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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I didn't say don't change things, I merely said that the difference is probably confidence in what you are doing, and probably less so in what you are changing πŸ‘
  2. I started thinking about this a bit and how you said it, and it seems this is what most people when they are asking questions like the above are missing, myself included, I wasn't blessed with a natural self assured nature, and it can be quite easy to look at small things in fishing and turn them into big things and issues, what us people that ask these questions are missing is CONFIDENCE, the way you phrased that yonny and I don't mean it in a disrespectful way is almost arrogant, like you WILL empty the place, and quite frankly that is probably the difference between some anglers that do regularly catch and those that don't, it's the belief that what you are doing will work, but I've started to understand this also a bit, you don't need fancy rigs and bait etc more determination and consistency, it's more belief and being on the journey that will lead to the success, we get it wrong, sometimes we need to change things, but one day it clicks and then like you, I will also empty the place, for now I am happy being on the journey that is what we all have to go through to get to this point tight lines all πŸ‘
  3. I had a similar thing, when mine were little, very stressful times, it's a big change I wouldn't have dealt with it at 22, I was older and I still struggled 😁 Wouldn't change it now though, just had it confirmed we are having a family fishing day next week,the kids are going to smash those rudd 🎣🎣🐟😁
  4. Totally agree with you on this one Nick, I am much the same but I think it's important to try and be happy, I also think it's important to be able to talk about it when you aren't, had a small moment today where I felt like a panic attack was brewing all morning, I had a meeting with my boss, she is a buddy and we get on but I just said can I put the air con on I feel like a panic attack is brewing, just being able to share that calmed me down and I could get on with it again, being honest really is the key for me, Hope your doing well carries on for you πŸ‘
  5. Fishing and home all fine, Tbh my lake isn't that busy so it's fine by me, just don't tell them that shhhh Work trying to stay positive but it does seem draining with all the redundancy and losing all my old colleagues, but I still find I can chat and have a laugh at times, in some ways it's good as we are all having to knuckle down and get on with it as we still have work to do, The old virus does my swede In still though,would rather we could all just agree to stay safe, bored of all it seems to bring, bored of all the talk of being sheep for wearing a mask and the its all lies chat on Facebook, but the main thing I find worrying is people's inability to disagree with dignity and rationality, people just use generic terms to pigeonhole each other Into being on a side, I think this is unsettling, people used to disagree and still be friends now we seem to have loads of keyboard extremists and no middle ground, I'm also finding this with fb fishing groups So am I happy lol, I'm still taking the meds but doing OK 😁
  6. I still can't help looking at bait companies websites to see what I am missing lol but I've learnt to just look 😁 Its funny though but nowadays I think it is relatively simple, you get a decent bait in the right spot, with the right rig to suit your baiting approach/conditions and hopefully you will catch one at some point, if you get the timing right and they want to feed and happen to slip up while your there great 😁 I am not often that right and it rarely goes the way I think it will, but I'm focusing on the more important stuff like Location and accuracy and creating the right feeding situation rather than what rig, bait, set up will work best, I know my hooks are sharp and my rigs present well enough and should reset, that takes a lot of the headaches away and I can actually sit back and relax and enjoy my hobby even if I am blanking πŸ‘
  7. I have tried to keep it simple, I just don't think anyone noticed 😁 my standard answer to myself now when I start to worry about rigs, bait or anything is? Rigs will work, bait works, you just fishing like a noddy boy 😭 seems to work for me these days πŸ˜‚
  8. The tadpole set up is as safe if not much safer than a normal inline as the bore of the lead is bigger, as the original insert is removed, you can use the tadpole set up with the fox cog leads also if you wish, basically the lead over the ridge acts kind of like a shocker set up where it will give you a bolt effect and then discharge easily, I can't express enough I wouldn't use if the lead isnt able to discharge
  9. I probably should just do this tbh, I havent properly yet, just done a few swims as I've fished them but maybe I will, wouldn't hurt to do this one day I am off next week, and I do agree would save time, I only get to fish an overnighter usually so banging out rakes amd leads all over the shop won't be helping my chances that much ☺️ Its a funny lake really 25 acres but split into sections, I've got some spots all over the snaggy island half I've fished nearly all of those and found something, but the open bit I've not really worked out yet, another 3 or 4 swims and I might have enough to work with I think, In hindsight though I wish I had done it earlier when the weed wasn't so bad Cheers πŸ‘
  10. The tadpole set up shouldn't detach unless you get a take think about it that ridge will be pulled right Into the lead when casting from the weight of the lead and will only come out when the rig is pulled, if I don't get a take they usually don't detach, I have caught about 15 carp and some tench this year using this set up so I am pretty confident it works as I want it too πŸ‘
