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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. There are usually some good deals about tbh, There are quite a few bivvies around now that seem good quality, and now may be a good time to find one as winter is coming
  2. Single skin ones dont have a wrap I don't think, have a look at cyprinus bivvys and brollys they seem to do a good range and usually a good spec, Are you just looking for a used one ? Have you got a budget in mind ?
  3. Good luck will keep an eye out for updates on your progress I've always found I get better 4g signal if I stand on 1 leg on a bucket and sing Angry Anderson's timeless classic Suddenly whilst wearing waders and a dress ๐Ÿ˜„
  4. The new ones are telescopic are the old ones? They pack down small I think they look good, they even do a 12ft one that packs down smaller as well, worth a look anyway
  5. They did have some good bits gizmos do look good though with the illuminated snag ears, I liked the look of the new rods, right through the range from the pimped up vaders upwards
  6. Hi guys Just thought I would share my recent experience of dealing with sonik, Had an issue with one of bite alarms(, I had cross threaded it and it would no longer go on my buzzer bar, I messaged them and they offered me a new one for free if I payed postage , however I said all I needed was the replacement screw they didn't have one so sent me a returned unit free of charge so I could use the thread from that, not only that I have switched it to a nice blue roller, Just checked out there 2019 trรคde show video, they look to have some good new tackle coming out next year,
  7. Generally I like them tbh they do most I want the only thing like I said is the casting distance but it's not really bothered me yet, I do enjoy playing fish on them tbh and at aborter ranges they are a joy to use Can't help you with that neck of the woods tbh but good luck finding one
  8. Ive got 10ft 3lb Vader's 17 wraps๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฌ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜€ I think that should be fine tbh not sure you will get loads more though that's the only limitation with the shorter rods I've found, but that may also be me Ive never been the greatest long distance caster but I can fish up to 11 wraps like a boss ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„
  9. It was s really interesting podcast and he seemed a nice guy tbh I am not sure he is still doing his bigcarp baits tbh the website didn't look that up to date anyway
  10. I listened to an interesting carp cast yesterday with John Llewellyn he mentioned about carp learning about what is best for it's dietary requirements and someone had done an experiment and stuff, and from that they deduced what's its needs are best met from is a good food source boilie with low level flavours and a good balance of good ingredients so if you feed them enough safe ones they will come, It was a good one and it went into baiting techniques and how tight baiting will attract smaller carp and baiting a bigger looser area will attract bigger fish due to there sense of smell as they grow Well worth a listen anyway I thought
  11. I can see why they work just thought a gallon seems a lot at once and the bottom would look like a maggot graveyard, rather than little and often where you would have regular wrigglers, for a while,
  12. Couldn't you add a bit of basemix into them this would keep them dryer and also they may start being more nutritious ? I've never really used them for proper carp fishing tbh do people spod out gallons at once or little and often ? I've heard of people chucking out gallons at once but that seems mental to me
  13. I have done some homework on it between the last time I mentioned it and now tbh, the liquid is definately heavier than water, I have tested it also to check and as there is no oil in the glug it will sink,which should leave little molecules of attraction floating about with any luck
  14. I don't need to add it I just fancied making a goo to see what would happen,it's mainly just a mix of attractors in there and a low level flavour which should just settle on the bottom causing the fish to hunt for something they can't quite find, If I don't try I will never know if it's worth the risk I guess
  15. This was the moment I remembered I had some robin red tucked away for a rainy day ๐Ÿ˜€
  16. Gonna put some in my spod mix tomorrow
  17. I just like to go with an idea as it's going to be close to darkness and that is how I predict It happening, I will still have a walkabout first but the last couple of times I've fished there that's exactly how it's been and I have found a lot of fish mooching in the quiet area, if that is empty I will try something else, I know a few swims now so have options
  18. I will probably have to do something similar wednesday I have a plan anyway, by the time I get there there will be 4 other anglers probably in big 2 man bivvys hopefully one social ,if I am right this will mean they have spombed the granny out of the main part of the lake that and all the lines will have sent the fish to hide in the smaller bay area leaving me to stealth my way in and hopefully extract one or two or more , there are a couple of swims that if taken could ruin this but then I could fit somewhere on the main lake and spomb the granny out of it ๐Ÿ˜€
  19. My misses had just realised she has booked a night out watching a psychic on Thursday now so I've had to rejiggle lake bookings and days off work, you would think someone had already spotted that we had double booked ๐Ÿ™„ But on the plus side I am going wednesday night now ๐Ÿ˜€ This is my simple snowman rig btw nice isn't it ๐Ÿ˜
  20. One thing I will say about this year is that I don't regret any of it because I have learnt from it messing with rigs has taught me loads about what I want from my rig,how I want it to present, how to make the hooklink work in your favour, how to select the right hook pattern for the job, and most importantly with a sharp hook on the line you will catch more fish
  21. I've been using the avid outline leader in 20lb for a while now, I am quite happy with that as a leader seems to work nicely with the hydrotuff
  22. Confidence has been a funny one for me this year, spent a long time feeling out my depth,feeling like I need to catch up with the years I missed, spent a while messing about with baits and rigs and all sorts of presentations, before ultimately deciding what I used to do 20 years ago is still as effective really Things that have helped me with confidence this year Hand sharpening my hooks Going back to running rigs for better bite indication Finally finding a bait the carp seem to like fairly instantly Distance sticks I believe I am now fishing more accurately than ever before Not being afraid to fish in weed,silt or pretty much any substrate now I now believe I have a great simple rig and a nice balanced snowman presentation,which I know should always be fishing for me and behaves in a suitable manor I am going for an overnight session on vermuyden Thursday night, probably going to be setting up on darkness but I shall be more organised and ready this week,my rods are already prepped and my rod bag is packed already,will sort out all my other items this week so i am super organised and only taking what i need, the good times are coming I just want to catch a few more now to prove it wasn't a fluke
  23. I've been using 15lb hydrotuff in green all this year it's brilliant line in my opinion, I've only stripped it back to refresh it a couple of times so far it casts nicely seems to lay nicely and doesn't give me any bother at all ,I can now recommend it with absolute confidence I've actually just put fresh leaders on and stripped them a little tonight so they are ready for Thursday night gotta love strictly come dancing gives me a pass to play in the garage ๐Ÿ˜€
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