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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Thats good then they do make good reading πŸ‘ I just find it very easy to lose confidence in my approach, like now I've got a plan and I plan to stick with it, I am confident now as it seems to be working, but I wonder how I would react in that situation, I guess we will see 😁
  2. I'd be happy with that one stunner again, did you work out what was causing the hook pulls? And did you change anything? The reason I ask is because I probably would have gone mental and changed everything perhaps needlessly 😁🀣
  3. That's quite sad isn't it, I bet he couldn't get an acting job cos everyone thought he was a drug addict 😒
  4. No i was still to young to be In that video they were big kids to me 😁
  5. I've got a Sonik vader spod reel and it's a bit noisy and doesn't feel that great tbh, I would also go with diawa simply as i a always find them good quality products, I have 3 old emcast evos and if they died tomorrow they would've still given me many happy years of service
  6. It's no wonder I went my own way listening to this again πŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ˜
  7. Trouble is I thought zammo was so cool it sent me on my own unique journey 😎😁😁😁😁
  8. I only know because I saw zammo do it on Grange Hill πŸ™„πŸ€”
  9. That's a good idea might try that thanks probably need to do something with them πŸ‘πŸ’‘
  10. Tight like a tight thing 😁😁😁😁
  11. Well the old Jrc has been modded, currently laying on it and not one cable tie has broken so far, it was old and saggy now its, tight and limber again, couple of things I discovered it does seem to leave loads of sharp bits once you trim them, and also it's worth fitting them all loose to start with then tightening them down all at once, good job well done I now have a quick, light overnight chair again
  12. I've also acquired some cable ties 😁 Might try and panel beat the frame a bit too while the cover is off, it was a little bent at the foot end 😱
  13. I don't think it adds or takes away any enjoyment for me really, I just like to know, the weight isn't be be all and end all, I'm just happy to catch, I do only tend to weigh them if they upper doubles + though just incase, because the 20lb + fish seem to have eluded me since my return to fishing last year, 😁
  14. Another day another stunner, great stuff yonny
  15. I have an old saggy jrc cocoon and access to a supply cable ties, I might give it a go whilst on furlough,to see if I can't revive it 😁 And if they support me they will be well rated πŸ˜‡
  16. I like my 6ft rod it doesn't get used enough but if you want a "fun" rod then it's perfect for stalking and getting around with minimal fuss, I do agree you can do stalking with 12 footers but it reminds me of the olden days with my little ledger rod and peering over the edge of the bank watching a dog biscuit right under the rod tip, and also its amazing playing a fish with the rod arching right round to the handle, While I do agree I got bored quickly with 10ft rods as they are limiting for all round rods and much prefer my 12 footers, it's nice to have a little fun rod that is easily transportable when you just have an hour or two
  17. 2lb tc in my opinion, if you are fishing close in you want it to be forgiving,I have an old 2lb tc greys stalker and was planning to use it this year again, 😬
  18. I'm in the middle but would've said Neen until I went to Stanwick lakes in the olden days on a carp. Com social( 3 of us in winter and it froze) 😬 now I just call it the nen when people call it the neen to be contrary 😁
  19. Would you say nen valley or Neen valley carp? 😏 Absolute stonker of a common though and an excellent write up to match, they make great reading these write ups πŸ‘ will look forward to the next one
  20. I did wonder what a fishing chair wheel was, I thought whatever will they come up with next πŸ˜‚ You could maybe have a look at car seats, maybe one of those might fit, is the other one lost or broken? Maybe a pic of the other side may help as someone may be able to see what could replace it
  21. http://www.baitbuckets.co.uk/shop/18-litre-round-camo-bucket-internal-tray/ I found this one with a tray πŸ‘
  22. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/263864572321 I did spot this whilst having. Look at buckets, you still need to buy a bucket for it but looks pretty good for what you want it for and you would have some pockets for stuff and fit should be easier to carry πŸ‘
  23. It does seem a complete rip off really 50 quid for a bucket lol, What you could do is make one πŸ€”bit of plywood on the lid some foam and a bit of material should be fairly easy and more importantly a lot less than 50 quid πŸ‘
  24. I hadn't really payed much attention to this before but I did see its rated to 25 stone, that's a pretty strong piece of furniture really, would want to try one to see if it's comfortable and practical first though I think,
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