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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. No not to a bank still about 30 yards off it πŸ˜‚
  2. Spot onπŸ‘ that's big wedge, you want to be completely happy with it for that price, firm but reasonable is always the best way, if it's not up to scratch they should be jumping through hoops to make you happy imo
  3. I think it's 2020, it's really sent to try us for some reason, I keep thinking can't get any worse, then it does πŸ˜‚ stay strong fellas πŸ‘ I'm not sure but when I was trying to find my spots last weekend, I seem to think someone told me to eff off, he was fishing in the adjacent lake and as far as I was aware no one was fishing that bank, so I felt I was allowed to look for spots towards the left of my swim it wasn't bad though, but I heard eff off and looked over to that bank and he stood there, then vanished he had been chatting constantly on a walkie talkie to his mate, I didn't think a lot of it at the time and I certainly wasn't that bothered I just carried on, but these last couple of days, I've started thinking about it a bit more πŸ€” One thing though, if I am in my swim I will fish it how I want, I have as much right to be there as anyone, if someone had been in a peg there fishing I would have asked him and been courtious, but it just started bugging me, wait til I get my castable rake mate 😁
  4. I always find boilies get stuck in spods can be very frustrating I tend to find sloppy mixes work best in spods otherwise something is always stuck I have a snide spomb I am going to take to work to see if I can't improve it, it does seem to be opening OK at the moment though πŸ€”
  5. Airbomb hack Incoming 😳 Right fixed/enhanced the leader πŸ€” Basically I had an old lead free leader lying around, I've looped the airbomb ring onto one end the other end(marker swivel may also work for this if you didn't have the ring) I have added cork balls as a buffer, hopefully this will aid retrieval then done a good old fashioned granny knot to make sure they shouldn't come off 😁 I had to replace the standard swivel as it wouldnt easily go over the loop and I had a marker swivel handy, this will either work better or worse than the original swivel but can always change this if needed, saved me Β£15 buying another one so if it performs OK, job well done πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’·πŸ˜‚
  6. Thinking about it, it's probably quite easy just to make up a new leader for it πŸ€” Tfg sell one for 3.99 but want to charge 4.95 postage, I'm not going to do that, I have some old leaders or could make one will bodge one together can't be any worse 😁
  7. Do you mean the pro logic new one? I did only buy it during lockdown?
  8. I don't mind a spod tbh, I have just remembered I have a Gardner pocket rocket somewhere I may try that again before spending, its mainly a particle spod I need I can use a throwing stick for boilies 😁
  9. Nothing wrong with casting that many times would've been nice to have found something though πŸ˜‚ I tend to start with the bare lead as I know it will be weedy, I would try and feel for a drop but like you say was tough in the cross wind as all the extra slack line was making it tough but then I would slide it back a bit to try and find something, then repeat and repeat, it I wasn't getting anywhere with that so I thought i would try the gripper, maybe 100 casts on a spot with that may have cleared it enough but I just gave it up as a bad job, I will be back on it though, I'm not a quitter 😁
  10. The fishing shop owner recommended the dot spod too, i might have a look at one cheers
  11. When I fist got it I thought it was hard work, took a while to get used to it, I feel like I have not got it sorted a bit, 3 wraps shorter seems to be about right then cast like you would to hit the target, works quite well if you persevere, and gives a good spread, however I think I am about 3 casts from losing the airbomb as the shock beads on the leader have come off and the leader is hanging on for for grim death, so basically it had become useless after about 5 or 6 sessions, with that in mind I need a decent reliable spod, spomb that can carry pigeon Conditioner and also boilies etc, I do have a Korda skyraider spod, but that loses a bit of goodness on the cast, and I have tried spombs before, they are OK but don't always open and I have cracked one off once or twice 😁 Is the spider spod any good? Fox spod? Dot spod? Any others or is the spomb about as good as they get? I have tried a hooky spomb that doesn't open hardly ever 😁
