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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I've upgraded to a proper old man family car today a Ford grand c max 🚙👵😆
  2. There 24 hour ebay auctions are Bob on for a bargain 👍
  3. Yep that's it, I don't mind spending more on the more important bits tbh somethings aren't worth scrimping on but a lot of things are 😂 But my cyprinus bunker and wrap is hands down the best bivvy I've ever owned tbh and for 92 quid new with wrap, it was as cheap as chips even got some cheesy peas 😁
  4. I'm more a Lidl 57 😁 Sonik shimano and diawa reels Rods Wychwood, greys, fox Cyprinus brolly and bivvy and stinky winky Nash titan Cyprinus bed and bag Ngt luggage Load of other bits from cygnet, esp, korda, fox, sonik, bank tackle, BMG castaway pva, ridgemonkey and various others I cant remember I tend to go through phases with my tackle items I think, at the moment I do love my cyprinus bits, luggage ngt stuff does a good enough job for me, my rucksack is now well organised thanks to some bargain purchases, basically I am David Dickenson,😁
  5. This is my simple pva bag rig, I may just blob a bit of putty below the hook and also a little sliver over the back knot of the loop but it's nothing fancy tbh, just some esp sink link a hook with a d rig aligner on it and hook swivel or bait screw to attach the bait,
  6. I think as an alarm they are great nice and sensitive when you need it, give good indication and work, I do find battery life is a bit pants though, but I just keep a load of spares in my bag for when they start beeping, I do think low quality batteries drain a lot faster, I got some amazon industrials last time and they seem to hold up a bit better, but they handle all weather, if I could be bothered I would remove the batteries after each session but generally I am in a rush and forget 😁
  7. Should be a bit better now for you either way I would think, the new road is pretty decent as long as there are no closures but they are hoping to have it finished this year so hopefully it will be OK
  8. That's a bit of a chicken /egg scenario I can't decide if it's lack of sleep that causes the overthinking, or the overthinking that causes the lack of sleep, going to have to Mull that one over for a while 😁
  9. Now you know so it's OK, doesn't hurt to ask if you aren't sure, I am also a terrible over thinker, I was really bad for most of last year tbh 😁 This year I have a plan and I will make it work 😁👍
  10. Just keep an eye on traffic reports though lots of road closures and detours at the moment
  11. For us locals it's a right pain in the buttocks but once done it should be pretty good other than if you are me where it will make no difference as they haven't put a south bound exit where it would benefit me Are you coming from the north that seems loads better tbh? No more stopping at Huntingdon either flyover built working well not sure where you get off for st Ives now as there is a new road in place but I am sure there will be an exit for it somewhere
  12. Interesting question and I can only guess but my assumption would be that the impact on the water would take a lot of the angle out of the bait and it would fall fairly straight from where it landed as long as they go up then down I guess if you fired it straight down at the marker it may go further underwater, just do what I do and don't be too accurate then you will have a spread around 😁 Another factor would be topspin or back spin, I am pretty sure a throwing stick will give you back spin which would mean your bait virtually stops dead on impact but unsure if a boilie spins out of a Pult 😁
  13. Just saw this on fb and thought it was near some of you from oop norf dunno if it's of anyone's interest but thought I would share it anyway http://www.improveyourfishing.co.uk/Kids-Weekend-Fishing-Club/53/
  14. Same here I am usually lucky I manage a 24+session so I think maybe I should consider a more active approach, I don't mind tying them up tbh, not now I have a system and set up that makes it easy to do in advance, I got some bags from bank tackle they seem OK tbh and fairly cheap and they don't leave an aftertaste 👍😂😂
  15. That is probably something I should consider more tbh,I guess I will find my own natural rhythm eventually with regard to how many I need to tie but maybe a few extra rechucks is a good idea when fishing like this would certainly seem a good idea to keep the baited area fresh ,and especially after bleeps good thinking and thanks I think I need to find a more aggressive mentality in my own approach 👍
