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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. You aren't supposed to drink it 😁
  2. It was a new moon last night and the lake was fishing its head off, 3 for one guy, 3 for another including the big girl at 41lb, one of the kois came out and even I caught one 😁 Pressure has been dropping steadily but I can't help but be drawn by moon phases, I try and fish whenever I can but I will pester Mrs Putney more if it happens to be a new moon, I haven't made any decision on pressure yet but I do like a new moon 🎑
  3. You wouldn't be able to see where you are going might get messy 😅 Pinapple and n butyric urinal blocks 🤔
  4. I just want a ridgemonkey modular urinal now though 😁
  5. Needs Quite a lot of bark on the paths 😉 5ltr 😳 that is a lot of tea 🍵 what about urinal that goes on a bucket 😁
  6. I was going to start packing up at 10am then I just got back in the sleeping bag to warm up, still not packed up but had a nice snooze 😴😴😴😴 Looking like a wet pack down too hasn't stopped raining all morning 😭 And when are ridgemonkey going to invent a bedchair wee removal system, I'm so warm I don't want to go out into the cold 😁 Still I haven't blanked, but this bunker is like a tardis time is flying now, best get a wriggle on need to be home and hosed ready for the school run 😬😬😬😬😬
  7. You would be amazed whats in it though, 😁 Really annoyed by the noddy hand and that leaf , kept wriggling so much it was just a case of trying to get a pic and get it back in the end
  8. A celebratory cuppa, I just caught a Popeye a gug a gug a gug 18lb 6oz Photos haven't come out the best unfortunately had a bit of a battle with the fish and the intervalometer, shame it was a real character with big boggly eyes,
  9. Sometimes you have to be a little bit bear grills, I found a few dead reeds and threw them down 👍
  10. Wow that looks pretty bad is it a cog lead and the rig is meant to detach? From it?
  11. It's really gone quiet in the last few minutes, I am wondering should I have put on the over wrap tonight?, I havent I've just carried it to the swim 😁 Should I have my dinner? Healthy veggie kebabs I'm even putting green stuff in them
  12. That's a good idea might try that Thanks You will have to wait and see because it is now dark but they are about where I took the picture from 🙄 Kettles on first cuppa since I got here 😳
  13. Bunker on the spit up the road, could say its muddy 😁 Been an enjoyable afternoon, managed to leave my back door keys in my pocket so had to go home again , but that may be a blessing in disguise as I've moved in next to someone who caught 3 so hopefully I can get one nice fish to 😁 Still messing about but there is a chance and I'm looking forward to the night ahead 👍
  14. Couple of moorhens feeding on leftover McDonald's in the car park , you don't see that everyday
  15. Right guys thought I may do a little blog of my session today The car is packed and ready, just waiting baton in hand to pass it on to Mrs Putney then I can hit the road , need to stop off for milk and possibly a McDonald's on the way but its looking like I should be there for midday to see what is in store swim wise its now in the lap of the carp gods as to who is already there, hoping to have the place to myself tonight but depends on day anglers and I'm not sure if there is 1 other booked on or not, looks pretty good conditions for this new moon night out,other than a little too much wind lol, got the overwrap cos it looks like it may get cold ish overnight but I'm pretty confident and fairly well prepped and organised, got 6 pva bags loaded and ready to rock clip em up, tie em up, chuck em out maybe a couple of spods over the top, get a bite oooosh, that's the plan 😂😁 I am really excited the way you should be before a session I think 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞😁
  16. Just watch the highlights on you tube, I just did, fury was all over him really great to see, wilder was all over the shop after he got a cut on his ear, I've always liked watching fury such a talent and great to see him back as a world champ
  17. I still use auto focus, 😅 seems to work OK, I would like to experiment more with mine, maybe I will try some arty blanking style shots this Sunday 😁
  18. Luckily I am Sunday night and I won't Funnily enough I keep it all in the same bag too 👍
  19. Try an intervalometer, you won't look back I reckon, makes life so much easier tbh once you get it sorted it just does the snapping for you meaning you can just concentrate on being I front of the camera,
  20. No worries glad to help, hopefully you will get more practice than I do 😁 Although I am hoping it's chunky carp Sunday this week 🤞🤞🤞🤞
  21. Hey guys Sorry if I've been a bit too argumentative today, been a tough day and week really, kids half term, MIL is here all week, early starts and not enough sleep, I think I have alot of steam to blow off 😂😤🤯😬🤯😤
  22. I'm no camera buff tbh and never had a Nikon but it should be perfect for self takes and general photos I would think, is it an 18-55 lens? That's what it seemed to come with when I googled it, that's what I have on mine, just have a play I am sure you will find you are taking decent enough shots, I got a remote for mine to begin with but holding a fish and using a remote isn't easy, just get a cheap and camera compatible intervalometer usually on amazon for about £12, I also have an amazon basics tripod, which is good for the money, and a video light (mine is a 96 led one) also off amazon and that should be enough to get you going, just try taking lots of photos to start with you only need one good one and you can always delete them with a digital 👍
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