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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I got chatting to the guy at work that fishes last week about deepers etc, he may have sold me on not having one, He said its a lot of money just to cast in a lake, so he wouldn't want to lose one, have to swim for it or whatever, I remember how annoyed I was when I lost a Spomb I would probably puke and cry if I lost a deeper, I think it's put me off 😁
  2. You still get people casting leads and markers about all over the shop trying to find spots though I don't think that's necessarily exclusive to deeper users to be inconsiderate, I spotted some fish when setting up on the day ticket lake a while back and one leapt out right in front of my swim and this kid kept recasting every 5 minutes to get closer and closer to them everytime there was about 20 - 30 baits pulted In to go with it, unfortunately those anglers are everywhere, I guess there is also the morals of using a deeper and what you use it for? And where do you draw the line, Map making Spot finding Fish finding I think the merit of any capture falls to how hard you feel you worked for it, if you spent weeks or months unlocking the code using a device occasionally to map the lake and find spots but you had got the lake sussed started to find patterns in the fishes behavior, baited some spots 3 times a week, and then you caught a few leading up to a lake record you would still feel you had earnt it as there were lots of factors not just the device but just suppose you went to Burghfield for the first time and you chucked your bait towards the buoy that Dave Lane fished to when he caught it, 2 hours later it screams off and you catch the Burghfield common, that was only your first session and you were just trying to suss the place out and you thought it was a good place to start as you had just watched his YouTube vid the day before, you might not feel you hadn't earnt it but when you were on the cover of carp world would you really be worried,I wouldn't, I would like to think all the years building up to the capture and all the things I had previously learnt would have helped, even though I had done some homework on youtube it wasn't all that caught that fish, I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and if you are happy in your fishing then that's all that matters, tech or no tech only you can decide If you have earnt it and are proud of your achievements,
  3. I would probably do the same as it would be hard to trust something modern against what you have already used before
  4. I am still undecided how feel about technology and its use in fishing, I can see both sides but I just can't decide on my moral stance, you still have to get all the other aspects right also in order to catch and you still have to find the spots to fish on them is it just an easier way of mapping a lake or finding an area you wish to turn into a dinner plate, I still think even with tech you would need some hard graft to make it work in your favour so is it cheating? I don't know, There are still other ways I lose out my eyesight isn't what it used to be, I am colour blind so I don't think I can see fish as easily as a normal eyed angler, and I don't think my polariods help maybe as much as they did when I was younger, Im not really a tree climber build , so I am probably missing things other people see do is it just levelling the field a bit So does anyone actually use a deeper or fishspy or anything similar and does it lessen the enjoyment of fishing for you? Or do you just think of it as another tool to use to help you catch more carp?
  5. I am still unsure how I feel about tech tbh part of me thinks I should try it is everyone else seems to be so why handicap yourself,but then I also know where you are coming from and would I feel less enjoyment if I had used a device to find things out I may not have otherwise , but mainly I just want to be nosey and have a look Down there "😳
  6. Hi guys Was thinking about using a fishspy this year to check any spots I find with a lead just to make sure they look how I think they should look, however the reviews on the fishspy are a little mixed, so I thought I could get a 4k cheap go pro off ebay and with the use of a sliding pike float or something I could suspend it over the spot to have a look at what lies beneath has anyone else tried this before,? I guess my casting distance will be severely impeded casting a plastic box out but it should go a fair way still I wouldn't be using it all the time more when I find the spots for the first time, and probably, more on the days I am not fishing tbh as I am really interested to see if spots are like I imagine them to be, if nothing else it may give me more confidence in my feature finding ability, but I just think it could be an Interesting experiment and I quite fancy trying it 😂 Has anyone else used anything similar ?