  16. Good points made My plan is to have the mix ready made dry and in the bucket with 6 or so pre made and just inject the liquids in as and when I use them,not too faffy 😁 obviously I know I will use 3 off the bat so will do 3 first in advance to soak up the liquids a bit , then probably just keep one boosted with liquid ready to go, I dont really want to keep too many spares but just to have enough for while I am fishing the session I am on so will just keep stocks at a required level really I've added dynamite shrimp and krill honky groundbait today and some crushed hemp 😁
  17. Thanks I think it isn't a bad starting point, should have ingredients to draw them in I think from above, and make a little cloud of attraction from the off Salmon fry crumb is going in when I get round to getting some, it's on my radar, as a small extra bit 👍 I have also got some GLM, brocacell, clo, fishmeals and other goodies at home so can add those if needs be When you say it won't be cheap, I think the price can be slightly offset by the amount of freebies you use alongside it, as I think if I am looking for a bite at a time I doubt I will use more than a couple of handfuls of boilies over a spot, and I've also decided I might not do a lot of prebaiting this year, as my shifts make it hard to do it regularly, maybe if I see an opportunity to get something going I will, and I might leave a bit in after a session but the key to this plan is to get the bag to do the work for me a bit 🤔😁
  18. Been on BAF this morning 😁 Fish hydro Stinger oil 1kg Crayfish meal 1kg Krill powder More 2mm pellets Amino hookbait soak That's not a bad way to start this trial i think 👍 Going to try and prepare some special hookbaits too 😁
  19. Hi all I've been thinking about this a lot lately now I want to try and create the ultimate pva bag mix, I am keen to make this the staple of my fishing year Now what I am thinking is a mix of small 2mm pellets, boilie crumb, an active groundbait and I am thinking a mix of a hydroslate and an oil and maybe also some nice powders like a GLM or krill powder or something maybe brococell what i am hoping is the oil will lift this through the water column to boost attraction Hookbaits will be pop ups, wafters or plastic baits going to try and keep those small and refined if I can I will still spod or fire out boilies around it but I want the bag and hookbait to be the epicentre of the attraction What would you guys add to the ultimate pva bag mix?
  20. I think there has never been a better time to learn how to fish than now tbh, if I had been a kid now I would be a much better angler than I was when I was a kid, all I had for knowledge were John Wilson books other books from the library, mags and TV programmes, we learnt how to fish by ourselves because there wasn't an alternative, I just used to pester anyone I could for info, but now I can Google search or watch some videos that will teach me how to tie knots or set up a rig that isn't a death trap within minutes, yes my childhood angling was magical and I can and do look back with rose tinted specs, but I have a thirst to learn all I can and God bless you tube for that, it's free I don't have to get up in the loft to dig out the crate of festering carp world's or go to the local newsagent hoping they have still got a copy, I can just use a computer or phone But I will try to make my kids fishing as magical as mine was if they continue to want to go but that's mainly because I want to be a good parent, but I would happily let them learn from watching you tube as they will soak it up like a sponge and learn things u wouldn't have known about as a kid
  21. Ouch I did similar holding my little one, I slipped on a toy, she was fine but I did my back in so I feel your pain, hope it's not too serious and you are milking it for all you can, 👍
  22. Probably too much coating over the insert tbh,
  23. It could work but tbh I think I woukd feel happier with a lead that just run free, the lead should assist the take enough with sharp hooks then in theory the fish wouldn't be able to use the weight of the lead to get the hook out again as it would detach and be a free running lead, that's the theory got to get a take or two to see what happens in practice,
  24. Not really I think that seemed to cause most of the problems I tried putty that gummed up in the lead not too keen on putting anything else behind it really would rather it could come off easily is need be, Good thing abiut the tadpole sleeve it grips the lead just enough to hold it, but I think any amount of shaking from the fish and it will detach from the sleeve and be free I had a chat with the guy in the fishing shop when he saw them in action he said he would change to them from the korda alternative as its a better set up 👍
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