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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Just remember you need to check them if you get anything that resembles a pick up, I thought I had a line bite last week turns out I'd been done and my rig wasn't performing for a while after that Or as Danny Fairbrass would say my rig was on the dance floor but with its trousers and pants rounds it's ankles getting laughed at even by bream That's the only real downside I can see to the multi rig it doesn't reset itself, if you're not sure give it a recast
  2. Cheers mate tight lines to you also have a good one
  3. Having given up for a good few years I have to say Ive not been this excited about a fishing trip for ages, I spodded out a load of bait ready for tomorrow all on a lovely gravel strip every spod hit the clip and I just cant wait to get there now, I feel a little confident tbh maybe one of those elusive carp will slip up, if not i will learn something and get a step closer I'm just glad I've found the buzz again I feel like that kid that's peering over the edge of the pond through the reeds, looking for the mysterious big one that you only see as the sun goes down Happy days
  4. I'll give you another reason for not using spod mixes and multiple ingredients you get covered in spod juice and it gets in your hair all over your clothes, spod rod and everywhere else in your swim, I smell fantastic now though like a walking bait shop 😁
  5. I've been using silicone lately as long as the hook eye turns to the angle you want it's fine, and easier to use as no steaming rqd I've just been cutting bits off old rig tubing will try and find a pic
  6. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F302558070879 Not sure if this would help any of you may make it easier πŸ‘
  7. That's pretty impulsive, I bet he will regret it a bit, but if he enjoys match fishing then I guess that's up to him, I quite enjoyed catching the odd rudd on the whip but I wouldn't want to not fish for proper sized carp(breamπŸ˜₯) to do it, but I don't think carp fishing is for everyone really some people do just want and are happy getting a bend in the rod, I once had a mate I fished with but he got into other stuff and I found I got proper into carp fishing, joined a club lake by myself learnt all I could and I've never looked back, now I am not sure if I like company when I am fishing (I've convinced myself that anyway) cos I am so used to fishing by myself I love the peace and quiet these days, just focus on your own goals Highy and you will achieve them
  8. Funny you should say that I am on operation clear out particles this week, I have a plan to spod all that out tomorrow and fish it Wednesday,there are tiger nuts in there amongst other goodies as I have a theory I'll know where the fish might be and they should pass this a few times en Route if not the robo bream will soon clear it for me and then just a few boilies on each bait Wednesday, little n often, will put a couple of spombs on the spots I've already found also just incase someone else is fishing round there but it's been pretty quiet lately so fingers crossed
  9. I find wafters work fine with my set up, I use a piece of silicone and a size 4 bank tackle wide gape pattern for both pop up and wafter as I like the way the eye and silicone work together, still not sure about bottom bait hook choice though as I tend to not use them at present, but I wouldn't worry about using this rig with a bottom bait
  10. Now if this snowman doesnt stop the pesky bream I dunno what will, I've just added a mini hook swivel and a hair to the mix now I believe this rig in its slight variations has it all covered from bottom baits to pop ups
  11. I've decided I catch too many bream if I use particles and pellets, i am thinking of going boilies only I may use some particle for prebaiting though then just boilies while I fish, I've still got a lot of particle in the freezer so I need to clear it out 😁
  12. I've just looked at bait vault some great little ideas on there, πŸ‘
  13. I did quite like there pellets though used quite a few of them in the good old days
  14. I got to the lake a few weeks ago and realised once I was there barrow loaded and in situ that I didn't have my net, I had to wheel it all back to the car load it up come home and try again, still I caught 4 fish that day in a couple of hours so I didn't mind 😁
  15. Yeah they were for my vaping coils but I as I had them and no longer use them I thought I would try 😁 I think I like the side cutter types myself more will get some of those I think
  16. I had a Pair of these so I thought I would try cutting a size 4 the hook won, I think I need a robust pair of cutters like yours @carpepecheur thanks
  17. I like that answer that's good logic What's the best tool for cutting a hook shank safely if attached to a fish? I mean normally they do come out OK but that one was stuck in a tough bit of lip,
  18. Right here we go then I've been using microbarbed size 4 hooks and also size 4 barbless recently now one thing I just noticed was that the microbarbed hook isn't penetrating as well as the barbless and after another 3am bream which was a bit of a pig to unhook, Ive been wondering about using barbless only as I've caught plenty on them, and not really lost any on the fun lake, and it would make unhooking bream without a net a piece of cake, it may be because the microbarb on a size 4 hook is quite big I also listened to a Kev Nash carpcast and he only allows barbless on the church lake as he doesn't want his fish to be at risk of getting tethered which makes sense to me and he also thinks he got more takes when he switched to barbless what are your thoughts on this one please? I am leaning towards barbless only which I can see may penetrate more easily and hook more fish, if it was super sharp naturally
  19. This one is the v2 one https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232727934220 This is the v1 mozzie mesh he recommended https://www.cyprinus.co.uk/products/cyprinus-front-mesh-v1-fits-the-trakker-tempest-v1-brolly-perfectly
  20. That's lucky I think the average is about 8lb in there and there are more than the carp, I saw them spawning there was one that was massive a big double, that may get mistaken for a small tench if I hooked it 😁
  21. They are just lulling you into a false sense of security, they are going to slime you baaaaad one day
  22. I tried to convince myself I didn't mind catching them for a while, after last night I wouldn't miss it if I never caught another one
  23. I've been looking for a mozzie mesh for my cyprinus magnetix brolly and have been advised by cyprinus that a v1 tempest mesh will fit, are there any major differences between the v1 and the v2 in size as I have found a v2 bivvy mesh for Β£26.99 it looks the same but anyone know if it is Thanks
  24. It was the snotty bream witch, 2:30am just after I'd finally fallen asleep after a bout of bankside Insomnia, going to be a long day today I think I think I am done with bream now, I would rather blank even though it was probably about 8lb+
  25. No worries, i didn't really take offence at your comment but thanks I am quite thick skinned really , just felt like I was becoming the defender of the 10ft rod brigade,and there had already been a few digs that I had ignored just thought I should say what I thought about it all, and also my position on it
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