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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Personally unless the lake bed you are fishing is flat I would use a coated braid, especially at this time of year as there may be leaves and detritus around to ruin your presentation, and be careful steaming fluoro it's quite easy to weaken it I think
  2. I totally agree with you tbh, st Ives in hindsight was far too big for me to get my head around this year, on the Club lake I caught well on any bait I tried, and when I got it right on Vermuyden it went OK too, this year isn't such a steep learning curve for me, it's more a natural progression from where I left off, all those years ago but with the added bonus of this year's learning, I hope I fried my brain enough last year to make this year work out better, there are positives to be taken, I just think I needed to work through the phooey to get to a place I am confident in what I do, my rigs work when I apply the thinking correctly, a couple of bites will give me the confidence in the bait, it's now down to me and my application of it tbh I can still remember a few spots I caught off so I am not going in blind as it were It's going to be fine this year can't wait to get cracking 👍 Cheers again
  3. Thanks for that I have asked for some 14mm snails with my order, I have placed my order now so its happening 15kg of 18mm golden balls on the way plus 2kg of 12mm that will get me going for now and some wafters and amino spray, like you though I quite fancy using some alternate hookbaits I'm keen to try some proper job pop ups this year but also have a load of dna ones still 😁
  4. I'm taking notice and going with a fishmeal,😁 but i do like the sound of Shropshire gold tbh,and there is the option of a winterised version it's a natural food bait, natural in colour and apparently it works quite quickly and will appear washed out due to its colour and with no added flavour, some of those factors may help me get the fish feeding quicker which suits my shorter sessions, it suits the bank balance a bit better too free postage and a little cheaper, it does seem to catch fish from the reports I read, apparently it smells like fish food, I haven't read anything negative about retro baits and I have trawled the web looking for it, and I know a couple of people on here have used it and given positive reviews about them so hopefully it's the one for me, I would like to put this chapter to bed tbh, I want to move on from worrying about these things and just knowing I can reach into the freezer and pull out a bag of bait that works is all I need, Thanks all for your input and thanks for getting me back on track 🙏🙏👍
  5. Rigs are sorted now I think as for hooks I've decided trig hammers for most types I need only the HSR needs a chod type hook but I think i can use a few and they will all work, main point being as long as they are sharp, they will work, I just think I need to commit to a bait now and some killer hookbaits and I am pretty sorted, 😁
  6. This is part of me being a habitual over thinker, I've kind of accepted it now, can be useful can be a pain much like now 😁 Tbh I've spent so long looking Into it now I think I'm worse off, I really want a banana based bait if I am honest which is why it would have to be a custom made one, Retro do nutty narna, but nick b seems to think Shropshire gold is the one, but i quite like the sound of most of there baits if I am honest, crazy nut being another, Shall I just pick one buy it in bulk and live with it 😁
  7. I feel like I am frying my brain at the moment tbh, I keep thinking about bait and choosing the right one , and how do I choose the right bait for me, when ultimately I still don't have confidence in any, when I last fished there I had a bait I was confident using (not available now) and I feel last year I tried a few and none gave me a lot of confidence,well one did but the supplier didn't, and I also know maybe I should've stuck with one but there is so much choice these days and that still requires a leap of faith , and then there is bait type, what do I want? It's got to be fairly instant and attractive as I dont get to do long sessions? I want to try and not hook too many cats, bream or tench, these are the kind of questions I have, my main options are retro baits, premier and making one unique with the custom bait creator, I've spoken to both tony and Nick burrage and both have been helpful it's doing my head in help 😭
  8. I tried using a stick for the first time the other week trying to launch some towards a set of reeds quite a few seemed to go over making the bloke in the swim to the left pop his head out to see what was going on 😁😁😁
  9. my thinking was if I used a nut based bait they may not like it as much as someone else's and let me be 😂 But if a bream turns his nose up that might also mean it isn't a very good bait 😁 I can try some ideas on one rod I guess, he who dares rodders and all that
  10. Do bream still eat nut based boilies or does that slow them down a bit ? I just wonder as last time I fished there was on the old fav P42 which had nuts in it, and I wonder if that was why I didn't get plagued by them?
