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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I found some inserts on the bay but they weren't the right size unfortunately, which is usually the way when you want something specific 😳 If I was to bodge it myself would a 2.75lb be OK as a marker rod do we think? I quite fancy having a separate spod and marker this year
  2. Nope I know what you mean and yeah they probably are 😁 But they do have quite a variety square, round, long, curvy ones and all hand checked and reasonably priced 🤣
  3. Fish kissing 😘😘😘😘😁 Being made up with this one 🤐 Spombs, delkims, excessive pva bag making shots, all banned More editing in of casting up trees less perfect first time casting, If you are going to break fishery rules whilst filming at least check your continuity, I notice these things especially if you tell me the fishery rules 😁 Pointless barrow loading and unloading and car park shots (I don't care 😳) I like Carl and Alex, Dave Lane, carp catcher, Leon bartropp, baitworx, sticky bait and thinking anglers, cast a line Heseltine and the Nash ones are well shot and I've also got into honest carpy blogs lately they are funny
  4. Anyone used these some of there hook patterns look quite interesting? Just thought I would ask 😏
  5. Does anyone know where I can get just the insert please? If not maybe a cheap eye I need a 40mm one to fix an old rod, it's not worth getting it Re ringed but wouldn't mind if it was a cheap fix I am selling the rod and it isn't worth much so needs to be cheap Thanks in advance Elmo
  6. The jrc mozzie front is a multi fit and fits my cyprinus well enough not sure if that helps but it does work 😁
  7. Have you planned what you are going to spend it on yet?
  8. Smashing session dayvid hope you get a dry spell for packing up 👍
  9. As Title, I was so lucky this year Cyprinus magmatex sleeping bag (king-size to fit the bigbed) Ridgemonkey bivvy light Buzzer bar bag Bivvy table and cutlery set Fishing Log book Well happy merry Christmas all
  10. Merry Christmas one and all hope you are all stuffed with turkey, booze and Christmas puds by now and hope you have an excellent new year also
  11. That can be a right pain working on washing machines and dishwashers if it doesn't all fit the way you hoped I've had to use longer hoses before to make them fit 😁 as soon as we moved in I did all the white pipes under the kitchen sink dealing with other peoples clogged up muck isn't pleasant that u bend was minging 😩🥵😖
  12. Did you enter the comp as well 😁 I've been entering any comp I spot lately I want the TFT one the most 2 grands worth of tackle wouldn't be bad 😁
  13. Have you seen the gardner app highy lots of stuff you may find useful on there
  14. My big boy rods have arrived, they are almost new I think, barely look used, still got the wrappers on well chuffed with them, I just went out to cast one they feel perfect, longer handle than the 10ft which I like and they feel beefier but responsive, that was a good lucky find, and being 12ft they won't look too short on the pod 😂😂😁
  15. I perhaps worded it badly, I meant more when you have planned and planned and it doesn't go to plan that it feels like a waste of energy, it wasn't but it feels like it is, I will still spend time walking and prebaiting and making sure I have rigs ready etc and ideas planned and I will also still enjoy it, maybe I am just kidding myself I won't become obsessed 😁 But I want to make less solid plans be more organised beforehand with a few options and be more flexible to adapt to another situation upon arrival and not having made my mind up before I even get there because its become a routine to fish that swim, or because that's where I think they might be, That still sounds a bit waffly after all that but hopefully makes some sense 😁
  16. I think that is the tough one lsnt it, I find I've spent the week building up to a session planning and prepping and thinking, then by the time you get there you are knackered as something won't be how you imagine it in the build up, then it all feels a bit of a waste of all that energy, for me I think the key is to try to plan less and be better prepared for more situations I am also going to keep a log this year so I can remember more and make the same mistakes less 🤔😳😳😳😳😳😊😁
  17. I doubt I am the only one that has already started planning for the year ahead? Next couple of Months head down trying to work hard and save up a bit of spare dosh, get new syndicate ticket and a few odds and sods 😏 then about march crack on for the year with a new challenge and a fresh start, this year has been a real steep learning curve for me, the highs and lows were good lessons to learn, I learnt I haven't got time for a real serious tough challenge and want to go fishing thinking I have a chance, I know I will mainly only be doing overnighters that seems the way for me, I want to go to catch fish not just one particular fish, so will be planning and baiting accordingly, working it out as I go, I am happy with my bait choice now you will be pleased to know so no more dicking about with that 😁 Targets 30lb +carp, and some nice shots and hopefully a good few for the photo album, but really I just want to enjoy it, to be able to relax and do it my way, take in the atmosphere, and be at peace with my surroundings ✌️😁 Lose some timber (mainly for happiness and mental wellbeing, not cos I feel Inadequate without a 6 pack ) 😁 Take the girls more, and try to maintain a healthy work/family/fishing balance Also I want to become more accurate at longer ranges, and also better at the other stuff and not worrying about rigs and bait I am pretty sure they work now it's more location, tactics, accuracy and opportunity, What are you guys planning for the new year?
  18. Offer accepted £95 plus postage for 3 happy days
  19. I read what I could about them and they seem to be able to chuck a lead out, they haven't met me yet though 😂
  20. I'm looking at some wychwood C101 rods at the minute anyone used these? I've put in a reasonable offer just waiting to see what he thinks to it
  21. I just wondered how instant they worked they are lovely looking alarms and I might get some one day, but I tend to use my alarms at volume unless I am sleeping as they may not wake me but the receiver on the soniks works sort of like an echo of the buzzers which slightly irritates me 😁
  22. Everything is tougher in the cube Water wipes are good for cleaning stuff I clean my glasses, fishing rods, frying pan allsorts with them they might work, Google might have a good cleaning solution for the material you are trying to clean? General alarm with receiver question? Do all alarms with receivers have a slight delay to the receiver? My soniks seem to as did my old fox sounder box as it travelled up the wire 😁 but as these are silent do they still transmit slightly slower than the line movement like if I had my alarm volume down ?
  23. They look like Cork but it does make you wonder 😊 One thing I do know is that I can't stop looking at them 😍😍😍
  24. I like the look of those they are bit nice and about in budget I would like to be within £200 for 3 😁 but would rather spend less if I can
  25. Hi guys I've decided to sell my 10ft rods in order to get some 12 footers for next year I want to be able to chuck some baits out for my next project, bigger water bigger rods, Now I think I want a 3.25lb tc as I think this should be about right to chuck a bag or 4oz lead pretty far, but will it still work as an all rounder as sometimes I may fish close in too I'm looking at 2nd hand but not seeing loads at the moment but if I was to go new My options are Sonik vaders Diawa G50 Chub rs plus Now I wouldn't mind the soniks again but may wait for the new version to be readily available and I will have a look if there are any sales but has anyone got any thoughts or other rods I should look at I may have gone off Cork in favour of shrink wrap as it cleans better 😁 Also if anyone spots any good deals let me know please 😁
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