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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I thought it may be but was just wondering if anyone had noticed this just incase 😁
  2. One thing I found out at St Ives was bream didn't get caught as much if I only used hemp and boilies rather than a spod mix, I did catch some tench using this though 😁 Does anyone think hemp on its own isn't as attractive to bream as other particles? Or was that just coincidence?
  3. That is good advice tbh I got mine off a lawn at work not sure if they treat that but worth considering before I get anymore
  4. I am sure that is most people nowadays though isn't it? I don't want to argue about thisπŸ˜‚, but that's my opinion, maybe if I tried the EV range I would never look at another brand and end up buying some TXi's but I quite like being able to turn my alarms down like bluelabel and just using the receiver at night , I would Also probably think a little differently if I already owned the dongles and receiver, I sold my fox alarms for this very reason tbh Maybe I am missing the point a little but to me I think I should be able to to buy a remote receiver for any alarm I want these days
  5. It's mainly just the having to buy dongles, that gets me with this range tbh, they would still be decently priced at say £90-100 if you could just buy a receiver, it is just the fact you have to buy dongles, 😲 Surely the EV range is priced to be affordable to most? I would say it's a mid priced alarm anyway,
  6. Vape and spare batteries plus juice Food That's about it the rest I can find an alternative for usually I have had to buy travel mugs from garages though I do forget those quite often
  7. I get it from a business point of view they will make more money but personally I think a Β£60 alarm these days should habe the ability to connect to an alarm Its not just about the money, it's more the fact that a set of alarms that cost Β£60 each should be able to directly connect to a remote these days, without the need to buy Β£100 worth of dongles and a receiver for it,would have no problem paying extra for a receiver, but I could've got dongles 20 years ago for my old fox mmx's, but then remotes were top end stuff, now there are loads of budget brands that have remote receivers it just seems odd that one of the pioneers of the alarm seem way behind on what could be the best selling mid priced range of alarms?
  8. Which is my point it seems a bit of a con,I don't think it has to be that expensive most cheaper alarms have remote capabilities these days, why can't Delks?
  9. Get an intervalometer for your self takes, I just use a Canon 650d which is quite old now with a cheap intervalometer and a video light for night shots, this is the last one I caught and only I've used an intervalometer for 😁
  10. I get that not everyone wants a receiver and even if you have one you may not use it but nowadays surely every new alarm should be directly combatible with a receiver at the very least
  11. So it basically costs the same and you have to buy the dongles from a competitor πŸ˜£πŸ€” I just dont get why anyone who didn't already own the dongles, would buy them?
  12. I am still quite flabberghasted delkim can't just make all there alarms have a direct remote receiver these days?
  13. not tonight I'm too tired and I've just washed my hair island πŸ˜”πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄
  14. You gotta go before the next baby comes that second one is a game changer, and that will probably add another 4 or 5 years at least πŸ‘ Funnily enough I've been trying to persuade the misses to do a French trip as a family,she doesn't seem that keen tbh but she did say would you like to do it by yourself the other day, which I may have dismissed a little too quickly in hindsight πŸ˜‰
  15. Password protected 🀣🀣🀣🀣😁
  16. This is my chaos Will have to do in two stages, although having seen nicks I feel quite tidy 😁
  17. I may have found a way to go fishing, I did a risky Strategy where I broached the subject early,she ummed and ahhed a bit, and then later that day when I started prepping rigs I told her I had booked it, waited till midweek and said can I go fishing then? And she said I thought you had booked it? I replied I wouldn't book it without making sure you didn't mind first 😁 Seems to have worked anyway πŸ‘
  18. That's carp gold right there, the last bite I had was over some mole muck, I have access to plenty though 😁
  19. I dont think my tackle box is that tidy but that's giving me the heebie jeebies nick 😬😬😬😱 I've decided I can't really control all aspects of my life, but if I can get and keep my tackle organised I will be happy 😁
  20. Thanks all been good to see how you organise it all, I think I may have sussed it 😁 Ngt XPR Rucksack, Slightly bigger ngt dynamic tackle box will fit in front pocket and should take most bits I think, 2 lead bags for accessories I don't have a place for and a few leads plus whatever else I can find a use for Ngt brew kit bag for camera and bits to go in Rucksack, Glug pot bag as well for hookbaits needles and bait based toot or I may use that as an accessory bag I will get all that in the Rucksack plus clothes and any other bits Then I should be left with food bag, bivvy, rod bag, unhooking mat, bed bag, bait bucket, barrow, I know it's not all that carpy to have loads of ngt stuff but for me Its good and cheap and tbh it's stuff that isn't that important to me really, it's only luggage isn't it,😳 but if it helps me be organised it's done its job I've seen the Rucksack and it's pretty solid tbh and should be a step up and be a comfortable haul to the swim, and with a lighter barrow too 😁
  21. Wow that is compact, looks like 10%of my load πŸ˜‚ I will try and have a restructure I think I must be taking loads of bits I. Not really using πŸ€”
  22. I've been reckless lately I left my retro baits invoice out "Β£90 on boilies she said" I said well I did buy quite a lot so they will last, all the time thinking she hasn't noticed the pop ups, wafters bait spray and 2kg of 12mmers πŸ˜… She also saw my receipt from yesterday I said a lot of that was the kids rods and bits πŸ˜‚
  23. No i mean say nothing, innocent until proven guilty 😁
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