jh92 Posted May 28, 2018 Author Report Posted May 28, 2018 I can't wait to get back on the bank, all this nice weather is driving me nuts. If I'm not working I'm with the pooch. Which is fine but being stuck in side all the time isn't. Really is starting to take its toll 😂 I can finally start taking her walks this Wednesday coming. But still have to wait another 3 weeks until she goes back for the lepto 4 jab. I'm not sure if its a good idea to take her fishing until she's had the lepto 4 jab because most waters I know do have their fair share of rats lol. Another month and I'll be doing some fishing again. Killer 😂 Anyway here she is finchey, PandA698, Carpmaster and 4 others 7 Quote
crusian Posted June 3, 2018 Report Posted June 3, 2018 On 28/05/2018 at 08:03, jh92 said: I can't wait to get back on the bank, all this nice weather is driving me nuts. If I'm not working I'm with the pooch. Which is fine but being stuck in side all the time isn't. Really is starting to take its toll 😂 I can finally start taking her walks this Wednesday coming. But still have to wait another 3 weeks until she goes back for the lepto 4 jab. I'm not sure if its a good idea to take her fishing until she's had the lepto 4 jab because most waters I know do have their fair share of rats lol. Another month and I'll be doing some fishing again. Killer 😂 Anyway here she is When I'm delivering the post a Staffie is one of my favourite dogs , most of them give you such a loving look , and the blue is such a cool colour . 🙂 jh92 1 Quote
jh92 Posted June 20, 2018 Author Report Posted June 20, 2018 On 03/06/2018 at 12:37, crusian said: When I'm delivering the post a Staffie is one of my favourite dogs , most of them give you such a loving look , and the blue is such a cool colour . 🙂 My old dog used to have a thing for the postman, for some reason she would go crackers every time he opened the gate and if she was in the garden, he would leave the post on the gate lol. Funny though because he met her a few times and she was good as gold, just wanted attention, but didn't like him coming in the garden lol. The new pup is settling in great though, no more crying at night and no waking me up every few hours to go out. I fell victim to this according to the vet though. She would wake me up every morning at 4am, then again at 6am. I thought it was to be let out to go toilet, but the vet said shes doing it just to go out and there's no need to do it. So after a few nights of ignoring the 4am wake up call, she will sleep right through til 6am (when i get up) Vets tonight for the lepto 4 jab, probably have to wait a week or two for it to take full effect. Then I'll be able to take her fishing all the time.. few hours every night after work, can't wait Do you think it's best to take her for a few short sessions first before we go try night fishing? yonny 1 Quote
yonny Posted June 20, 2018 Report Posted June 20, 2018 8 minutes ago, jh92 said: Do you think it's best to take her for a few short sessions first before we go try night fishing? Defo mate. Mine was a bloomin' nightmare on the bank as a puppy. Wasn't much better as an adult tbf🤣 jh92 1 Quote
jh92 Posted June 20, 2018 Author Report Posted June 20, 2018 12 minutes ago, yonny said: Defo mate. Mine was a bloomin' nightmare on the bank as a puppy. Wasn't much better as an adult tbf🤣 Not giving me much hope mate 😂 I'm hoping because she's still young and if we go enough she will get used to it. She loves lying out on the back garden chilling so i just hope she's the same on the bank.. gonna take some chews and toys to keep her occupied (hopefully lol) We'll try some short sessions on the river and canal to start with so if it does go south we can just pack up and try again the next day lol. crusian 1 Quote
yonny Posted June 20, 2018 Report Posted June 20, 2018 11 minutes ago, jh92 said: Not giving me much hope mate 😂 I'm hoping because she's still young and if we go enough she will get used to it. She loves lying out on the back garden chilling so i just hope she's the same on the bank.. gonna take some chews and toys to keep her occupied (hopefully lol) We'll try some short sessions on the river and canal to start with so if it does go south we can just pack up and try again the next day lol. Whatever happens she'll love it mate, so will you. jh92 1 Quote
