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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. They must be waking up round here, I've already been savaged by a mosquito on my ankle whilst sleeping its proper swollen 😭😭😭😭😭
  2. I have tried a couple of cheaper ones in the past they are usually not very good and splice like a pig, not worth scrimping on
  3. As above avid one is pretty good, I used it before and it spliced well I am using Gardner camflex at the moment though I really like it, πŸ‘
  4. No you can do they are also not a bad substitute for real cheese, they also stop you eating loads cos they are a pain to unwrap 😁
  5. It's how I imagine Northern life now, looks great fun 😁
  6. I did kind of well yesterday, until I hit the cheese and oatcakes 5 turned into 10 late night 😲 not a kebab or nothing but still not good, I'm getting some cheese triangles today so that will give me my cheese fix, I just love the cheese 😲
  7. I'm not sure nowadays tbh, I did see on fb that some aqua bivvies were fading and turning orange a little while ago,
  8. Cyprinus typhoon range look a great bivvy for the money tbh, I have a bunker with 20000mm hh and I love it, I wouldn't mind a typhoon when I grow up 😁
  9. That was a good one, I liked the chippy **** exercise one 😁
  10. They are brilliant, love watching there videos so funny 😁
  11. I quite like a crunchie Do you pair know Martin and Bex? πŸ˜€
  12. I bet you lot eat them deep fried and call it a Wigan cake or something 😁
  13. That is a serious amount of crunches well done πŸ‘ Enjoy the yoga, namaste
  14. Ive only had one cup of tea today been drinking the clear stuff 😬 Normally by now I would be hitting double figures I think, 😳 I think sugar in tea is one of the worst things, as I found that's what makes you crave lots, when I was healthier before it was one of the first things to go, sweeteners all taste horrible, would rather go without, but this morning I needed a hit 😁 Diet wise not been too bad today😁 3 protien shakes Chicken and spinach wrap Snack sized double decker(cupboard clearing still) 😲 Jerk seasoned Chicken breast, veggies, and cous cous tonight (work tea) Yoghurt And 2l of water so far pretty good day πŸ‘
  15. Brilliant thanks for that, I have read it a few times, I'm still only just getting comfortable paying over a fiver a pack of hooks I'm not ready for Jason Hayward prices yet 😁 otherwise I probably would use them, baby steps lol, I do think the ib hooks I've had so far have been pretty good tbh they are sharp, I don't like the coating on the hooks though, I dunno they feel cheap,I bought some unsharpened ones too and they don't sharpen very well, I've ordered some size 5 chods, size 5 curves x 2 and a pack of long shank curves in size 6, I am also not sure the longshank curves will be ideal but I use shrink tube on my multi rigs and strip the loop completely of coating, so I am hoping that it may act a bit like a blow back rig also, but having tried a curve it didn't make much difference to the rig as a pop up, still sits the same with a similar stance but it looks more subtle and a bit less shark hook like 😳😬 and would work as a wafter rig too
  16. Something I have very little of 😁 Quite positive for now things need to change and I am up for trying so will do my best πŸ‘
  17. Dunno if I've just had a wobble but, I've decided to maybe just try to use a multi rig for pop ups and wafters and bottom baits, it's a multi rig lol it was designed to do them all, I decided tonight to try a curve shank hook rather than the square ones, I could use the finer shrink tube and it looked like it had a little more finesse about it, I also decided I think I prefer pre sharpened hooks, I sharpened a few and was never totally happy with them,the pre done ones were better, I might order some J precision curves and maybe a pack of longshank curves to try also, a lot of people seem to rate his hooks so worth a try I think,
  18. Well the day has started brighter, Cut down sugar in tea to 1/2 tsp, ready for none by the end of the week, the protein shakes I ordered arrived in time for breakfast so I've glugged one of those, haven't got a 6 pack yet 😭 but hopefully I'm on the road to a better future 😁
  19. I've kind of gone off the Nash one lately since the AD bloke took over, 😳 Jason riders was interesting, Not listened to any of the others,
  20. That's some good steps done well done, what pod casts do you listen to?
  21. Its everywhere lol I do try though, it's been OK so far Thanks it just always starts again though 😁
  22. And My day today Kids home school,shout, cry, scream have a breakdown about now, currently vaping in garage before work Get to work, become depressed as I drive into the gates, chat to people who will moan about something work related, get into a discussion where someone says Boris is doing the best he can, I get annoyed and disagree heartily and will probably slag off matt Hancock quite a lot, and moan about people not respecting social distancing guidelines, usually I say something to them also, like are you all trying to beat the record for idiots that can fit in a 2m square? 😁 People seem to think I am angry, I wouldn't be of they didn't annoy me so much πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  23. I think it's always good to socialise, I miss the school runs quite a lot at the moment, just seeing someone different to chat to can be great, work isn't the same, I get sick of seeing some of those people πŸ˜‚
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