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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Hey guys Looking at getting some kind of chair that goes onto my bedchair as I am finding sitting on my bed isn't comfortable and is hurting my back, I have a normal chair but would like one that just goes on a wide bedchair as my stupidly enormous bedchair is taking up too much space in the brolly and would prefer to Save the space and weight it takes up
  2. Starting to take shape now just going to add maggots and boilie crumb tomorrow, smells wonderful won't be too much food but hopefully lots of attraction in the swim
  3. Thanks for that I read about riddling it earlier, so will give it a go cheers, I had to do a quick rush through the tackle shop earlier went for some sticky manilla stick mix to bind and sticky baits hydro ink, to compliment the mole mix smells fowl the ink, will make a mucky mole moosh though 😁 I will add a few other goodies just before kick off on match day and pray for the best 🙏
  4. Got my bucket of mole muck this morning Will get the rest of the Ingredients on the way home Some good point made well done all, hopefully I can put them to good use this sunday I will add some liquids to the muck later to let it absorb into it, the way I am thinking it's high attraction fairly low food content and it should help me get the maggots on the deck if nothing else, I have started to build up a picture of this lake now I have fished it a good few times so even if I can't spot them I hope to be able to get near them, I am a little concerned the lake is fully booked for 2 nights on Sunday and Monday though, I have a theory it's someone doing an early winter series video or something, as I was all by myself the last Sunday I was on
  5. I was walking to the canteen this morning at work and I spotted some lovely mole hills 😁 Seeing how the lake is now fully booked Sunday I may just just try it, will take a bucket and spade to work tomorrow 😁
  6. I think it was these ones ? They seemed to think they were made by the same company anyway https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F201451158795
  7. I like my soniks Wasnt there a snide version of those someone highlighted the other day?
  8. But if you can draw them into the area to investigate you are more likely to get them interested and I would suggest most people these days are using an acceptable food source, and even if they aren't interested at that point they will know its there for the future, and overtime it may become a spot they love to feed at,
  9. Will have to see how they hold up for now, I always found them quite warm but if I get cold I will consider the upgrade, will just have to go with the layers and the hot water bottle and hope it's not too bad 😢
  10. Good post thanks, Ive got a big old fishrite winter suit with salopettes for my top layer which is like a sleeping bag and I've just been for a shop at mountain warehouse as they had a sale on got a set of baselayers and a fleece, I might just get a couple of hot water bottles and see how I get on while it's not freezing, my sleeping bag is OK it's an old jrc one with cover but that might need upgrading if I am not warm enough in the coming months I would rather not use a fire based heater if I can so hopefully this will be enough to keep warm Cheers all
  11. I did look at the plant pot ones didn't see that one though the eye is a good idea, I was thinking of using a copper pot tbh so maybe with that eye it could work a treat with a copper pot inner
  12. Totally agree with that wouldn't it be good to know you have a cost effective safe and good bivvy heater, I think the heaters still need too much power for small batteries but one day someone will I am OK For a camo water bottle the others look more snuggly anyway 😁 and you can get 2 for the price of one, that's one for each buttock 😂
  13. While I do know it has already been done in the past, I also think it's not really in any bait companies interest to research the use of compost as a groundbait so I doubt they would research it heavily or want there anglers promoting its use , in essence I think it could be a useful tool when it comes to creating your own spots you don't want others to know about or maybe getting fish to start visiting an unfancied area more regularly, I don't claim to be a bait expert I quickly gave up rolling my own but if there is an extra tool I can add to the kit then I won't poo poo it out of turn, I just think it may be worth investigating a bit to see if there is anything in it I do agree the subject of bait making gets very technical and a lot goes over my head but if it's simple enough to understand then I don't mind looking into it, I don't get to fish as much as I would like these days so I do the next best thing read listen and try to learn stuff and have ideas for future sessions,
  14. That's the thing I don't really want to use anything in the bivvy of I can I don't like using the stove in the bivvy or anything like that much prefer to do it all safely outdoors when I can but I think i could make something similar without the price tag, I was also looking at hot water bottles today £8 for a decent normal one £15 for a fishing one, I saw these extra long ones that look pretty interesting 😁 I definitely feel like I want to be more comfortable this winter though, sign of getting old I think, I've even considered putting the front on my brolly this weekend if it's going to be cold, 😁
  15. Is it complete rubbish or does it work? I think it's silly priced but is it worth me attempting a diy model based on the idea?
  16. I think it's just a required vitamin that they can't produce naturally that helps them to recover once they have spawned but they like to get it in advance I've not been able to find out loads of info about it so I don't see where it has been flogged to death, wouldn't mind reading about it more though, I find it quite interesting tbh so if you've read anything about it I wouldn't mind having a look cheers I have found a bait I am becoming confident using tbh, and that has helped me catch consistently more fish lately and I've got a night out coming on Sunday which I will be approaching confidently, but it doesn't hurt to try and learn more about other methods and ideas
  17. Just read that it was mainly people moaning about crafty carper and Des Taylor which Is a shame, it seemed they poo pooed it mainly without even trying it apart from Nick 😁
  18. Yeah I think I might wait to try it when I next start a pre baiting campaign tbh not sure I think it is a good idea for an overnighter with winter fast approaching, I will be using some liquids though in my winter angling soluble ones naturally, and I will be adding some maggots this weekend too I have found waxing my hooks is the only way to stop them becoming rusty that doesn't involve expensive pen type things so I have been doing that with my kids old crayons What I have learned about salt so far is they do need it in there diet, but it is particularly useful at certain times of the year 😉
  19. From what little I understand of it you need a significant change of pH levels of about 2 in that area, the amino acid should be a lower pH than the water,I haven't checked that yet though tbh to see exactly what it will be but being called an acid should mean it is , but as its water soluble it will be a very temporary change, whilst I think adding the compost will also be temporary I would assume it takes longer for the shift back to take place due to the compost needing to be fully rinsed through, so may be a slightly slower process Lowering rather than raising it simply because it is easier to get my head around with feedstuffs already invented like amino acid liquids, maggots etc although I believe it could also work raising the pH also I just haven't even thought about that yet, Perhaps rennie might not be such a bad idea as they are probably heavily alkaline to combat the build up of acid in your stomach, might be a great digestion aid for the fish to combat all the amino acids they eat, 😉(i wouldn't know though so don't try this on my say so, I am just guessing 😝)
  20. I didn't see that one tbh, shame but I always liked this place best, in the olden days always seemed more homely and welcoming Yes that is also one of the things I've read a bit about but then I need to find a mole Hill and that involves more than a trip to the garden centre, if I found one I would use it 😁
  21. What's the Black forum? I've heard this mentioned before?
  22. Well that's what I would be trying to falsely create with the groundbait mix, so by using a mix with a lower pH than the water it would reduce the PH in the localised area of the bait
  23. I do find when I hear things I like to investigate them a bit, but I also like to keep it simple, but from what little I now understand fish can be drawn to a PH imbalance as they will want to discover what is causing it so they investigate
  24. I've recently been listening to ideas and have started to think about pH levels and how fish are drawn to areas with a PH shift? Was thinking about trying to make a groundbait using low pH compost , groundbait to bind, maggots, amino liquid and some crumbed boilies on top My thoughts being the amino groundbait mix will provide a localised pH shift without too much food and the feed items will get them feeding without overfeeding them The lake I am fishing seems quite gravelly but there are some silt pockets that can be found was thinking I have caught off the gravel and the silt recently but I think this may work best corrupting a hard spot at this time of year Anyone tried this before?
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