crusian Posted June 20, 2018 Report Posted June 20, 2018 45 minutes ago, jh92 said: My old dog used to have a thing for the postman, for some reason she would go crackers every time he opened the gate and if she was in the garden, he would leave the post on the gate lol. Funny though because he met her a few times and she was good as gold, just wanted attention, but didn't like him coming in the garden lol. The new pup is settling in great though, no more crying at night and no waking me up every few hours to go out. I fell victim to this according to the vet though. She would wake me up every morning at 4am, then again at 6am. I thought it was to be let out to go toilet, but the vet said shes doing it just to go out and there's no need to do it. So after a few nights of ignoring the 4am wake up call, she will sleep right through til 6am (when i get up) Vets tonight for the lepto 4 jab, probably have to wait a week or two for it to take full effect. Then I'll be able to take her fishing all the time.. few hours every night after work, can't wait Do you think it's best to take her for a few short sessions first before we go try night fishing? Yes there are quite a number of dogs that go mad behind the letterbox , but when you meet them they are calm and friendly . I guess the dogs are just protecting their owners / their " manor " . One dog owner thought it's because Posties deliver bills and the dogs pick up on their owners getting upset when they receive these bills ? . Let's hope your puppy is better behaved than Yonny's , I'm sure I'm not the only one that's looking forward to the 'photos . 😊 jh92 1 Quote
jh92 Posted June 21, 2018 Author Report Posted June 21, 2018 13 hours ago, yonny said: Whatever happens she'll love it mate, so will you. 13 hours ago, crusian said: Yes there are quite a number of dogs that go mad behind the letterbox , but when you meet them they are calm and friendly . I guess the dogs are just protecting their owners / their " manor " . One dog owner thought it's because Posties deliver bills and the dogs pick up on their owners getting upset when they receive these bills ? . Let's hope your puppy is better behaved than Yonny's , I'm sure I'm not the only one that's looking forward to the 'photos . 😊 Strange isn't it. I remember someone saying it's because there's all different scents on the letters in his bag and it confuses the dog. who knows lol All went well last night, we can go fishing in 7 days time. Even got a small bedchair sorted for her 😂 yonny 1 Quote
crusian Posted June 22, 2018 Report Posted June 22, 2018 On 21/06/2018 at 06:36, jh92 said: Strange isn't it. I remember someone saying it's because there's all different scents on the letters in his bag and it confuses the dog. who knows lol All went well last night, we can go fishing in 7 days time. Even got a small bedchair sorted for her 😂 Scents , hmm , that's interesting . Let the countdown begin , and you have a much better puppy experience than Yonny . 😀 jh92 1 Quote
jh92 Posted June 23, 2018 Author Report Posted June 23, 2018 17 hours ago, crusian said: Scents , hmm , that's interesting . Let the countdown begin , and you have a much better puppy experience than Yonny . 😀 Thought the same mate, not sure how true it is though lol. I'll let you know how it goes. Should be fine but sometimes she seems a bit possessed 😂 PandA698, cloud9, B B and 4 others 7 Quote
crusian Posted June 23, 2018 Report Posted June 23, 2018 6 hours ago, jh92 said: Thought the same mate, not sure how true it is though lol. I'll let you know how it goes. Should be fine but sometimes she seems a bit possessed 😂 From what I read I'm led to believe that's what quite a few anglers on the forum look like if they don't get their regular " fishing fix " .😁 cyborx and jh92 1 1 Quote
jh92 Posted June 29, 2018 Author Report Posted June 29, 2018 Can't believe it. Had our first session planned for today and we couldn't go. Yesterday the dog had of snotty nose, today was worse so took her to the vets and it turns out shes got a respiratory infection. Weeks worth of antibiotics and tablets for her to do and lots of rest, hopefully get out for next weekend. What a downer, luckily though shes doing really well and isn't that ill except a runny nose and a bit of a cough, the vet we're luckily because it's only the infection has only just started so we're treating it before it was really bad. Quote
crusian Posted July 1, 2018 Report Posted July 1, 2018 On 29/06/2018 at 22:34, jh92 said: Can't believe it. Had our first session planned for today and we couldn't go. Yesterday the dog had of snotty nose, today was worse so took her to the vets and it turns out shes got a respiratory infection. Weeks worth of antibiotics and tablets for her to do and lots of rest, hopefully get out for next weekend. What a downer, luckily though shes doing really well and isn't that ill except a runny nose and a bit of a cough, the vet we're luckily because it's only the infection has only just started so we're treating it before it was really bad. Well that's a damn shame , hopefully when the infection is cleared up and you can finally go fishing the weather will have cooled down . 🐶 jh92 1 Quote
