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Everything posted by crusian

  1. I'm kind of doing the opposite , Highy , in that I'm renewing my club ticket where there may be some 20lbers . It's like Nick says " it's my happy place " . Carp Anglers are in the minority at my club water ( it's predominately Match Anglers ) , so I feel I'm not competing with other Carp Anglers while trying to outwit the Carp ; and I enjoy the wildlife . I can always pay for a day ticket at my local runs water where I stand a much better chance of a 20 , or maybe if I believe the hype , a 30 . Sometimes I think I enjoy the planning / anticipation of going fishing more than actually sitting lakeside waiting for a bite ? . 😃
  2. I think that's my rod , Blue . I've lost the little wood stopper 😢 , I've put it somewhere " safe " 🙄 . I can't say that I use my rod much , if at all , just take it out of its cloth bag and look lovingly at it . 😃
  3. That's a generous offer , Danny . I'm fairly confident that the big boys on here will be messaging you . 😃
  4. That's the catapult I use BB . My favourite catapult is a Reddicat where the elastic is threaded through the actual frame , but I can't get the replacement elastics anymore ; I'm keeping the frame just in case 🤞.
  5. Strewth ! , you put so much effort into your fishing , Highy , makes me tired just looking at the 'photos of your completed jobs . I guess those Wigan Kebabs are even more potent than a diet of Red Bull ? . 😁
  6. Hi everyone . What do you think please ? . 😃
  7. I don't blame you for wanting to go all vigilante , Commonly , trouble is if the Police catch you you'll get into trouble , not the scumbags that are doing all the nicking / damage . 🤬
  8. Can you do what some lorry drivers do i.e. leave the doors of their empty lorries open to show the scum there's nothing worth nicking ? ; or is it not possible to isolate your vans cabs ? .
  9. But did you all enjoy yourselves just being out ? .
  10. You're all heart , Highy , thinking about your Wife like that . 😁
  11. Personally I wouldn't use 8s . As Nick says a 6 , or maybe go up to a 4 . 😃
  12. I've just remembered , I think I read that if you are losing fish in weed use a bigger hook . What size hook are you using , Jordz ? .
  13. Something I do , Jordz , on my lake is to strike , jump up , and run backwards . I hustle the fish away from any snags , and then start the standard " pumping " action and reeling in . I know it sounds / looks weird , but my thinking is as soon as I drop the rod tip , even if I manage to synch. my reeling in I'm going to allow the fish to take some line . In addition some anglers " drop the lead " to help get the fish higher in the water and above the weed . Hope some of this helps . 😃
  14. Well the phrase " it's my happy place " sums it all up for me . It's great that that you are managing to still get out despite your health issues , Nick , you tough old git, but perhaps you might have less dramas next time 😁 ? . 😃
  15. So what you are saying , Elmo , is there was no money left for toys ? . 🙄
  16. Wow , pretties !. 😃
  17. Probably a French , Arthur Daley out to make a few euros . 😁
  18. Elmo loves Pizza 🍕
  19. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    What a beautiful dog , Kev. . I particularly like the way he is reading the water , looking for signs of fish , I'd better take a leaf out of Jack's book . I wonder if he will keep the two shades of fur as he grows up , probably not ? . 😃
  20. Well when you've gone into business , Elmo , you'll have to pm me as you can't buy and sell on the forum . 😉
  21. Well I stood on a chair for my 40th and danced to the Macarena , and The Barbie Song with Goofy ! . 😁
  22. Well at least you've kept your sense of humour , Chill . Did you enjoy the whole experience , socialising with your mates etc ? .
  23. I was wondering that , Commonly . Let's hope Elmo and family are o.k.
  24. Thanks , Framey , I hadn't considered that . 😃
  25. Are England boring you , Newmarket ? . 😁
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