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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I used similar seeds tbis week, I added some chilli flakes, himilayan salt and a good glug of Stinger oil (you could get an oil from bm too have a look at the supermarket sweep thread for which oils you want,) I've used a stir fry oil before because that seemed to have a good blend I just soaked mine in a cool box for 36 hours and they went all gloopy and nice
  2. Well I am now home had to stop and get some bread and milk, thought it best to also get Mrs Putney some flowers as fish no 10 made an appearance, just as I had started packing away, I had just turned my reciever off didn't realise one of my alarms was silent, luckily I heard the bang as it pulled out the clip and the bobbin hit the rod, fish 10 was the common to prove me wrong, battled all the way in and really tried to get himself free spent ages going through every pad stem and even round and round some rushes, clever one that one, it knew how to get free, must have beaten someone before as when I got it in and unhooked it I thought thats odd my rig isn't attached turns out he already had a hook plus mine, 2 hooks removed another mid double common but another pretty one pics to follow later on, All in all that was a mega session alright, don't think I will fish that lake again though, it was fun once but its exhausting, I don't feel I got enough time to relax 😁 But I tried a few different hookbaits a few different rigs and my conclusions are, you can catch them on any rig if they are preoccupied with feeding as long as it presents correctly not a concern, d rig kicker rigs tended to get the best hook hold though but 10 fish hooked, 10 landed so no major concern, I even used the same wafter and rig for 2 fish couldn't get the Hat trick on it though 😁
  3. Number 9 has visited the bank, a mod double common 🀣 but a pretty one so I took some snaps
  4. I'm on 8 now another mid double common in the night left that rod in, no pic, got woken up by a screamer, that fish really didn't want to come in, then it probably ran 40 yards into the pads to my left, all the time staying deep, had a stalemate with it for a while and eventually it swam out and proceeded to not want me to land it, I actually thought it was a bigger one when it was on but I thought no way when I saw it, a lovely mid double MIRROR 😍 I always thought commons fight hardest but this one wow angry little so and so, I've airbombed the rest of the dirty munga out and put 3 fresh bags out to see if I can't hit double figures whilst packing up 🀣
  5. Preview of Jonny 5 all 20lb 2oz of him those 2 ounces have got rid of a big old weight around my neck I was starting to think I could only catch mid to high doubles 😩
  6. Luckily they habe stopped for now 😁
  7. This one was no 6, about mid double but went just while I was just settling the line on my other rod, it's been mental today, I need a cider and no more runs for a bit 😁
  8. This one was no 4 another common about 15lb I actually got the camera set up for no5 πŸ“Έ
  9. This one is no 3 mat shots ftw all from my middle rod so far all commons, and all between 12 and 16lb, I'm starting to feel like I need to get organised these teatime fish aren't doing my organisation any good 😁
  10. Just had another little one 12lb common , it was a bit of a pig to unhook as it had a manky mouth so I slipped it back without a photo, 😒
  11. Considering I've tripped on them, kicked them I think they are pretty straight today 😁 Im now having my first cuppa been a slow tea day so far 🍡
  12. It's been a funny old start im a bit slow today things are being silly, but cast my second rod over the spodded area, whilst still setting the bobbins it ripped off, knarly old common 16lb so I've had one and I still haven't had breakfast 😁
  13. Thanks me too, I can't sleep I'm that excited πŸ˜‚
  14. Looks like you need the number ie Fishspy - 123 which is on the box, if you haven't got that you can plug it into a PC 5o find it I'm theory you could keep going through lots of of 3 digit codes and see if you connect
  15. I'm no expert either tbh, I've never really ventured onto a Big water, I think the key would be to not change too much to begin with and adapt as you need too, If it was me I would probably just walk it and try and find them and then regularly feed a couple of likely spots and hope they keep visiting 😁 Have a look at the Carl and Alex reservoir diaries they may prove quite useful πŸ‘ Good luck though sounds interesting, what's the stock like?
  16. Thanks can't wait tbh, it's been a funny last few weeks I think I need the chance to think and reflect, and if I don't get time for that hopefully I will catching a couple which is never a bad thing πŸ˜‚
  17. I am just glad I can drive to the swim ☺️ 5kg + Bucket full of chops and 12mm lers 2 buckets full of stinky, oily, spicy seeds, probably 4kg dry so probably a lot more wet, it was quite wet still so I thought I would add some pellets to soak up some of the juice, they expanded and popped the lid, oily liquid all over the garage floor Oops πŸ˜‚ wd40 used to clean it up πŸ‘ Pva bag mix big bucket 4kg 18mm boilies +1kg of 12mm Pva bags and hookbaits in one bucket My water bucket with liquids in 😁 and seriously I questioned whether I would have enough for a 24 hour session πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I think I need some bigger buckets 🀣
  18. I agree with emmcee tbh, whilst my little mole muck experiment needs more conclusive proof, I think it may work wonders and would be heavy enough to sink, I mixed it with pellet and some groundbait and hydro squid liquid
  19. Some good bait prep done this morning, ready for Monday morning 11 Pva bag rigs baited and bagged, ready to be hurled into the pond Bucket full of chops, Coolbox full of stinky, oily, spicy seeds, If I run out of bait it will have been a session to remember, I am debuting the tfg air bomb though so a few casts may go astray 😁
  20. Well It would appear, fishing is now back on the menu from Monday at 6am for me, I plan to be packed and ready Sunday night ready for an early start Monday, I think lots of people will also have the same idea so the lakes may be fairly busy, i might try and fish one of the other lakes Monday just to stay away from the crowds this week, and I think this may help me get a better swim on a less popular lake rather than fitting in around others, it's a lake I've never even walked round and have no idea about, but I am keen to see how my approach stacks up on a new water, I've cleaned and greased my reels,and have fresh line, created my pva bag mix just needs more liquid boosting, got loads of rigs tied, just need to make a load of bags, sort my kit out, etc It's quite a well stocked lake I think, so I am going to approach it in a match style and try and build up the swim with regular baiting and recasts, I have 24 hours so I want to try and make something happen with it, if I can get them feeding then I will try and keep them feeding, I'm going to fish bold, fish hard and love every flipping second even I make a compete hash of it😁
  21. Wow that is an amazing beast, and a great write up, πŸ‘Œ Great end to the year what a a fish πŸ‘
  22. Ha ha you may be right it wasn't the easiest to get out of, it is comfortable proper bankside slobbing 😁 maybe OK if you are on a slope though
  23. Aaaagh just the man, I've been wondering about something 😁 You know when it's in bed mode with the legs out? Can you sit on it on the floor like that so it's like a low chair? I havent seen anyone showing it as an option in videos or and I don't want to break it But it was comfortable 😁
  24. Have a look at British aqua feed they will be the same as DNA but will have more colours they also do a spice mix that sounds very similar to the S7 SECRET BLEND 😁 if you look closely you may notice they have the same address πŸ‘
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