tend to fish certain swims so you get stuck in a routine to an extent, you have a look round think about what's left and free and if that happens to be the swim you are used too it's easy to fall into that one, you can drive to the spots also so being quieter will help too 😁 This year I am planning to fish off the Barrow and spend a while walking and looking for opportunities, rather than waiting, and hopefully once I get the Bushwhacker I will be able to make some really good spots for myself and just regularly walk round and feed them up, this way I will learn a lot more and be fishing for a bite at a time, and taking the opportunity to catch more rather than being held in one swim, there are always little spots tucked away that don't get fished too often
  6. In the end it might not 😬 it wasn't our fault though, we tried
  7. You would need to tie on your baits with dental floss to clean up there 🙄 I'm not really familiar with East Sussex fishing waters sadly, so I can't help you, I have just gone back on fb to sell some stuff though, if it goes , I've sold enough stuff for a Bush whacker 😂
  8. Just think of the future lakes or buy a new ticket to use it with 😂
  9. Hopefully will be lifted by April 🙏 Doesn't apply to Scott Lloyd though , he was there over new years and he didn't seem to mind how far he travelled to get to dinton on his last video 😭
  10. I think the purchase price of the bushwhacker is worse but when you look at the additional sections it works out probably cheaper in the long run tbh, 1.5m extra on the corus one is 35 quid the same on the Bush whacker is 12.99 so it depends how far you need to go, i thought about a bait boat for a while as I can use it on my lake but if I bought a site ticket the boat is useless on the other lakes as they are banned whereas a baiting pole isn't so it would probably work out more useful long term, and actually I thought back to last year, I could have fished much more effectively with a pole, so many spots that aren't an easy cast but would be easier and quieter with a pole, I think I've just decided in my head to buy one at some point lol 😂
  11. I did watch the latest carp angle last night, just seeing oli Davies fishing was quite an eye opener, crumbed boilies, Pellets multi rig and a bit of Sweetcorn in the scoop send it out and wallop makes it look pretty simple to catch carp around the Horton complex, he wasn't worrying about spod mix ingredients or anything just finding the fish and carefully trying to get some bait and a rig on them without spooking them too much, I'm not sure how many times I have to see this sort of thing before it sinks in, I need to be more mobile and less worried about other stuff and I will catch more fish 😳
  12. Both pack down to 44 inches so I guess if that's the case for a 9ft rod it will fit, I'm not that up on Nash terminology 😁
  13. One thing I did last year was defrosted. my boilies with hit water and liquid liver 24 hours before a session, that made them soft and oozing with goodness, I do think they ate those quicker, so that might help with waiting times, but probably it's been done so much they just wait and move in after a couple of days as it's safer lol I can see why people use bait boats and baiting poles lol its much more discreet for getting bait out really, 😳
  14. I may consider it 🙄😳 Apart from already telling you lot I will keep it to myself if I do 😂
  15. I haven't been checked in a year and I was new back so I doubt anyone is getting checked lol, I think he was just mentioning it in a report for a certain particle sponsor, the other comments are just guys I've spoken to when I've been there
  16. No worries the lake I fish mainly is 25ish acres and the stock is believed to be about 250-300, however that's just a guestimate and they have quite a few acres that are pretty much safezones from anglers, I think if you get it right you can have a good hit but they could be anywhere and safe
  17. Not a bad secret to have don't blame you for keeping it under your hat 🎩 I might try and work it out tbh I don't even think anyone would even check where I am 😂
  18. Have you got a false bottomed bait bucket? How do you do that then I'm intrigued? 😁
  19. I think it's good to add a bit of colour sometimes and they do seem to love Sweetcorn , that was why I wanted the popcorn maize tbh mainly for colour, I guess Sweetcorn would be much less hassle as it doesn't need prepping 😁
  20. Hopefully they will be ready for it, I started off pretty strong after lockdown 1 on another lake on the complex last year (easier I think ) 10 fish in 24 hours and I spodded the granny out of it that day if I stopped getting bites I would chuck more bait out, 😁 I could fish like that once a year I think it done me in 😏 If you can get on with an Airbomb it does do a slightly different job to a spomb, it makes quite a nice spread but it does take a little practice to get it right,
  21. It's pretty nice to use tbh, when it hits the water it keeps going further away from you so you can get that little bit further from it 😂 https://www.uniqueweldingservices.co.uk/shop
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