  11. No rush still plenty of nice ones to catch yet, and I think after last year I would take 3 fish from my target water, but wouldn't mind if I got to double figures with a 30lber included in that lot πŸ˜‚
  12. I caught one on my first session on a spot that I had to fish over lily pads that hadn't come up, I had to get it Bob on otherwise it wouldnt want to return, wasn't so far out though furthest I've had to fish here so far was just over 80 yards and that took a few goes 😁 it was much easier then though without the pads not sure why more people don't like fishing in winter and early spring πŸ˜‚ I think when I know the spot and how it should be, I find I won't be happy unless it's right, hopefully I can do a recce trip next week as I am on holiday and see if I can't get something started Thanks for the Input everyone
  13. I have got some spots I know, which have or probably will work at the right time, but I would like to find a few less obvious ones tbh, I will keep looking for those and hopefully find one soon amongst the weed I just want to also find the fish near those also, I seem to be able to find the spots and not the fish, or the fish and not the spots, it will come just needs some more working out, just need that moment when it all comes together, I'm enjoying trying anyway, I just quite like being there tbh, I might regret being too prolific 😁 I could be happy there for a while yet I think it's a nice place to chill out 😎
  14. I have been watching cypography, the last couple of weeks, some really good stuff on there, and most tend to back up what you and emmcee have been telling me, I watched the elliot grey one where he fished Sandhurst and had a field day, but the morale of the story was he took his time and found the spots, didn't stop until he was 100% sure they were right, I certainly didn't do that right this week, I thought raking was all I needed lol, it wasn't, I also thought back to the windy one where I couldn't find a spot, I can forgive myself for that it wasn't easy Conditions but emmcee said there is nothing wrong with casting 100 times to find a spot, and that's what I need to keep doing, as elliot said they will be there somewhere 😁 I don't think it will hurt to have a paddle in the boat though might be interesting to have a look see what it's like out in the pond because it looks pretty weedy all over from the bank
  15. Well that's alright then because I haven't been doing it that right lately Surely it can only help πŸ˜‚
  16. I'm not going back to the 70's πŸ˜‚ Unless Can you get Camo flares? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜
  17. Oh good I'm not frazzled enough already πŸ˜‚
  18. Well nothing happened annoyingly, once I had done all the raking I didn't see another carp 😭 It was another gamble and another lesson learnt, flip me its hard to find a decent spot on that big lake lol, I guess I found a couple of places those sneaky ones hide though so it isn't a total waste, need to do some hard graft now to get some spots rocking I think, and also some mobile margin fishing, just need some rudd proof bait cos they are a nightmare, they destroyed my pigeon food in minutes, will be great for the kids but a right pain for me πŸ˜‚ 6th blank on the trot now I think I got lucky my first 2 sessions on there πŸ™„ I'm building up to another one though and it's nice to be there, just got to keep adding bits to the puzzle, Hopefully getting out in the boat will give me some fresh ideas πŸ€”πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘
  19. This is the tadpole bag insert, I just use a std size 8 bank tackle ring swivel with it, 9/10 the lead discharges before the swivel, I did try a few but this one was the best I found, it just works everytime
  20. Have a look at the fox tadpole insert set up, perfect for inlines and PVA bags, they have a ridge on them so initially they stay on, but will easily detach when playing a fish so they are safe to use, the swivel always stays put btw the lead detaches from the insert, I use fox leads with these haven't tried Korda inlines so may be worth checking they fit, you also have to remove the original insert πŸ‘
  21. You could tie 4 identical leads onto the end of the tips, whichever flexed least is the 3 1/4lb πŸ‘in theory anyway πŸ˜‚
  22. Well the mobile approach didn't really end up happening, I spent a long while walking round and chatting, then found a few in the weed bed, it did need raking though may have spooked them but, there have been tench, bream rudd by the tonne rolling like they got the cream so I'm hopeful the big ones will return, so many rudd, I think they may be eating all the particles, but as they are new spots I am having to tolerate gatecrashers and riff raff for now πŸ˜‚ Its going to be savage if I do get a take in this one, I'm sleeping in my shoes tonight, no time for footwear fluffs
  23. Cheers guys, good luck commonly, πŸ‘ I'm like man at mountain warehouse today, tactical t shirt, Camo shorts and hat all from MW, hopefully I will get to be a model 😁
  24. Not quite the early start I had planned, was way too hot last night, slept so badly, just couldn't settle and I was knackered, had a couple of teas and fed the kids, got my kit out, just got to load it and get sorted, then wake the misses up and go aiming for a 9am arrival now, she will be happier with a small lie in though, πŸ‘πŸ˜ I've got my Barrow and I'm ready to roam for a bit, probably until the handle finally snaps at least 😁
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