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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Its the mains water pipe again 😭 came home and had a look took a while to spot it but a fine jet was coming off it, that means we need to get the plumber and the water board out at the same time as our mains switch out front is dodgy and they haven't replaced it get
  2. We had a plumber out for this very reason not so long ago and pretty much changed everything, even the waterboard came to turn the mains off, I can't work out where it's from tbh the cupboard under the sink is dry yet underneath it's dripping and the wall is soaked geez us, I'd love to stay longer they are boshing over the back, and in my pads and there is localised bubblage, eat the wafters, eat the wafters, eat the wafters 😁
  3. Its not looking bad tbh, there are signs about, I can't be late though we have a leak at home under the kitchen sink again 😭 Gotta pack up and bait up soon, the clock is ticking
  4. Well I've woken up a little sad and deflated, this morning at 3am I had a belting take, lifted Into it nothing, the line had parted somewhere near the rod, been mulling over what caused It, still not certain, but I guess it was my fault somehow, was it the line clip, was it a bit of gravel on the reel, a weak spot, that pike, A rat I dunno really can't be certain but I will be stripping all my lines back and everything for next time, bit gutted to be honest, it was on a hinged stuff rig so I am certain it was a goodun too 😭
  5. My prime spot rod just went, I thought hmmmm came out the weed OK, tench, then it felt a little bigger hmmm carp, I didn't have my head torch on at this point, landed it thought hmmm too long for a tench but didnt quite fight like a carp got it in the net, got my head torch and this pair of evil eyes were looking at me it was a blooming crocodile, on a double wafter I told you I saw one the other day, unhooked it in the net, and sent it back home, that is after it broke out my net by smashing it apart first, I didn't weigh it or take a photo because it was evil looking 😈 It was quite a big pike though not a little jack it was at least 3 foot long, I would say a double figure one but not the carp I wanted, had a liner since probably a Conger eel, must be a veggie pike cos if it can't survive on all those rudd available it's got to be a hippy but An evil one More beer, tonight seems weird πŸ˜‚
  6. Well it turns out I couldn't get any definitive sightings of carp, however the spot I've been baiting there were a lot of bubbles happening in the area, so worth a go I think on that, plus if I blank I can blame the wife as she told me to fish the spot I've been baiting before someone else does 😁 In being forgetful news jeez us, I've forgotten water carrier (luckily remembered in aldi so got bottles phew) Anything to cook with, I said aaaagh can get by with a toastie tonight, so got bread pepperoni cheese, no butter or peanut butter, haven't got my toastie maker or a pan, so no bacon sandwich in the morning, just a dry old cheese one 😣 And all I have otherwise is 1/2 of a pack of chocolate hobnobs ,and luckily beer 🍺😁 Aldi have got some rather splendid pineapple milkshake IPA's at the moment so I bought some 😁🍍 Now all we need is some big chunky carps to make an apprearance so I don't cry in the morning 😭
  7. I think I am going fishing tonight yay me, just a quick overnighter , should be be lovely conditions for it, will bait up the spots again when I leave but unless its a fish soup there I won't be fishing it yet, just hope nobody else does either lol 😁 Will have a good look around though and I will be setting up only when I find them or some evidence of them anyway πŸ€”πŸ˜¬ it would be nice to catch one again I think 😁
  8. Been ordering some bait and bits ready, I have in stock or soon to be in stock 25kgs skrettings 11mm 15kg boilies 7kg ish tigers 5kg ish of dry pigeon Conditioner To get 15kg Vitalin +more pigeon mix when I run out That ought to be enough, I wanted more boilies but I also need to be sensible for now, but there should be enough to keep them going and get some spots rocking hopefully otherwise I may just cry 😁
  9. That would also work well cheers πŸ‘
  10. Nice one cheers guys I knew there would be a cost effective solution, will get searching, I could probably lash some up with a coat hanger or something thinking about it πŸ˜‚ Just drill a couple of holes right through a lead, bend the coat hanger wire and zip tie it for extra strength, I am imagining a 6 pronged pear lead right now for extra tough weeds 😁
  11. I did a double uni knot but i think the mahin knot looks much better cheers I will try that next time, i think the leader knots are tbings I need to do more of as I tend to use loops for everything those days 😲
  12. Hi guys I have discovered I really like having a couple of these around as they are useful, I've been using the fox ones but at nearly 8 quid a pair I don't like losing them 😣 I lost one today 😭 I mean the 4 pronged ones BTW grappling leads Does anyone know where I can get some that are cheaper please?
  13. Well I used it today, because I tend to use my heavy spod rod for a couple of other things like weed raking and stuff I found out it wasn't up to the extra tasks 😭 I trimmed it down to 5 turns and then it snapped at the knot after accidently sticking my castable weed rake into some heavy weed, Will get some spod braid I think it's probably cheaper in the long run πŸ˜‚
  14. Well that's something I got right then I did that perfectly πŸ˜‚ I think I misread its grim up norths post and thought he put 40m on lol, I thought that's a lot let's go for 25m 😁 I should think if I remove half of it should be about right, can put the other bit on my lightweight spod rod πŸ€” Whoops, it's been one of those days today 😁
  15. Been to my vintage collection today xl pocket rockets ftw πŸ˜‚
  16. I've already got 2 Rod lengths of leader pulled out, is that too much, I got carried away, and aimed for 25m but think I may have overcooked it πŸ™„ I also just went for 15lb and cleared up some old Spools I had left over it's a bit of a lash up but it should work 😁
  17. That's perfect look how many deals nick has πŸ‘
  18. I think I might need a new bedchair unless anyone knows a repairist preferably local to me in sunny cambs Got it out to sit in the garden and it just split when I sat on it, it's now unusable it's my cyprinus camou one, I have messaged them so will see what they, I still have the old Jrc one but that gives me backache still even with the zip ties Does anyone know a repairist? I may be back for requests, I am quite sad though as this was light and pretty comfortable πŸ˜” They have stopped making them now I think too
  19. No its not the same then, i think you are allowed to say which bait you use can't you? Does look a nice fish though looks a bit Italian to me but I am not expert on strains, I'm like cillit bang better on stains 😁
  20. Is that carpy Co? I used there bait for a bit last year
  21. I am in between spombs at the moment my hooky one doesn't work needs a mod I think (edit its in the pond somewhere near the big airbomb, forgot about that day 😒) , I have a midi airbomb, which would take too long for lots of bait 😁 and a spod, spod is quickest and is easiest to fill, if I can just lessen the spill perfect tool for the job πŸ‘πŸ˜ Also I am not too bothered spod spill will help with better line lay, honest 😁😁
  22. After a lot of spod spill with the pigeon Conditioner yesterday(some accidently brilliant though I might add baiting 2 spots at once 😁) I figured the easiest thing to do is add some vitalin with the excess water, to make it stodgier, should work a treat I think, I've tried to plant the seed for a couple of early morning mobile sessions sessions rather than a Saturday night this week, my plan try and be there for morning bite time then just do a bit more spot finding work and baiting up then home by lunch in the hope I can nick one and do some good prep work, and still get some brownie points for the future πŸ˜‚
  23. I'm an ideas man, I just always struggle with delivering them, I was also never cut out to be a midwife or postman πŸ™„
  24. I thought 12lb may be better might help get a few extra yards, Nice one thanks was thinking about the same but I am going to be using Gardner kinetic
  25. Hopefully as far as I can cast 😁 Probably not further than 100yards haven't needed to yet tbh
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