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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Sounds like a really good and positive idea, good luck with the project keep us informed would enjoy seeing how it's developing 👍
  2. I use a normal pillow on mine at home not sure how my snoring is but we all seem to be sleeping better 😴😁 I remember my mate at a festival once snored so loudly people were shouting for miles around telling him to be quiet 😁
  3. Just seen this on fb I think I may need one of these I reckon I t will help me catch more at night 😁😴😴
  4. You would need to feel for a familiar tap with a lead to get conclusive proof 😁
  5. Is this gadget the Nash pinpoint hook doctor by any chance 😉 It's a technical advancement in hook sharpening surely that puts it in with deepers and bait boats as cheating, 🤣🤣😱😁 And also only for the rich at £100 😱 It's a good idea and looks quite useful but too pricey for me to want one at present, will continue honing my own path in the cheapseats, this isn't a dig BTW just my opinion
  6. I watched that video before but it's made me think I may invest in a jag file, looks a worthy investment to me as it will take a decent amount off to start with, I think my eze lap files make them sharper but with one of those I think it would be easier and quicker, With regard to the crayon, I use one I gently warm the hook with a lighter just a bit, then put it into a crayon and it leaves a thin layer of Crayola on the tip of the hook which does seem to slow corrosion
  7. There are some stunning fish on those lakes, have a look at Mark Boots Johnsons Instagram page he has caught loads of them, the lagoon can get very busy at weekends especially early season, but it is a stunning lake and there are some cracking fish in it, I found the second drove fried my brain but in hindsight I wasn't ready for it,and didn't have the time, summer holidays will be good for you quite often the lagoon can be quiet midweek, and Gordy has put lots of stockies in those lakes this year they will grow into nice fish too, one day I will go back and fish the lagoon, but I want to have fine tuned my skills a bit more so I am ready for it Be ready for the mozzies though they take no prisoners 😜😎
  8. Bank tackle do marker float swivels if you want an even bigger eye 👍
  9. I think for me it's also more the visual aid of having something to aim at tbh Whether it be throwing stick, pult, spod, it's got to help to be more accurate I think
  10. I fished on the second drove at st Ives this year which lake would you be interested in?
  11. I think stinky winky is more offensive than the word I wanted to write 😁
  12. Ha I started going to fat club again (slimming World) cos I needed to do the same, I've been piling it on of late and thought things need to change, had a good first week though - 7.5lb just another 4 stone to get me back to full carp fitness 😁 I do feel good for cutting out the stinky winky though, given up sugar in tea and coffee, the sugar cravings have been my downfall they always lead to chocolate, but it's always easier at the start, going to miss my bankside biscuits though 😭
  13. I do agree I wouldn't want them buzzing overhead either isn't there a lake that has live streaming of the lake from it? I am sure I heard that you could sit at home and watch the water lol
  14. Can you get a bait drone yet? Probably won't be long before you can discreetly drop a kilo of bait from 3000 feet 😂 I like the footage they produce tbh and for a video they are fine, but if people are using them to fish with that seems a bit much, to be fair to Korda they always seem quite honest about what they use in there videos, if they rope off a swim they will tell you they have etc and Tom dove did say he had used the drone footage in finding the fish
  15. I did try but it got stuck in a buffering loop lots of issues reported on android think I may stay retro 👍
  16. I dunno I will check again might be nice if it's free 😁
  17. I looked at swim mapper but didn't want to pay for it being a tight southerner 😂 I enjoy writing so it might be nice to remember some details of events I may even start a blog this year to help look back 🙄
  18. I got a log book for Xmas for this type of thing, one tbing I learnt this year was I could never remember the right amount of wraps to a spot even if I had fished it a couple of times old age creeping in 🤕
  19. Bait boat? 🤔😅 Just drive it up and drop the pay load, would save on disturbance and probably not cost you the 24 hours waiting time, but it may darken your soul 😁
