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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I dont know loads but check anything electric as it's a Renault, check the glow plugs don't take ages to fire (there should a a glow plug light on the dashboard that comes on when you turn it on before starting, check it runs OK doesn't smoke too much, is it clean or battered? A good diesel can go on, listen for any knocks when you drive it, check the tyres, I usually think if a car looks well looked after then that's usually a better sign, if you have a link I might be able to tell you a little more?
  2. You get it free with a kfc and a wetwipe 😁 That does make a lot of sense though what they say, it's probably quite easy to overglug and leave your baits clogged and unable to leak all the attractors thats already in them, and also not to mention how much easier and cleaner it is to distribute unsullied boilies, 🤔
  3. Sticky with that then if its working, I had some sticky squid Ink liquid that was good stuff much like the fish hydro I am using now tbh, As much as I don't want to admit it, those sticky pineapple dumbell wafters haven't half caught me a lot of fish lately 😉 I've been adding hydro and stinger oil to my PVA bag mix, my theory being that I want my bag to be the most attractive item in the baited area, I don't boost the rest of the freebies
  4. I couldn't find the nut hydro liquid on baf when I looked, dna baits do a nuttas hydro syrup though and quite a few others that might be worth a look
  5. Get some vegetable glycerin from a vape type shop in proper sized amonts don't bother with those little bottles, I've watched a lot of those vids definately worth having a play, When you make vape liquids though you have to steep them for a little while so may be best with goo too to leave in a dark cupboard for a Month Or you could go to British aqua feed and get some hydro liquid I believe they do a nut based one now
  6. That's got to be worth it I think 👍
  7. They don't call him Saint Nick for nothing you know 👍
  8. Sounds like boating is the thing then, I would like to have a go at a lake where boating is the way, I think that would be the way to suss it out, get on the open waves and look for clear spots, if you haven't watch some of the dave Lane diaries on you tube that may help give you some ideas, are you allowed to row your rigs out and bait up with them and stuff ? Sounds exciting tbh good luck
  9. Ive learnt a lot on here from various people along the way, these guys have all really helped me also ginger1991 also really changed my tbinking with regard to using pva now other than at night I am generally rechucking them every couple of hours and a lot of my bites have been within minutes of doing this, generally this works well for me as I know if my rig is tangled its only a couple of hours of down time not a whole session, also leaning to make sure everything is spot on for bite time, I will bait up at night if I need to and recast at first light to make sure I have fresh traps out there, I work harder these days and try and make things happen, rather than sitting and hoping it will happen, All I will say is ask questions on here it's been brilliant for me I've learnt lots and I can't thank everyone enough for that 👍👏👏👏
  10. Honestly both ha ha will have to get my nails done for the next session 😁 Seriously though, the main difference is confidence this year, I'm going Into sessions not having to worry about the small stuff like rigs, bait, method, etc and all that has left me free to relax a bit more and just try and create the ideal situation to get a bite, I spent all last year thinking I needed to be technical and clever this year I am more like a caveman with a club, keeping it simple 😁
  11. Just had a quick look at a pic of both I would say the stinga is more a curve shank pattern as it has a more inturned eye amd the point is more angled in, and the other one looks like a continental style hook slight inturned eye straight shank and fairly straight point, Both will work but it depends on what you want to achieve from your rig
  12. Did you see any mick George rats, they can be sizeable 😳 I always found most people friendly that I met there, St Ives is quite a nice old town too, I'm not that far away of you ever need a hand or anything
  13. Nice, I wouldn't mind having a go on the lagoon one day it's a beautiful lake isn't it, I bought a mozzie front for there in the end, they were crucifying me, 😁
  14. They are savage down there aren't they? Which lake did you fish? Reading tj the reviews and from what Highy said it seems 2 hours is tops before needing to reapply, I've been savaged though sitting here now with a strong desire to scratch my ankle aaaagh
  15. I was pretty much coating myself and then rubbing it in but maybe I need to start marinating myself earlier on 😁
  16. Maybe I need to apply more and earlier on, I think maybe I just need a thermacell backpacker I know the citronella candles seemed to help when I used them too, I used to leave one outside the bivvy seemed to work OK, Maybe am early. Defence would be better than last minute on the skin
  17. Hey guys I was asked to give my findings on Avon skin So soft, have used it twice now and I don't think it works that well for me, which is a shame because its a nice product to use doesn't leave your skin oily and, smells nice and keeps your skin so soft 😍, but even with a mozzie mesh front on this time I've still been had quite a bit, I know it works well for some but unfortunately not for me, I think the next thing for me to try is the thermacell backpacker, I will keep try skin so soft as I still have 2.5 bottles but it may be time to call in the big guns as mozzies love my blood 🙄😭
  18. No me either I used to love it years ago haven't done it for ages, I keep meaning to buy a floater line but always forget 😁 good luck
  19. We shall see there are lots of nice ones to go for still in there, just nice to be catching, I still think a 20 is a big fish I just want to try and be consistent now and keep catching hopefully get a 30 whilst I'm at it, 😁 Thanks, I am quite happy today 😁 hopefully your turn will Come soon 👍
  20. I'm blown away by the mirror, still seems like one someone else normally would be holding 😂
  21. Well this was my PB for 8 hours or so but then this one arrived I really struggled through last year but kept learning and learning, but now all those struggles have been worth it Happy Days
  22. I'd been sitting deliriously with only one rod out due to another tench, so I set another one up recast it, let the line settle, then the bobbin went right up to the butt lifted it up didn't feel anything Initially then boom thought it was a tench but as it got closer I thought that's no tench, it hit the surface and came off, a little jack pike had a hold of the leader, I am now back down to one rod and trying to get motivated to pack up 😂
  23. If you are hitting the clip too hard have a look at the airbomb it's kind of got a shock absorber I've used mine a couple of tines now starting to get the hang of it now 👍 I have a wychwood dispatch S1 spod rod that's pretty decent, I think cheap reels for spodding are a bit of a waste of time the sonik one isn't up to it imo , when you get into spodding it's worth remembering this is the rod and reel you will use most and will take the biggest amount of punishment, if you buy cheap you will need to replace it Might be worth looking at second hand to see what's out there
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