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Everything posted by crusian

  1. Are England boring you , Newmarket ? . 😁
  2. Thanks , Ouch . 😃 You stinker , Elmo , trust you to be different ! . 😁
  3. Hi Everyone When connecting a hook to a Ronnie Swivel I'm thinking ; Hook lying on it's " back " then the " crook ? " of the Ronnie Swivel enters the eye of the hook from the top i.e. pointing down . I hope that makes sense . 🤔
  4. I never fancied overnighters in the first place , and these posts just reinforce my decision . I find it hard to discipline myself to check the lake out in the daylight , never mind the dark . Hats off to you , Elmo. for having the " hunger " to push yourself , I'll just pull the duvet over me , and read about how you got on when I wake up the next morning . 😁
  5. Is it me , or does anyone else want to push the cyclist in the lake ? ; all that ringing their bell , not 1 " excuse me , nor " thanks " . 😠
  6. I used to take Nurofen Meltlets if ever I tweaked anything to try and stop the muscles going into spasm , but I had to stop that as the Nurofen clashed with my regular tablets . Nowadays I just take paracetamol . Sounds like you need regular stretching exercises to make you more supple , Elmo . 😃
  7. Hi Newmarket . Fancy an Italian Manager ? , hopefully there will be one going spare soon . 🤞
  8. Blue , are you in competition with Highy to see who can buy the most kit ? . Not that I'm jealous . 🤥
  9. The same as Nick . I'm waiting to have some work done on my toe , which hopefully will have me fit by the end of the month ? .
  10. Hi Mr Shelby I'm not sure what size Carp you might encounter , but personally I would be using a Sz. 6 hook with 15lb line if your water has snags and Carp into double figures + . For 10lb line I would use a Sz. 8 . 😃
  11. Thanks , Elmo . I'll do my best to remember your tip . 😃
  12. The lady was lucky it was you there to help her , Carpbell , I'm sure I would have stuffed up .
  13. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Fred's tail doesn't seem to stop wagging , and his eyes look very friendly as well . As a Postie I would feel safe approaching Fred for a stroke , but not with my trolley . 😃
  14. No , Elmo's hair is a lot shorter .
  15. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    So was it you , Kev , or Max that kept Jack in order ? . Congratulations on your successful trip . 😃
  16. You're not supposed to run round while eating pies , Highy . Is the Army the career change you're looking for 🤔 ? .
  17. What part of the country Pazzi ? .
  18. Am I being a plonker , or could a fish take one of the coloured Kickers rather than the boilie ? .
  19. Hmm , I'm a SZ. 6 man , and like you I use a boom section with a Ronnie that I can quickly change . On my next trip out I'm going to try a Cygnet Tackle Kicker - Cygnet have a 5 for 4 offer on their Terminal Tackle . 😃
  20. Oh that's awful , Highy . Get some " me time " , and get out on Friday as you say 😃 . A new job sounds good as well .
  21. What about your Bivvy Pole Screws , Elmo ? . Your work overnighter plan sounds a good balance of your family time , and " me " time , but hard work for an old bloke like me . 😃
  22. Thank goodness the Hobnobs survived 😁 . I wouldn't want to bump into a hungry Elmo in the night , worse than Homer Simpson with no beer 😱 . Oh just an after thought , how's the fishing going ? 🤔.
  23. Thanks , Nick . 😃 Yes , double hooking , as opposed to my normal apply light pressure to the hook , and the carp is unhooked .
  24. Elmo is the Aristotle of Carp.com , renowned for being a Great Thinker 😁. Shooting off at a tangent , I've decided not to use ESP Trig-hammers as they seem to give mouth damage on the size Carp I catch ( doubles ) ; I wonder if this is the case for most long shank hooks 🤔 ? . 😃
  25. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Well here's to you , Kev , and Jack and Max having a great 2023 by the waterside . 😃
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