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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Leon bartropp did a review on those, he seemed to like it 👍
  2. That's good I thought that it might not make so much difference,was kind of hopeful anyway, everyone seems to be making a universal spod/marker rod these days so I suspected as much I think first thing I may try is some better marker braid, probably Gardner kinetic if I can get it today, will see if that helps I am using 50lb braid at the minute, I think it may be a bit bullish and also perhaps it's knocking a few yards off the casting ability I do have a spare 2 3/4lb carp Rod kicking about I might even try that as a leading about rod to see if that's any good, I think maybe using a lighter lead may help in the weed and that would be a more sensitive rod to match maybe worth a try anyway
  3. I've got 2 spod rods one is a 5.5lb fox warrior and I have a wychwood s1, which I cannot find out what tc it is, I think it's lighter though probably about 4lb or so, it's OK if the spots are quite easy to find just wonder if a dedicated marker may do a better job, basically I am trying to not buy a deeper at the moment so considering all options first 🙄
  4. Hi guys at the moment I tend to use one of my spod rods for spodding and leading about and as a marker rod, would an actual marker rod be a worthwhile investment or not? I don't find my spod rod is too bad at the job but would a marker rod be better,? I've actually never owned one and just wondered?
  5. Don't want none of those foreign fish round here mate 😁😁😁
  6. That's what I was thinking too 👍
  7. I would recommend mine as its a 3/5 season and probably an ideal bag as it has a removable inner for summer but....... They have stopped making it so I can't sorry 😁
  8. I think he probably was just an angler trying it on to get in your peg too many of them these days, have you phoned the fishery to see what they say about it? They might not even know its been going on,and I am sure they wouldn't be happy about it, if they are name and shame them, Always leave your rod licence in your wallet or your car, removes all doubt tbh
  9. Neither would I in normal situations but if spods are banned I would consider it, if it was an option 👍 The nash deliverance ball maker looks quite a useful tool for this in theory, as you could make nice consistent sized balls which would help with the accuracy,
  10. You will have to learn to get groundbait out that far then maybe if you want to use particles 👍
  11. Use a smaller bag if the lead is coming out on casting, looks like the bag is too heavy for the distance you want to cast it, Either that or a shock leader to take the sting out of the cast
  12. Throwing stick for boilies?
  13. If you think you should be having bigger hits try solid pva bags, I found these can get you much quicker bites, I've had takes while I am still settling the line down, and quite often within minutes of casting them, I had a 10 fish hit in 24 hours earlier this year it was exhausting, I was spodding constantly to keep them in the area, I agree with Yonny it's probably more down to baiting than rigs, I would create one big spot and fish at least 2 rods on it rather than spreading them over the whole swim, or 3 in a line, get them competing they will slip up more
  14. I just use a ring swivel and loop my rig on, I prefer not to use sleeves in a bag, as I want the rig to be as natural as possible, but if it works for you 👍
  15. Just a question why are you using an extra swivel, and a quick link? Why not streamline it down and just use one swivel?
  16. Finally received my rig marole hydrolink last night, I have to say this is much more user friendly than the extreme, made a couple of lovely little multi rigs messing about with it,
  17. I would lose the back leads too, just take more time sinking your line and if you aren't fishing at distance I would fish a slacker line rather than a back lead, I put my line into the line clip on my rod , to increase the angle on the bobbins, I feel this gives me better indication, also and much better control on how the line lays out the rod tip,
  18. I would say they change from day to day, depending on the situation, when I walk my kids to school they don't want to go the same way everyday, they like a slight change of scenery, I just think they can't do the same thing day in day out in exactly the same way there will be variables into what is happening , they may visit an area often, especially if there is a regular food source or something they like , but I would l assume they slightly change things I think you may be able to train them to go a certain way with regular baiting but maybe naturally it would probably vary (my kids would walk past the shop everyday if they thought they might get an ice cream or chocolate 😁) That is just my thoughts though and others may disagree 😁
  19. I do think the same, most situations can be solved by chatting, and if he had been fishing that bank when I walked back past I probably wouldnt have chosen that swim or at least asked him roughly where he was fishing so I could leave the area alone but he was fishing the lake next door lol, which is why I think I dismissed it at first, no harm done it didn't bother me at the time, I tend to forget these things anyway my brain hasn't got the capacity to store grudges but I may ask him if I see him again just to know for sure, a good icebreaker if nothing else 😁
  20. Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, I don't think this should be an issue on any lake really as long as you are both quiet and respectful of others, ultimately if she likes it and decides to have a go they will sell another ticket
  21. I think it's just like emmcee said, try and intimidate the new guy, probably hadn't seen me around and had probably been used to having half the lake to himself, people are very territorial about swims I've noticed, I won't mind jumping in a few when I get the chance 😁 But yes I agree politeness and respect goes a long way with me happy to stay out of people's way if they ask nicely, or mainly if I like them tbh, This Is a syndicate I am on lol 😁 The day ticket over the road was almost comical at times when I fished it last year wow that could be like jungle warfare 😁 I don't remember people being like they are now many years ago, I seem to remember people having respect and just being nicer to one another and having a laugh, don't get me wrong I have chatted to some good guys since I've been back to the bank, but there a good few these days on the other end of the spectrum,🤔 I don't think carp. Com has changed that much though since I first joined, still a great place to come and have a chat I think they must know I now have a matrix piledriver so I can get my rods level and they don't like it up em 😎
  22. Don't worry I am not too worried about it, I just remembered it and wanted to share the beautiful moment 😁 if he tells me that again I'll build a weed free plateau 😁
  23. I just found it very odd when I thought about it, probably a golum complex or something "it's my precious" eff off 😁😁
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