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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I would suggest it's probably cheaper to educate people and create an exam for your rod licence than pay for extra prisons to house all these people you wish to send down
  2. I've been to loads of day tickets where there is litter left all over the shop though and that isn't just Europeans it's just lazy People, I don't like litter of any kind being left by anyone,I had a go at a posh English woman cos she let her dog stinky winky on the playing field, she had to pick it up on her coat cos she didn't have any bags 😁 There are good and bad in all walks of life,perhaps there needs to be better education on fishing laws in this country I heard in Germany you have to take an exam before you are allowed a fishing licence that could work
  3. It's just a different culture tbh they like to drink and fish and make a day of it,and in there countries it's fine they catch something and eat it, I know a polish guy and his grandad loved eating bream 😬😬🥺, while I think they should stick to the rules of the water and exercise fish care and catch and release I can see it from the other side of the fence,it's more a traditional hunting thing, if we got loads of American immigrants they would be bowfishing all over the gaff, As for the sun newspaper it should never be read by anyone these days tbh, so many scandals and they just keep on dishing out BS for people to lap up
  4. It was in the sun so they probably made it up to make us hate eastern Europeans more in the build up to Brexit
  5. I just quickly tied a knotless knot pop up rig with a hinge if you use the right hook pattern it will probably be just as effective sat up nicely in the water good angle on the hook pukka You have to go through it to appreciate the simple things sometimes 😀
  6. I thought it was the fishery owner that posted it originally ?
  7. It's almost worth trying it tbh it didn't stand as much as I felt it should,
  8. If you are rich or live in a nice area you generally have to pay more tax for the priveledge unless you are a politician or someone who lives in private school areas like Wandsworth or Westminster where state schools don't exist then council tax is heavily reduced for the privileged few that can afford to live there It's not just the justice system that's broken it's all broken
  9. I am pulling it beyond its life using a pair of pulling tools but tbh I don't think I am putting majorly excessive load on , I know I wouldn't be breaking braid in the same strength bs
  10. He did go into more detail that was mainly the bullet point,and he found this after doing underwater filming for a couple of years it was quite interesting tbh,while I agree that you have to use the right set up for the right situation, I still think learning from others can help you think develop your own angling, you can learn a lot from listening to other people's opinions and trying them yourself OR manipulating into your situation (which is generally what I do with the info I like to think),even if afterwards you think it was a waste if time you've still learnt it was a waste of time rather than wondering about it, Maybe now I've gone fill circle and realised simple is best
  11. I am starting to agree with that comment I think,tonight will be simple rig tying, I was listening to the Nash tackle podcast last night and mark voosen said we tend to overcomplicate rigs and length is one of the more important things he said the longer the rig the more pick ups but the shorter it is more runs (Its just finding the sweet spot in the middle that does the best of both )
  12. Must be too strong then it always seems to break behind the eye, will try some more later on, I tried a 15lb fox illusion and that broke easier so that's encouraging I guess
  13. Is korda IQ Just a bit rubbish or am I too strong? I am using 20lb IQ2 and when trying to bed down the knots. The iq keeps breaking it's happened a few times now so I'm not convinced on it
  14. Personally I would say it's too short/close to the lead is it a pop up or bottom bait rig,? The hook angle is slightly too much for me too, I always prefer a simple D rig and bait screw combo with fluorocarbon but that is personal preference My reasons for wanting a longer hooklink would be that if you have a bigger fish taking the bait the lead would be more likely to pull the rig out of its mouth before it would have tipped back up and had a chance to suck in the bait, It's all personal at the end of the day and what works for one doesn't work for all but that is my opinion hope it helps
  15. Every cloud has a silver lining then,
  16. Thanks I will keep my eyes peeled it would be an easy water for them to target as it's no nights and public access
  17. Thing is will probably still need some putty somewhere you know what these things are like great idea until you buy the stuff you think you need
  18. There is a saving on putty though 😀
  19. Yeah I think it would spin and work ok tbh but I just wonder if it would swivel better with a swivel 😀
  20. What I mean is something made me question it having seen it a couple of times in different areas ,it could have been feeding but it also could've been trapped,it went back underwater so I assumed it was the former but I dunno something had me doubt it tbh,and it's something I would like to be able to check tbh as the reeds have also been stamped down quite a lot in that area, and I've never seen anyone fish that swim all the times I've been there so that's why I am keen to know more
  21. No I get that when I think back though I wasn't sure it was dead natural that's all,that's why I thought it would be good to have an idea what I was looking for
  22. I've noticed a few fish right up to the bank lately on the park lake, haven't spotted any lines but do you think that could be why,I know they do come in but it's right close in and I just wondered if it was unnatural, I've not seen how they leave the lines on the bank Anything I can look out for ?
  23. Yes for exactly that job, I was looking at them in the tank last night and couldn't help feeling the fish has to approach it right to get a take where the swivel may just help turn it faster I think and may help with the hooking
  24. You are right I think got to keep ploughing on , I keep getting the Leon Bartropp phrase it only takes one bite coming into my head, the day ticket can wait till winter again, this is the golden time when they could be stocking up on boilies and more precisely my boilies, good luck yonny and remember it only takes one bite
  25. Does anyone else think this would be better with.a combi link swivel to connect,I think it may just turn better so I've ordered some 🤔
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