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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Sounds good to me, it's getting towards that time of year when you want something nice and hearty, might have to have a go at making it.
  2. Did you grow up on Lancashire potato hash? Or "tattie ash" as I believe it's otherwise known. I googled meat n Tato slice and that came up looks quite nice 😲 Proper northern comfort food apparently. Eaten with bread n butter and red cabbage.
  3. That sounds like you want to put shepherd's pie in a sandwich to me 😲
  4. After spending the day trying to tidy our house and reorganise/declutter all of our toot and adding to the loft collection, we had a pizza, I'm hoping fasting and dog walking will counteract that lil blip I might go visit the gymnasium later but we still have a lot of work to do, I dream of an organised house but we haven't got there yet. Just having a black earl grey then I'm gonna crack on, I'm learning I don't need milk and sugar. 124.5kg this morning so going the right way 💪
  5. That's a great picture Kev, probably as hard as it is to catch them getting a shot like that.
  6. Just incase you thought i was joking meet mr amazon just delivered it 😂
  7. Will I win with my new groundsheet/outdoor rug ? 😳😂 Hi lux camping for me 😂
  8. I will be 😂 I will just fast til lunchtime to make up for it 😏
  9. This is my years walking, so far not including Feb, reckon I join the proclaimers with that lot. 😂
  10. Giving this a bump in June I did the million step challenge and did 600,000 steps by myself my team came 2nd and I was 5th individually(first 4 were ringers😂) , now a few of us at work are doing a weightloss challenge, I am doing an intermittent fasting diet presently and today I have joined a gym 😲 the winner gets £300 (we've all paid £50) My starting weight was 126.7kg in down to 125kg so far and I've got till December. The walking challenge made me realise how competitive I can be😲, I'm bringing the heat now 😂
  11. Doesn't that have a camera aswell, I had never seen one of those, I've just accepted a bait boat is OK, going to be at least a decade before I even think of joining the dam busters.
  12. I could be bought tbh I would love some decent overhead shots of the lake I fish over the road 😂 For the record I can see the appeal but if your fishing and all of a sudden they are flying about overhead they are a tad annoying 😳
  13. You would have to take that up with my only fans management team 😂
  14. Should be banned,it is an invasion of my privacy filming me without my permission, unless you are paying royalties it's banned 😂
  15. They are tips ones so quite small ideal for snowman rigs, should be good to tip off my match the hatch hard hookers.
  16. Proper Job lot off ebay 😳
  17. Cracking start, well done hopefully that's a good sign for more tto come.
  18. Best of luck mate hope you have a load of whackers.
  19. Anyone else wondering if this bottle survived?
  20. That bottle might split when that turns to ice, I've put a couple of water bottles in the freezer to cool before and forgotten to take them out, it doesn't end well usually, I had a metal one and where the ice expanded it ripped a gash out of the metal bottle.
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