  12. Well nothing for me, not surprised really, unfortunately I seemed to make a hash of it this weekend, I nearly decided to go into one of the three popular swims as it was free when I arrived, however I carried on walking round by the time I got back there was a bivvy in it lol, it was then I decided to try the far corner of the big part of the lake, I think this is where it started to go wrong, I must've done about 100 casts, I started with Bare lead then went onto a gripper as I wasn't finding much, the gripper was just getting locked up in Canadian pretty much everytime, and I wasn't getting a nice drop, I guess conditions didn't help it was howling into that corner,which made it tougher as my braid was getting blown sideways but I persevered, I would've stayed if I had found something that even resembled a spot, but that would've been pub chucking at its finest and I just didn't fancy it without some prior prep work or something to target, if I can find/make a clear spot then it could have potential as the wind was hacking in there and they would surely follow it sometimes, I did move to another swim I've not fished before though so I have pretty much fished all the snaggy half of the lake now other than the swim I couldn't get in yesterday, so it wasn't a complete waste of time more knowledge gained, Need to upgrade my spot finding ability now I think, will have a think about that this week or maybe invest in a weedrake again so I am better equipped πŸ€” Cheers all its been emotionless this time 😁
  13. It's like a ruddy aquarium underneath my rods I've been feeding them to pass the time πŸ˜‚
  14. this is the sound of silence, it only takes one bite etc but not promising at the moment, had some pretty savage liners all through the night but nothing else, I think i am fishing the swim pretty well, but I only saw one show in the area last night, not seen oet this morning, the back bay is pretty much unfishable full of weed, pads and reeds and is a sun trap so I would be surprised if nothing is passing through, just wish they would stop at elmos diner en route πŸ˜‚
  15. I moved I hadn't seen a lot, I did spot a couple hiding in the back bay earlier so I've moved into a nearby potential ambush spot, and I've actually managed to get a drop quite happy now, Time to get sorted have dinner and a flipping beer 🍻😁
  16. Set up in one swim, can't seem to find any clear spots, or getting any good drops, I think it's going to have to be chuck it and chance, wind is hacking into this corner though feels OK, and all I can find is chunks of Canadian Do I A move? Back to more familier pastures Or B keep trying and make my own spot with a load of bait and fish anywhere rigs?
  17. Finally sorting my gear out to load the car, just started raining, gonna have to wait a bit longer 😁 Its going to be all about the timing today I think, I'm in no rush as long as the stall is set out by early evening and the dust has settled for bite time ill be happy,
  18. Still feel like a *** in a trance today, been shopping sweet and sour chicken for tea, biscuits and gammon for breakfast, and some beans with piddly sausages in for nostalgia, misses is out boot camping then I should be free to go, weather looks nice for it though just wish my brain was in gear 😁
  19. I haven't used the rigmarole but can't praise 15lb hydrotuff enough tbh, it's never let me down, I've hooked into some pretty robust pads and snags and given it full load and always got my rig back, fish wise I've not worried about it yet,once wet its a lovely line to use sinks nicely, perfect for me
  20. I've got Permission for a night tomorrow, so have been prepping stuff, I am tired today been up since 4am all week. but does anyone else find sorting there gear out stressful, I don't know why, I just find myself reorganising stuff and wondering what I am missing because I've made extra space in my rucksack, it just does my head in, I have lessened the amount of stuff I take and I am better organised but jeez, my overactive brain makes this task a mission in itself, 😜 I might write a checklist of the things I need to take while I am there, πŸ€“ I feel like I should be continuing using bags, as its obviously made a huge difference to my catch rate but tbh, I can't be bothered to sit tying them all the time, I've done a few so may use them on one rod but it's just not relaxing enough and adds to things I need to do before I leave πŸ˜” I've got about 4kg of liquid loaded boilies soaked in goodness and finished off with crayfish and krillmeal jackets, I think they look ready for action now,these should be oozing goodies into the water column πŸ‘ My mate is coming round for some beers tonight and I think I need a few to chill out its been a long week πŸ˜©πŸ™‚ But I can't wait till tomorrow, its like Christmas everytime I get to fish these days,,πŸ€ΆπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ˜‚ Tight lines all
  21. I just read a post on fb about underlit alarms causing light to go down the line as well 😳😳😳😳
  22. The elliot gray pop up theory sticks with me from those tbh where his rig caught the box common, I still think pop ups will probably catch bigger fish overall, and on the whole will be presented correctly more often, after that and Pete Regan just chucking them in weed, all I can say is I'm not going to be as fussy where my rigs land tomorrow, I'm geared up to fish anywhere and over a spread of bait I have been liquid loading(not just glugging😁) for 3 days, creating the feeding situation and getting them grazing the area will be the most important thing then hopefully they will slip up, I am keen to try the stiff hinge rig with the doubled mouth trap, I am hoping that may prove tricky to eject, although one rod is going on the trig hammer ronnie with d rig kicker I made last night,
  23. My unregulated 42"net has never not been big enough yet 😝
  24. That's what I thought too, but I've never measured one 😳
  25. Non splash leads would be better for that 😁
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