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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. That's what a few reviews said, but I ordered one anyway should be fine for me I think I'm only using short sticks
  2. Is that also a matrix piledriver ? Is that a good piece of kit?
  3. Wouldn't that send you mad though constantly checking they were still level, at least with a spirit level you could lock In the car or something 😏
  4. That's kind of why I thought a marker may leave more of a smell if they can smell your fingers and stuff πŸ‘ But that is good to know they wouldn't 😁
  5. The only thing that puts me off using a permanent marker is that I wonder if they can sense the smell of them? I don't know that it would matter but it's just something I've thought about πŸ€”
  6. 😁 Thing is you have to look at them a lot while your fishing, and it just eats away until you get annoyed that it's not level, I actually got annoyed just as darkness was descending, I had started recasting them all and it just lolloped to the right so I had to sort it out and rechuck them all as I felt I may have moved them a bit, then in the morning when I got the take they moved again 😫 Is a spirit level going too far or is this an item that can be used but just not talked about πŸ˜…
  7. Just thought I would add a couple more pics from my last trip, now everytime I see that last pic and a lot of my rod shots I get so annoyed with the wonkyness πŸ™„ I think I may have to get an auger of some description, I keep hearing Iain Macmillan saying "you won't catch sh1* if your rods aren't level" 😁 Even the tension poles look a bit wonky 😭 It never used to worry me but it is definately becoming an issue that needs addressing 😬
  8. I have some gravel pb jelly wire and I also think it's a bit light coloured but would probably still use it Didnt Rob Hughes do an underwater video about the colour of the bottom? I seem to remember watching something
  9. I think the main thing I like is for braid not to be a solid colour that way it should blend in better, unless it looks blatent in the margins I wouldn't worry I tested the esp camo sink link in the margins the other day dissapeared completely, I am colour blind though 😁😁😁
  10. If you are still planning on fishing at st Ives, you will find the bivvy tramps books interesting if you haven't read them already πŸ‘
  11. Jamie Clossick wrote one of his I think,
  12. There are other ways of making a similar set up in black on the cheap I think πŸ‘ bare with me I'll do some research
  13. Any old black buzz bars would do if you have any? Then all you need is the threaded uprights and a couple of small banksticks possibly available in black
  14. I may be able to grit blast them at work which might be easier, dunno if I want to paint them black though, not when you can buy black singles it would need to be different πŸ˜¬πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ I can feel a project coming on 😁
  15. Kind of slight variation on the Std ones you can get,as I am using a goalpost front bar and a narrow buzz bar rear and other bits I had, the quality isn't all that I don't think really needs a proper tap and die cutter set running over them to make them better, the threads are a bit poo on them. Probably good 10 ten yarders but I just know they will annoy me 😁
  16. My stainless bits arrived yesterday while I remembered how stinky winky the quality is just set them up in tip run required corner, I don't think I will like them for long as my buzz bar bag now weighs more than my bed 😁 but quite happy with the rake on the set up and they seemed sturdy enough time will tell but will probably end up wanting to buy some quality items eventually πŸ˜…
  17. Cheers guys I think I've gone off the idea of the alarms today now πŸ˜‚ I did read a lot of good ones about the S9 though so maybe they are a little better, but I may just stick with the soniks they haven't let me down yet
  18. That's not so good I think the S9 seems a lot more simple, with less to go wrong on them but thanks will do more digging
  19. I'm also starting to really like these indicators 😬 and really cursing myself for mainly having stainless set ups 😁I can't decide if it would be criminal on stainless to use these or if I care enough to worry, functionally they look good and they are quite pretty 😁
  20. I'm staying to quite like the look of the S9 alarm set tbh, they look quite decent I think, have lots of different features that can be all controlled via phone or the reciever
  21. You can just buy one of there power banks and leave it attached to them 😁
  22. I bought a new net recently, I've got a Sonik S1, It's a bit of a heavy weight one in comparison 998g 😬 But I thought it was light compared to my old one, that must've really been on the pies 😁 Although actually looking the pack weight is 998g too so may be lighter it came in a big old box πŸ€”
  23. They are now rechargeable ones which is quite handy I think,
  24. For some reason the pervert in me wants some delkims ev-d or Nevilles or something, im not ready to commit 550 quid to a set but I fancy a change πŸ˜‘ Has anyone used the ND tackle dongles Β£71, for 3 dongles + receiver which is less than half price of the gardner set up? But are they any good? I am slowly coming round to the idea of needing dongles and the fact they are cheaper from ND makes it acceptable just abiut ☺️, I can't see any other alarms I want really other than Nevilles or the delkims at present, but I think most people will say Delks are better alarms with the vibration sensing thing
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