  7. I find one day it just happens and you learn to get it right, either that or just let it be a bit flappy will still keep you dry 😁 Agree with Highy though the groundsheet will help you keep it straight
  8. I bought a cheap one and once you have used it a few times you know why it was cheap mine bends a bit and I don't really like it I think it may be the same as the go outdoors one , personally I would look for a 2nd hand carp porter or similar as it will probably last a lot longer if it's in good nick I had a mk2 before and it was much better
  9. Not sure how tall you are but check the height is OK if it's a compact? They seem to be getting shorter these days and I can't bend like I used to😂 Have a look at cyprinus too they often have some good deals about
  10. 5hanks for the reply I've always found my rigs got tangled in my current rig wallet when I've tried this , it is about 20 years old and with big pegs so it's done OK, I just think if I the tracker works like i think it will its a good fit into my tackle bag , I want to have fresh rigs ready to go when I get to the lake, I decided I want to use HSR for my pop ups this year so with this one they should be ready to bait and chuck out with no messing I can also use the other end for my other rig so I can be fully prepared, and better organised
  11. Oops I found a bargain one on ebay £14.99 fast n free just had to have it 😁
  12. Hi all Looking at the tracker nxg stiff rig wallet does anyone use one? It looks a very good thing as you can store Hinged stiff rigs perfectly in it as it has the rounded bits for the chod section, I was looking because I wanted a long rig wallet for my wafter rigs but as I also want to use HSR for my pop ups this year looks perfect, Does anyone use one or can anyone recommend me something else that will work just as well? its a lot of money for a rig wallet and I don't like wasting money if its no good Thanks Elmo
  13. I would think a lot might be to do with water tempersture as well as the shallow part will warm up quicker and the fish will go there to warm up, i guess the shallows will make other creatures drawn to the heat, might be worth trickling a bit of bait in you may find they keep coming back, not sure where you are but it doesn't seem that cold at the moment and it hasn't really been cold for that long yet so they might still be fairly active if they are being fed, also if they are younger fish they will probably eat more as there metabolism will work faster than the older carp so they may have more energy to burn (Simon Scott mentioned that in this months carp cast) Good luck
  14. Hopefully just poorly looked after goldfish that the owners thought they may have a better life getting eaten by pike or heron or something, if they weren't looked after in the tank getting put in a lake wouldn't do them any good, There is a probably a goldfish website that may show there types of illness you may be able to work it out from that
  15. Not really I quite like the look of there square pattern ones and the CSR and I quite like the look of the curve long shanks (but I have trig Hammers to try and they look lovely ) Those round krank type ones still look a bit futuristic for me 😁
  16. I work with a guy who's on the cawcutts syndicate he loves it and has caught some pretty nice fish tbh
  17. Have you watched the free cryptography interview with Danny Fairbrass yet? I enjoyed that tbh, I liked how he runs korda, I wish more companies were like that where the boss doesn't hide away in his ivory tower, the more I see of him the more I like him tbh
  18. That's probably not a bad way to think really, and actually I might try and take that on board this year, it's good to support your local tackle shops
  19. This is true tbh we are quite lucky these days, you can usually find something that may help your own angling on you tube Still don't like fish kissing though 😂 And actually I find also that Mark Pitchers is very watchable tbh, he is natural on the camera and funny, and also quite enjoy the challenges as it's something different, and not serious all the time, shows that fishing can be fun Also I was in my hay day in the 1990's and spent quite some time raving, so I don't mind the drum and bass heavy vids it's a nice juxtapostion for me raving and fishing
  20. I watched a couple of your vids last night found them quite interesting and easy to watch, some good advice and easy to follow tips etc,
  21. No worries thanks for the offer though 👍👍
  22. Thanks will give it a try just saw some pink braid I quite liked the look of 😍😍😎😁
  23. BE LUCKY and over cockneying Talking about nothing but that you are just having a cuppa and you will be back with a other update soon I do like Leon though there is an intelligence in his angling and he seems a decent chap and he does catch some good fish I watched someone use every bait In the dynamite range over 3 rods earlier and then went on to use glug and hookbait dip too, 😁
  24. It would mainly be a leading about rod tbh, to just find some features etc,then I am Considering purchasing a second hand fishspy for my spod rod just for a quick butchers to check to see what's really Down there 😳
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