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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. That's pretty much my rig nowadays 👍 @crusian
  2. The krank type hooks are good with a Ronnie Rig, I've recently developed a love of these with the Ronnie, these are now pretty much all I use now, great hook holds so far. https://www.jprecisionhooks.co.uk/products/advanced-lgs I also use avid D rig kickers as my go to Ronnie kicker, I like having the d rig to add a little more seperation between hook and bait (bit fiddly) and when I need to change hooks I now always file down the barb of the old hook to aid removing this 👍
  3. If you like a krank you will low these 😍 https://www.jprecisionhooks.co.uk/products/gapex-1
  4. Then it must be the braid with a heavy lead swinging about in front of its face I would say., try a soft coated braid and see if it still does it.
  5. I think it will be cuts from the braid whilst the fish is going away from him a bit too much pressure and it is slicing through the scissors from what I can understand.
  6. Without knowing what one you use it would be difficult to ascertain what to suggest. I find uncoated braids can be a bit rough to the touch though and if you have flecks of kevlar in them they can be quite sharp too,
  7. You can buy a broken down ferrari and it will still be broken, personally I think it will be the uncoated braid that is causing the mouth damage.
  8. 2 things I might consider. Maybe use a different uncoated braid. Maybe consider using a drop off inline lead
  9. They do do that, and I find quite often too, apparently you can remove the thing that makes it happen, but I haven't got round to it yet but I wouldn't buy another one when this one dies.
  10. I also enjoy spombing bait out, the plop of the catapult is my favourite way to bait though. But boats are quicker quiter, more accurate and less messy 😂
  11. I think with a sonar feature finding becomes even more important tbh as you can really find some different spots, there are always the ones in most swims you can tell everyone uses because they are firm and large finding the smaller ones where you have seen them fizzing I've found to be the holy grail this year, I've found a few like this that aren't clear but with a bit of prebaiting become small but mighty dinner plates. One of the lakes I can fish I once caught 10 in 24 hours, I've not fished it since was exhausting 😂 I think the key is enjoyment, I am always the first to congratulate people when they catch a good one, whatever method you are using it's usually taken a lot of effort or some good angling. Some people have time, I just try and do the best with the time I have, and I like to make the most of it. 👍
  12. Finding a small hole in the weed and using a bait boat to drop off your rig and bait be like.
  13. You have to remember I also don't get the luxury of fishing a week Infact I've only had one 48 hour session this year bar the social and I had the kids and dog with me. Normally I get there sometime in the afternoon and pack up in the morning. Time isn't a luxury I possess, I basically get to fit in where I can and try and make it count. That's when the boat and deeper comes in very handy, as constant leading and spombing would spoil most of the chances before I even got them. Like I've said I still largely check spots with a lead or marker I just don't have to cast 50 times to find them. and I always feel for a drop even from the boat. Other boat advantages include being able to bait very tight and very heavy and very quickly. I can drop off 3kg of bait on a literal dustbin lid, to spod that much, fatigue might set in and one or two might go astray and that may take slightly longer to get a bite. Sometimes I will make a sweet spot in the middle of a wider spread of bait, kind of like a bullseye with all roads leading to it. There is so much you can actually do with one. something else I do is bait tight to a marker with it and then put a rod either side on the edges. I like to cast these as its less of a faff and quite satisfying. Prebaiting with a boat, gamechanger, chances are you will get noticed spombing out kilos of bait and also it takes ages, 1 bucket of bait in a boat is probably 3 trips out and you have quickly prepped for next time (accurately) and with discretion even in the dead of night. I never used to like boats either, but now I can really see the advantage,sometimes it's good to move with the times a little and I'm still only scratching the surface with what it can do.
  14. Looks good is that the glow in the dark line?
  15. I've never really been Terry Edmonds at casting, but I can still cast accurately enough and am finding I have to push myself to cast further more often and I still like to cast sometimes and with the use of 12ft wrapping sticks I can get it to land where I want it too, and sometimes I still just use a marker or lead to determine the bottom especially if I know the swim, sometimes I just use the boat and deeper because it's more stealthy or a good quick way of finding interesting spots without thrashing the water to a foam. I used to catch fish before I got a boat and like to think I still would. I've also caught some nice fish this year not always with the boat, so not quite sure what skills I may have lost? I've also been trying to fish different areas of the lake this year to build a better overall picture (i now have spots in atleast 10 swims) if anything I think I am getting better these days.
  16. This is the spot right under the tree at Ashmire, as you can see its quite firm and clean, ideal to present a bottom bait on tbh, a bit of pre baiting and again that would be glowing golden. I would and did just drop a rig on that, this one was the result 👍
  17. You can definately get a rough picture of what's going on on the lake bed, even from the Deeper plus, this spot after a few casts I decided was a little silty but still quite firm, I haven't rechecked it recently but I've left a good bit of bait on it since and I suspect the top layer will now be a much brighter colour where its been cleaned off,
  18. Talks have begun for another one possibly at linear 😲 I had a look at that one and a few others the raymarine does look good, can't help feeling that I would be better off upgrading the boat to get one rather than fitting one to the actor plus. A deeper chirp is an easier fix for the actor plus and could still be used if the boat stopped working. But I still can't decide if it is a load better than the pro plus 😂
  19. Yes sorry Linear, there are a few bookable lakes now. Could be good
  20. I've just had a look you can book some lakes now and a few exclusively too, I could be tempted if I can get the time away again.
  21. If you had a bait boat maybe you wouldn't be considering it?
  22. I meant to have a look at your raymarine while we were at the social. I wanted to see how much better than a deeper it was. I've been doing a little research since trying to work out whether it's worth upgrading to a chirp +2 or other sonar such s the raymarine, I have a pro plus presently and it's alright but I can't decide how much better a chirp or other would be.
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