  11. I cast 13.5 wraps last time I was fishing and it gave me a nosebleed 😁 For sensitivity I find my soniks pretty bang on tbh of I can I turn it up to full, it registers most small movements, I think like nick said a lot of sensitivity comes down to lead set up, I think the running rig is much better if you need sensitivity especially if you can get your rod pointed at the spot you are fishing, I found the heli set up gave some weird indications, if I can I use running rigs, but I guess with inlines and bolt rigs they are hopefully helping to get more takes as soon as the bait is picked up,
  12. I was thinking of getting a whole site ticket and being able to just go where I pleased with a bait that didn't need a lot of introduction lol but seeing how that's been scuppered already 😁 Seriously it was a concern now it's a bigger concern 😂 i am still quite keen to persevere with the plastic and pva approach for the hookbaits though I have 3 rods can mix them up , even feeding boilies it may work well, I can handle the odd bream or tench but I would get fed up catching lots of them 😢 Cheers all
  13. I can't actually remember catching a bream last time I was there tbh, I am sure they will be there though 👀👀 I did catch a tench though maybe I will add some boilies just incase I need to switch 😁 Nuts are banned unfortunately otherwise I would
  14. I thought the hubb was going to be an app turns out its a proper receiver https://www.wolfint.com/product/icon-hubb/ Apparently its got a 2000km range, I'm just popping to see the proclaimers 500 miles away, I will hear them if I get a take its fine 😁 They do look good though I think any idea on price ? I watched the sonik Gizmo vid last night they look like an improved version of the sks alarms
  15. Hi guys I've taken the decision to try something out with pva and plastic baits, and I am tempted to not use boilies for a bit to see how it works, but I am also mindful I could be heading to snotsville, I've just received some banging mini 2mm pellets which smell amazing and are soft I'm hoping they firm up a bit over time but they seem like mini attraction gold, I want to add a firmer small pellet which will be a slower breakdown and that's the bags sorted, I am thinking a range of enterprises finest for my hookbaits, Now when it comes to spod mix I am thinking mixed pellets up to 11mm and particles, is there a particle bream don't like but carp love am hoping its pigeon conditioner BTW 😁 I don't mind catching a few snotties if the big girls also appear, I am also hoping to avoid catfish if possible maize and tigers are banned 🙆 Thanks all in advance
  16. The Fox easy splicing needle looks just like a diamond pole elastic threader, you could cut one of those down and use that,
  17. Personally I think if you want something reliable you need German or Japanese really,
  18. My understanding of suburus is that no 2 cars are wired the same 😱
  19. I am looking at new cars at the moment my Passat tdi has been great tbh I've done 110,000 average 40+ mpg pretty much hassle free motoring in it, it's getting a little tired now but still runs like a dream, I would quite like to see how far I can go with it, but not sure been looking at more practical family vehicles, like an estate or a grande cmax, but it also needs to be suitable for fishing, My misses has a seat ibiza fr diesel 30 tax 50+mpg diesels are great imo, I wouldnt put you off any *** diesel, Don't be tempted by a b class merc though biggest pile of toot I've ever owned, I didn't like my mum and dad's petrol crv that much tbh bit wallowy and expensive to run and that was a decade ago they switched for a diesel one which was better
  20. I give up 😁 That's a 4 with large kicker
  21. Nice one for that I did look at BMG I've just ordered some, and some other bits lol couldn't help myself I've wanted some tungsten anti tangle sleeves for a while couldn't resist 😁 no hooks though I was a good boy Yonny send me your address I have ordered you a pack to return the favour
  22. Very demanding 😂😂 I think if you pull them about a bit and give them a gentle tug they stretch a bit
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