jh92 Posted July 3, 2018 Author Report Posted July 3, 2018 On 01/07/2018 at 15:00, crusian said: Well that's a damn shame , hopefully when the infection is cleared up and you can finally go fishing the weather will have cooled down . 🐶 Yeah mate she's getting a lot better though, decided instead of doing a few short sessions to start with, we're going for a 48 hour instead. On a res near me it's dog friendly that has a basic lodge a swim that you can rent for an extra £5 a night, so going to get that for 2 nights. Reckon she will love it. She uses a crate at home so I'll bring one with (got a collapsible one) for if she doesn't settle well at night, she knows the crate is her safe place lol. Quote
jh92 Posted July 5, 2018 Author Report Posted July 5, 2018 Had the day off so took the dog fishing for the first time... nightmare lol. When we arrived at the lake I got the barrow loaded, hooked the dogs lead on the side and off we went. We had to cross a bridge which she cant walk across because the bottom is like a grid and her feet would fall in between so I sat her on top the barrow, wheeled across and got to our swim. It was going well until I pegged her lead down while I tried to set up, she didn't like being tethered and not being able to get to me, I had to get her to sit, give her a treat, set the rod up, another treat, cast out, treat, set the alarm, treat, and repeat for the second rod. Anyway I got there in the end and finally sat down, the dog had other ideas, as soon as I sat down, she jumped off the chair and started chewing the bark, didn't think that one through. She got bored after an hour so jumped back up on her chair and chilled for most of the day, but she had her moments where she got back down and chewed the bark again. I went to get it away from her and she managed to slip out of her harness...twice. Called it a day after at 5pm, packed up and made my way back. When I got to the bridge I put her on top the barrow to cross it and she thought it would be a good idea to try and get off, she slipped down the side and got her leg caught on the bungee strap, luckily she wasn't hurt. Got across in the end, got to the car and went home. Few lessons from today I've learned is Take solid bags already made and attached to a leader Take lots of chews so she's interested in them instead of stuff on the ground Choose swims easier to get to Don't go in swims that have bark in. Get a smaller harness A fish would of been nice but at least it can't get any worse lol. yonny 1 Quote
yonny Posted July 6, 2018 Report Posted July 6, 2018 13 hours ago, jh92 said: Few lessons from today I've learned is Take solid bags already made and attached to a leader I was fishing with a mate a few years ago, he had a beautiful rottweiler called Bear (rip). He was lining up to cast a bag, hit it, and couldn't cast. Turned round and Bear was chewing away on the bag lol, he wasn't hooked thank God! crusian and spr1985 2 Quote
crusian Posted July 8, 2018 Report Posted July 8, 2018 On 05/07/2018 at 18:45, jh92 said: Had the day off so took the dog fishing for the first time... nightmare lol. When we arrived at the lake I got the barrow loaded, hooked the dogs lead on the side and off we went. We had to cross a bridge which she cant walk across because the bottom is like a grid and her feet would fall in between so I sat her on top the barrow, wheeled across and got to our swim. It was going well until I pegged her lead down while I tried to set up, she didn't like being tethered and not being able to get to me, I had to get her to sit, give her a treat, set the rod up, another treat, cast out, treat, set the alarm, treat, and repeat for the second rod. Anyway I got there in the end and finally sat down, the dog had other ideas, as soon as I sat down, she jumped off the chair and started chewing the bark, didn't think that one through. She got bored after an hour so jumped back up on her chair and chilled for most of the day, but she had her moments where she got back down and chewed the bark again. I went to get it away from her and she managed to slip out of her harness...twice. Called it a day after at 5pm, packed up and made my way back. When I got to the bridge I put her on top the barrow to cross it and she thought it would be a good idea to try and get off, she slipped down the side and got her leg caught on the bungee strap, luckily she wasn't hurt. Got across in the end, got to the car and went home. Few lessons from today I've learned is Take solid bags already made and attached to a leader Take lots of chews so she's interested in them instead of stuff on the ground Choose swims easier to get to Don't go in swims that have bark in. Get a smaller harness A fish would of been nice but at least it can't get any worse lol. Well you certainly had a session to remember Jh92 ! . Sounds like you'll be spending more on treats than on boilies . I have to admire your positive attitude , it will be so rewarding when it all comes together . 😀🐶 jh92 1 Quote
