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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Type in yellow clip on sunglasses on amazon there are loads 👍 I know what you mean there my eyesight has really seemed to get worse this last couple of years, I did get my eyes tested at specsavers last time though, I think that may be part of it, I did think that but just wondered as they all seem to be night time driving glasses so just wondered if there could be a better use for them
  2. I might give them a go sometime, I have got Amber fortis ones but they only useful at certain times of the day, I wish I had got brown they would be more useful I think as an all round day glass I think brown is a better colour for looking in the water too while the Amber helps my old brown ones seemed to work better
  3. I just wondered really it's that first part of darkness when your eyes haven't adjusted properly I find without my headlight I can't see much at all, and I don't like always using my headlight as that doesn't help your eyes adjust, and then you need that for everything, I've got an ngt cree headlight now that has a green light which I quite like using as it's softer but would prefer to not need one all the time if possible
  4. Just wondering if anyone has used these for night driving or more importantly night fishing? As I get older my eyesight seems worse and as soon as it gets dark things become even trickier just wondering if these may help me see better in the dark 😳
  5. Sorry to hear about your recent losses guys, nothing I can really say that will help but my thoughts are with you, it's nice to see you all opening up and being honest about things that effect you, I am also dealing with anxiety and depression quite often these days and sometimes it's a struggle and as you may have noticed it sometimes makes me overthink everything, when I look back its been with me for many years only I didn't really understand it and just felt like a bit of a freak,last few years I've really tackled it though but one thing I've come to the conclusion of lately these symptoms are more common than you think, talking openly about it has helped me no end, Keep posting its grim up north, some of your photos have been really Inspiring, and also just keep talking, it really helps take the pressure off, Tight lines all Elmo
  6. I wasn't convinced they were the real deal I did a Google search for them and couldn't find any real decent images of them, I thought that was strange as I would think they would sell well these days
  7. There you go it was jr Just seen a set of 3 cork handled ones ctx on FB £325 not Matt finish though but look decent condition
  8. https://johnsonrosstackle.co.uk/free-spirit-carp-rods/21817-free-spirit-ctx-carp-rods-matt-finish.html#/choose-12_5ft_3_25lb_with_50mm_rings
  9. I've seen a Matt finish version of them somewhere but there wasn't any pics which was a shame because I know what you mean, I think it was Johnson Ross ?
  10. I am on the 3rd one now I got sad for a bit at the start 😀
  11. I dont think they will be able to corner the market these days the internet pricing will keep them in check,if they take advantage the customers will vote with there feet
  12. I was hoping you would say that,😁 I still think conditions are good for it, hopefully I will have the place to myself no one is booked on at present so things are looking good for it
  13. Is it still the time of year to go for it baitwise ? Particles yes or no ? I have 5kg I want to use up and quite a lot of bait in my freezer,I have Sunday night ,booked on vermuyden, weather looks quite mild I feel like spodding for a big hit match carp style good idea or suicide ?
  14. I was thinking we need to market a flat cap stand for bivvies ? 😁😁😁
  15. Roughly what range in wraps ? are the different types of throwing sticks useful to please ? I am going to be doing some extreme distance fishing soon possibly even over 18.5 wraps 😮😏😀 and maybe I will need s stick for that ?
  16. This is my latest rig size 6 longshank for the club lake size 4 otherwise Simple and effective, I keep the coated braid on it apart from the hair I want it stiff all the way up to the hook, I've also started using a more hippy length hair, I believe that fish are finding it tricky to eject and I am getting a good hook hold so far, I have also experimented with longer hooklinks for me at present I like 8" plus
  17. My bedchair came in a cyprinus box it was a tracker one 😄😄😄 It wasn't really I am too tight for tracker
  18. I've spent a while playing with rigs this year only to deduce that a simple knotless knot rig has been as useful as any,especially for bottom baits and wafters,the only extra I've added is a line aligner i do like a multi rig for pop ups though
  19. They aren't all identical are they ? My basic understanding is the Higher the HH number the more waterproof they are Link worked for me btw it was a JRC 4G 1 man bivvy with wrap
  20. https://m.facebook.com/groups/240612135981087?view=permalink&id=3094687023906903 Just seen this in FB not sure if it's near you or not
  21. Well spotted good advice, I think your bait /hook combination is perhaps too big something seems to be stopping it going in far eniugh, I would maybe try 15mm with a size 6 and maybe with a longer rig of 7/8 inches and see what happens with that
  22. Could be bad luck,hook sharpness, maybe the hooklength is slightly too short maybe try 7-8 inches,maybe the bait is too close to the hook or something can you add a pic of the rig that may help ?
  23. The most important feature for me is the time it takes to put up and take down, I don't want to be messing about with one for ages, I love my cyprinus brolly system now, has a zip in front which I've never used yet and ive added a JRC multi fit mozzie mesh which fits well I might add and stops me getting bitten by those flying vampires whilst still having a good view of the lake Personally I would rather use a 1 man bivvy for my solo fishing as it's easier and quicker to put up and you don't get tempted to buy loads of other toot to fill the void as you haven't got much free space 😀
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