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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. It does seem a complete rip off really 50 quid for a bucket lol, What you could do is make one πŸ€”bit of plywood on the lid some foam and a bit of material should be fairly easy and more importantly a lot less than 50 quid πŸ‘
  2. I hadn't really payed much attention to this before but I did see its rated to 25 stone, that's a pretty strong piece of furniture really, would want to try one to see if it's comfortable and practical first though I think,
  3. Funnily enough I had the avid stuff, so I also gave it a go splices nicely but didn't want to go through the eye, I used a size 4, on my travels of the interweb today I found some IB HOOKS JUNGLE ROPE 25lb spliceable hooklink braid 50m for Β£15, I've taken A Punt will let you know what it's like, they seem to do some quite cool rig bits on there site actually, worth having a look I think πŸ‘ Let me know how you get on with the ridgemonkey stuff
  4. Spliceable hooklinks? You've got me interested lol I started researching but not sure where to start who makes good ones please?
  5. Quite surprised how well a 10x15mm proper job is holding that lot up, perfect for bag rig pop ups, I think this combo may work even better with a bigger hookbait too
  6. Looks better I think πŸ‘
  7. BMG do a krank chod hook which I happen to have a packet of 😁 I will try and knock one up later on if I can the out turned eye may improve on your rig , I may have a curve type hook too πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
  8. I used 5000 emcast evos and found them OK, depends what you want to spend really
  9. Unfortunately that's true, you can't catch em all πŸ˜•
  10. That must've been a tough call to make, but another good decision, I found a few dead ones last year and it does make it tough, do you know what the cause of death was?
  11. That is an absolute stunner and a great story to boot, excellent stuff
  12. Will have a look into it I have some curve shanks in my hook collection πŸ˜‚ I found a good way make it easy to thread as well the fox easy splice needle, because it's so thin goes through hooks, aligners and small rings with ease I didn't get on with it splicing but I've found a good use for it now 😁
  13. The pva bag rig I was using started to annoy me tonight I really want to use bait screws but d rig aligner says no, or maybe yes but I will annoy you first so back and be faffy, so back with a fresh twist uncoated braid, tungsten aligned multi rig, that will do for now 😁
  14. I did that last year too the littlun bought one home From school and I didn't have any bamboo, mine wasn't just a Nash one it was a broken Nash one 😁
  15. I used my spod rod at my last daughters birthday, I sat on the stage like a knome with a pinata tied to it while the kids whacked the hell out of it 😁
  16. Great read yonny and some great fish too excellent stuff, hope there are more installments to come πŸ‘
  17. Don't you have then reel the dog in though to get it to come back πŸ˜‚
  18. I still haven't found the time to go through it once yet 😭 I need to respool all my lines and everything, I have just bought a spooler and d spool drill attachment, the thought of another manual despool was too much, I think that may be why I have been putting it off πŸ˜‚
  19. 0 No i know but from my understanding changing the wheel is still the only way to adjust the sensitivity? IE 4 magnet to 2 magnet would make it less sensitive
  20. Is that the thing to stop false beeps? Doesn't seem like it's a adjustable though does it?
  21. You could've put bog roll in the speakers if you could find some 😁
  22. I think people should just stay at home and stop trying to beat the system, it's the others who suffer, my dad is going in for a an op as he has bowel cancer tomorrow, I'm scared that even though he is isolated at present he can't isolate himself against idiots who take it upon themselves to break the rules for whatever petty reason they can find, these people then go around infecting others who then infect others and others and others, it's just a few weeks off, just do what you can to stop the spread it will save lives
  23. From what I've just read the sensitivity comes from the magnet rollers and is only adjustable by changing that I think the mk3 seems to come with a 4 magnet roller which may be upgraded from previous ones Settings look like on, silent or off but it has connection to the reciever I may be wrong but that's what I could glean from the blurb I read
  24. That's what I thought the short ones for the singles are 13cm shouldnt need much persuading to get those in the ground, so next rod shot will be straight 😁
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