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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I am flabbergasted right now, is there a cloud higher than 9 cos I am on it, that's a proper carp woop Someone told me Yesterday PVA bags are only good in winter πŸ˜‚
  2. I've only gone and beaten my pb again and I thought it was another tench sπŸ˜‚ 28lb 4oz of knarly old mirror in the sack, I didn't see that coming 😁
  3. Latest news 3rd tench burnt my sausages
  4. Nothing else in the night, very tenchy this morning tbough had 2 since sunrise, All 3 fish have been Shortly after casting out a fresh bag, I noticed this last week too, it definitely seems to pay regularly rechucking them
  5. New pb 27lb 3oz woop will do proper pics when I am home 3oz bigger and from 2 pegs Down from my old pb πŸ˜‚ Buzzing now
  6. Looking like the best 7 quid I've spent, too many mozzie idiots around tonight, it's been another day of go slow elmo tbh, I've seen a couple of backs over my baited spot,and some bubbles very weedy so I've cleared it a bit with a grippa lead, few liners have a feeling I may catch a bream tonight lots of twitchy line bites so far, I've had a moorhen all over me today has been in the bivvy and all sorts, Time for a cider and dinner I think
  7. You ain't kidding I had to go in a freezing cold paddling pool today, bullied into it by kids, 😭😭😭 that wouldn't have happened 10 years ago I would have just jumped in as I had more free flowing testosterone πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  8. I think the esp ones are pretty good value, just make sure you get the right size for your rod butt type though, but then they fit quite nicely and grip the rod well
  9. I've got a similar spawning dilemma tbh, they have spawned last week on the main lake I want to fish, they haven't closed it so technically I could fish it next week but should I? Or fish one of the other ones that hasnt started yet? I'm probably looking at Wednesday this week I think so it will be about a week since they spawned πŸ™„ I could treat it as a recon Session and fish a new swim to find features or maybe go and try and fish the lake I fished last week and try and fish a swim where I can fish at a longer range and try out the plastic baits for a session I dunno what to do πŸ€”
  10. I thought so too, I won't using a lot each time, πŸ‘
  11. Cheers all I went and had a look at monster particles as they have a 50%off sale this weekend, use code bank 50 although it didn't work for tigers However If you look in the clearance section you can get 10kg delivered for Β£25, I thought that will do, will just freeze them in smaller bags and take one out at a time
  12. I've been looking at adding a few of these to my particles Dynamite bait Munch bait etc Bait tech growers Are these pre prepared ones any good or should I get some from elsewhere?
  13. I got some comments on that photo from some of the school mums on fb saying I look like I am holding my first born πŸ˜‚ Mrs P laughed when I said that to her just now, I took that as I always do 😏 I've been called a lot worse so I will take ross Kemp 😊 welcome to elmo's deadliest gangs, These may look like an ordinary chess club, but they are selling pawn to knights kings and bishops, I've infiltrated them to see what is really going on
  14. I don't understand why you would spend loads of money on a net tbh, it's never made sense to me that one, I spent 30 odd quid on a Sonik one and thought I was being Flash 😁
  15. Just ordered 20kg bucktons pigeon Conditioner Β£18.79 delivered thought that will do for starters, πŸ‘
  16. I am with you on the conditioning aspect they seem to have extras that contain more oils like linseed, hempseed etc, I guess the extra Β£4 might be worth spending for the posh stuff then πŸ˜‚
  17. Would you guys all say that pigeon Conditioner? Is a better seed mix than other pigeon mixes without aniseed etc? Does the aniseed make it better in your opinions? And what are the must have Ingredients in your seed mix? Naturally I dont mind adding my own additives to make it more appealing such as liquids etc and flavour enhancers like chilli or garlic I've been looking and I've found some different ones, one has mainly larger items see below for Ingredients Ingredients: French Roundberry Maize, Maple Peas, Blue Peas, Tares, Red Dari, Tic Beans Which would mean less airbombing and larger easier to find morsels for the carps 😁 This mix comes in at 13.99 for 20kgs plus postage so pretty wallet friendly
  18. That sent Me on a bit of whirlwind googling that I discovered lots of different pigeon mixes that may be worth a try πŸ‘
  19. I was being a shade feceacius don't worry 😏 Will soon be blanking again 😘
  20. They were all a nice shade in there there is another lake on there, where they are a lot darker, wouldn't mind some of those in the album
  21. Having this chair and level rods turned me into a hauling machine 😁😁😁😁
  22. Some if the highlights of my recent session the not an upper double 20lb 2oz this was no 10 looking at that paddle I am not surprised it went like a train
  23. Having now used my tracker levelite transformer chair, I can safely say it's a great bit of kit, it's light makes such a difference to sitting on a bedchair tbh, I didn't realise how much it would help but just being able to sit comfortably in the bivvy made a real difference, it would've been far too hot outside all day and it doesn't really effect the lay out of your bivvy, and you just have the extra comfort required, to get up and down easily, which at my age has started to become a factor 😁
  24. The reason I went with stur fry oil though was that it was a mix of oils I am Stück in a queue on Morrisons to find out what they are 😒 Sunflower oil, sesame oil, ginger and garlic extract, just add some chilli oil or flakes tasty treats
  25. I think garlic is a good oil too I've used that before, chilli and garlic mixed would also be good πŸŒΆοΈπŸ˜‚ Who doesn't love chilli and garlic based meals πŸ€”
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