jh92 Posted July 15, 2018 Author Report Posted July 15, 2018 On 08/07/2018 at 14:54, crusian said: Well you certainly had a session to remember Jh92 ! . Sounds like you'll be spending more on treats than on boilies . I have to admire your positive attitude , it will be so rewarding when it all comes together . 😀🐶 Yeah mate, this weather is a bit of a killer though, hopefully it cool down a little bit soon and i'll be able to get back on the bank with her. To be fair though, it's gave me time to take her for walks around different lakes and look at some swims for us crusian 1 Quote
jh92 Posted August 7, 2018 Author Report Posted August 7, 2018 Thought I'd give you an update on this, we've done about 5 successful sessions so far, it's been an absolute pleasure. No problems at all really, she will sit and watch the birds on the lake without giving chase or barking at them, she loves meeting other anglers and always gives them a nice greeting when they come into the swim. Once the rods are out we do a lot of training on the bank followed by a some play time (no swimming or being noisy) she's a bit jumpy around catapults and still hasn't seen a fish on the bank yet, so will have to see how it goes lol. All together though, taking her fishing is the best thing I've ever done, it's completely changed her behaviour. She used to have a few bad habits at home (nipping/biting, thought she was boss basically lol) but after a fishing session she is that wiped out she gets in the door, has some food and heads straight for the bed without being a little [censored] lol. levigsp, ..., carpyian and 4 others 7 Quote
snowmanstevo Posted August 7, 2018 Report Posted August 7, 2018 Friend for life there mate. 😉😎 jh92 1 Quote
crusian Posted August 7, 2018 Report Posted August 7, 2018 15 hours ago, jh92 said: Thought I'd give you an update on this, we've done about 5 successful sessions so far, it's been an absolute pleasure. No problems at all really, she will sit and watch the birds on the lake without giving chase or barking at them, she loves meeting other anglers and always gives them a nice greeting when they come into the swim. Once the rods are out we do a lot of training on the bank followed by a some play time (no swimming or being noisy) she's a bit jumpy around catapults and still hasn't seen a fish on the bank yet, so will have to see how it goes lol. All together though, taking her fishing is the best thing I've ever done, it's completely changed her behaviour. She used to have a few bad habits at home (nipping/biting, thought she was boss basically lol) but after a fishing session she is that wiped out she gets in the door, has some food and heads straight for the bed without being a little [censored] lol. Good for you jh92 , you persevered and it came good for you . 😃 jh92 1 Quote
jh92 Posted May 28, 2019 Author Report Posted May 28, 2019 Does anyone who takes their dog fishing have a problem with their dog being protective of the swim? When we are fishing my dog is becoming increasingly protective of our swim (like they do when in their own garden) and will growl at people when they get close to us. Any idea how to deal with this? Don't really know if I should be telling the dog off because I want it to let me know if people are about when it's nighttime? Thanks Quote
Tree123 Posted May 28, 2019 Report Posted May 28, 2019 On 25/05/2018 at 06:47, smufter said: I've just introduced a mate of mine to White Cottage, and he has a Frenchie as a bivvy buddy. He bought him along for a 72 hour session the other week, what an absolute corker of a dog. So well behaved, superb temperament and great character. Steve, our bailiff, has a beautiful Collie named Jess. She's a right character, always wanting you to throw sticks for her, and if you do it the once, she won't leave you alone! She can hear a sausage roll being unwrapped from 300 yards away too!! I'd love a dog to take with me, but with the wife and I both working full time it rules it out for a few more years. I find having a dog limits where I can go a lot too which is a shame Quote
carpepecheur Posted May 28, 2019 Report Posted May 28, 2019 I have a well-trained border collie and could not contemplate fishing without him. I only have to say the word “fishing” and he is at the door wagging his tail. He will sit and stare at my rod tips all day long. He knows I have a bite before I do and lets me know. I was walking around a local lake yesterday and got chatting to an angler. Dog barked like mad, angler looked up, realised he had a bite, and caught a small perch. His reward is always a swim at the end of a session. finchey and carpyian 2 Quote
Carpbell_ll Posted May 28, 2019 Report Posted May 28, 2019 I couldn't go without the dog, he only has to see me getting the gear ready and he is ready for the off. finchey and carpyian 2 Quote
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