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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I have been similar too for about a week, I'm still at work, was anxious, got angry with everything for a while, emailed my boss about why we shouldnt be here, still at work but calming down a bit now, accepting I have to be here, I don't want to because I can't control who comes and goes or what they bring with them but I can clean everything down, stay as safe as possible wash my hands and tell people to get the eff away, and pretend it's for social distancing purposes 😁😁😁 But like Steve I am now in the hands of Boris waiting for the shutdown to come, until then I have to work unfortunately, otherwise I am staying safe as I can The only trick I have for helping to calm me down when I am anxious is to run my wrist vein side up under a cold tap, after a little while it seems to cool you right down, I swear by it tbh
  2. Hopefully you will win the lottery or something to make up for it, hope you get it all sorted soon
  3. I had a midlife crisis and started BMX racing a few years ago, I found out how much you don't bounce as you get older, smashed my shoulder into the second hump in a double and damaged my rotator cuff, that hurt quite a lot, 😁
  4. That's my plan too but my calf may have other ideas 😁 I need a hot tub I think hmmmm
  5. Kids weren't bothered, and you tube crashed on me half way through so didn't get to finish it, think I've damaged my calf today 😁 I did a cosmic kids yoga class afterwards though 😜
  6. That looks a good idea, I do quite like the look of the wychwood buzz bars and banksticks too they have some nice features like the bobbin thread hole and the fact you can use them as a goal post or single bankstick set up, maybe once I get bored with the stainless I Will have a look 😁
  7. I decided against it and bought some ngt screw in banksticks The skinflint way to make a single pod set up 😁 I have loads of other stainless bits so have options now
  8. I don't need one but I think they look lovely In these dark times I feel like treating myself, anyone got one?
  9. But the point is those people may have longer to live and may also get to die the way they want not strapped to a ventilator in isolation from there family
  10. I think fishing isn't essential yes we enjoy it, mentally it is nice to get away from it all, but it wont kill us not to go for 3 weeks while we have a shut down, I think people need to stop trying to twist the rules to suit whatever they want to hear, get a grip and stop travelling about spreading the virus needlessly to continue doing what they love to do, people love to exercise and it does make you feel good but all gyms are closed so people should just make do with a walk or run to the local park or do some stuff in the garden or living room, plenty you can do whilst at home, too many people being far too selfish and ignoring the rules, the quicker everyone accepts this is a problem and we need to address it by limiting Contact we will be a lot better off,
  11. Just seems to get worse one of my work mates is now self isolating along with others, anyone that can work from home now is but us pond lifers are stuck here like canaries sent down the mines 🙏
  12. I read the other meaning too but preffered the other one, don't send me to prison I've got a love letter 😳😂 I won't be sending any Boris doos either, other than Boris do raise council tax in Westminster and lower it in the rest of the country, 😁
  13. It's tough trying to keep them motivated and positive though, whilst keeping it all together yourself, will keep smashing the Joe wicks that seems to be helping me stay positive, good luck, I'm letting them slack off a bit for now then telly off after lunch then they can do some other stuff and get out in the garden 👍
  14. You been doing Joe Wicks PE Highy? My kids dont seem that keen but I've smashed the first 2 days 😁
  15. I didn't know what a Billy doo was so I googled it, love letter? Could lead you to needing a French letter? 😲😲
  16. It seems all the lakes are shutting now, there will be a closed season this year, probably for the best, now let's get shut down completely so we can all Get out again asap, otherwise we will be released and they will start spawning 😁
  17. I thought it said non essential shops etc to be shut, no more than 2 in a social gathering, only shop of essential, only go to and from work of you aren't lucky enouvh to be able to work from home, it was Confusing tbh I work in carbon fibre based aerospace stuff not quite sure how that is key work but haven't been told not to come back in yet 😂
  18. Yeah but only for those that can work from home he still needs industries to make the 30 billion he hasn't got,
  19. I think the people that are panic buying are doing so because they are scared, I understand people are scared not thinking straight and I can forgive that tbh,but anyone that is profiteering from this or Taking advantage of vulnerable people I have a real problem with tbh , I heard today that people have been spitting at the emergency services, they are the ones trying to help us all and this is how they are treated, I see a lot of positive things too though our village seems to be pulling together really well and helping one another out and lots of good is happening too so there is hope Agree stay safe all
  20. It's the only way now, I used to fester and it did me no good, I love a good comedy rant too tbh if you get me going on something I can rant for ages and if you make it funny then that's OK 😁
  21. Tbh I just tell people what I think 😄 I find that's the best way right or wrong if it bothers me I just say it these days, I've found my moral compass is pretty good so I tend to not say much I regret 👍
  22. Stay safe mate, and look after yourself and yours I was fine til I got to work today now I am a mess my anxiety is also raised now, too many people aren't following the guidelines seeking hero points for being a rebel getting right on my ninnies tbh, I agree but to be bought on by this virus isn't right that's not when your number should be up, however this thing started, we will probably never find out for sure, but something more sinister wouldn't surprise me, but we shall see, let's hope it does change for the better but I can't help thinking we shall lose more good than bad in this one
  23. That's fine as long as its not one of your own in the high risk camp, so while you might be fine the people around you spread it too might lose someone they care about I take it you mean me to go hug a tree?
  24. I think it is too, I am trying to stay positive but they need to be firm on the rules of what is acceptable and what isn't, there isn't any sanitiser at work and by the time you have left the toilet after washing your hands to get back to your work area you will have already touched 5 doors and then I will have to use a shared computer but this is acceptable 🤔 Have you read the pangolin theory on how it started? https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/02/11/did-pangolins-play-a-role-in-the-new-coronavirus-outbreak/
  25. I do think people need to start Taking it more seriously tbh my wife is at work now and so stressed about it she is having panic attacks because people are just ignoring all guidelines, they need to statt making the tough calls on work now otherwise it's going to get really out of control, I saw a thing about the guidelines working from home is safe but nothing about goi g to work and the risks it will cause, which let's be honest are massive if people aren't taking it seriously
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