  20. I appreciate what you are saying there makes a lot of sense, I know it doesn't sound like it but I do also want to keep disturbance to a minimum on the day 😂 What I want to achieve is get it all done in a short space of time by having all the rods baited and ready to go then probably 10-15 mins of disturbance and then it's done and I may even just use a catty or throwing stick mainly this year I am toying with the idea of boilie only fishing but I do like a spod mix to get a spot going hopefully I can create a few of my own this year and keep them quiet 🤔 Also pre baiting shouldn't be an issue for me either if I plan it right, I could bait spots in the run up to a session, even if I couldn't get in that swim on the day any free feed they get is a win in my book and it's always a spot you can visit another time One thing I did find quite interesting to hear was that if you are pushed for time look at the 2 biggest far bank markers in your swim and find somene else's spots 😂 I do like honest carpy blogs 🤣 but probably a good way of keeping disturbance down
  21. My plan for this year is 1 rod for bare lead chucking then spodding (double loop method for quick change) , and the other set up as a marker rod, I plan to use the bare lead to find the spots, then chuck the marker to it, maybe lead to the left and right of the float then swap over the bare lead for a spod and bait up accurately knowing its wrapped up right and bang on the float when it lands, this should mean I bait up with greater accuracy than just hitting the clip at the same distance, obviously if fishing to a feature this may be overkill but in open water this should give me really good accuracy, Sounds a bit of a faff but in reality if I want to fish 3 rods close together then it's bang, bang,, bang rods done bit of bait over the top oosh smashed it without too much disturbance, until I know my spots then its fairly easy to just wrap them, chuck the float out couple of casts of the bare lead to check there is no fresh detritus on the bed wallop, wallop, wallop few spods and maybe some stick thrown baits In a bigger area and it's kaboom time, I'm fishing 😁 I am still not really planning for this season though 🤣🤣😂😁😁
  22. I have no problem with it being a rule if that's what the owner thinks, I am in no position to disagree if I want to fish the water in question, I can happily go about my business not using one and have for all of my fishing to date, but that doesn't mean I can't see how it could be useful St Ives has a mallet ban and also a white t shirt ban,and no excessive spodding or markering before 11am , I don't disagree with those either
  23. I don't think it's fair to dismiss people as noddys for using technology tbh, some will be but some will be experienced anglers who can use it to an advantage, Most of the anglers who make a career at it have used bait boats, echo sounders etc at some point, it's just a tool some people will use and some won't tbh, it's not up to me to decide who is doing it right or wrong as long as I am OK with what I do myself and I enjoy it, and as long as the noddys don't keep casting into my swim or telling me where I can fish I will be fine 😁😁😁😁😂 I think there is probably too much emphasis these days on needing all the top tackle to become a carp Fisherman and also the scene has definately changed since I was younger, I daresay newer anglers are influenced into thinking they need a deeper to compete and really expensive kit and that will catch them more carp, Sadly it seems too many people and kids are missing out on an apprenticeship and fishing straight away for carp, i find that a bit saddening but unfortunately all the small village pond type venues seem to be dissapearing and people are learning what they see on you tube, which isn't a bad thing as knowledge has never been more available but they are being influenced into needing these things as the content providers also need to pay the bills
  24. It's up to you ultimately there I always like to feel I am getting value for money, when I buy something I feel the Nash ones are too expensive for me There is a new avid one out which is the lightest sleep system on the market not sure what that costs though or what it's like My bag isn't the lightest in 5 season mode but it will keep me warm In the winter and the 3 season mode will be fine to keep on for summer and then it is fairly light considering its size The camo sleep system one is a camo bedchair with a different fitted sleeping bag on it, I think the magmatex will be a thicker better bag but it depends how extreme you will be fishing in really both will be fine in most British weather I would say and both will fold up in the chair after use
  25. Yup I got a camou wide bedchair and magmatex king-size sleeping bag it's very comfy but really wide still fairly light though 😂 the bag is really warm and fits well to the chair, and so far seems well made, I believe the camou ones are the same as the Wychwood tactical ones and I assume the rlx Is the same as the tracker, not got a sleep system one but I can fold my bed with the bag on so no bother for me, I like mine perhaps wouldn't get a wide one again but actually I've been sleeping on mine since before Christmas as my snoring was waking up the wife too much but now I am sleeping better and not getting punched in my sleep so its a win win 🥵😵🤕🤕, and also my back ache is loads better too so I am well pleased with mine 😌
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