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Everything posted by crusian

  1. But is your car a Mini , or a Hummer , Yonny ? . 😁
  2. Ooh , that's so Elmo , thinking outside the box 😁 . πŸ‘
  3. Hi Everyone I have some Proper Job Pop Ups , lovely and buoyant , but I have this mental thing where I want to have feed Boilies and Pop Ups the same flavour . Trent Baits I can have matching pop ups ( that stay up ) , and boilies . Essential Baits , is it me or do their pop ups not stay erect as well as PJPU , and Trent Baits ? . πŸ€”
  4. crusian


    Thanks very much fellas , but what if the Tench could get into double figures would you still go with 6lb hooklinks ? .
  5. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    From this β€˜photo ( you’ve shown us other views ) , Kev. , it looks like a lovely natural lake . My local club lake has had most of the banks β€œ tidied up β€œ from the β€˜photos posted on Facebook ; I haven’t had the opportunity to fish there this year , but when I do I may well vote with my feet , and not renew my membership . I’m not happy ! . 😑
  6. Hi Nick How do I delete these spam messages from my " Messages " please ? . The ones I get to my personal email address I can mark as spam , but I don't want these " offers " staying in my Messages . Ta
  7. Hi Callum You beat me to it as I use a Multi Rig with ESP Semi Stiff . Julian Cundiff has a video clip on the Multi Rig with his slight tweaks . I'd be interested to read your results using this rig if you wanted to post them . πŸ˜ƒ
  8. Mismatched rods , and reels 😱 , what were you thinking , Blue ? ; no wonder you only caught a Bream ! . πŸ™„
  9. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    So what are you saying fellas ? ; it reads like you both want to be made a fuss of 😁 . I'm a Postie , and usually what happens is a passing dog may strain at its lead to come over to me , and have a good sniff of my trainers . Then I'll give the dog a stroke after letting it sniff my hand . I just love meeting handsome dogs , who are much prettier than their owners 🐢.
  10. What about a second hand Fox Explorer ? .
  11. crusian

    Dogs and fishing

    Looks like Jack has had a wash and blow dry specially for the occasion . 😁
  12. Well , Kev , I have just quoted your post to my Wife , but I think she already understands why I don't go fishing / have to catch a fish to enjoy myself . πŸ˜ƒ
  13. That all makes me younger than you , Framey , but not by much ! . πŸ˜ƒ
  14. crusian


    Hi B B What gear did you use please , i.e. line strength , hook size , etc please ? . Ta . πŸ˜ƒ
  15. Well that's pretty conclusive , Framey . Thanks for all your replies everyone , all very helpful . πŸ˜ƒ
  16. Does anyone know what the Green Party's stance on freshwater angling is please ? . I seem to remember Elmo saying he had spoken to a Green person , and was assured that the Greens didn't want to ban freshwater angling ? . Ta . πŸ˜ƒ
  17. We're , afraid , very afraid . 😱
  18. Thanks , Highy . A typical , helpful , Highy reply . πŸ˜ƒ
  19. Hi Highy All the others have already wished you well , and alluded to the big hole you will leave if you stop posting so I can't really add to that . Just a question though while you are browsing please - how do you keep Mice out of your fishing storage unit ? .
  20. Well I'm glad you've thought it all through , Highy ; having spent time , and money building up your Carp gear . πŸ˜ƒ
  21. Hi Everyone . Has anyone fished / are fishing any GAPS waters , and if so what do you think of them please ? . Ta . πŸ˜ƒ
  22. Hi Nick I tried the Medium jacket on at Tackle Up , and it's a lovely jacket . But it's not really what I need , which is a Winter jacket . Thanks anyway . πŸ˜ƒ
  23. Hi everyone Has anyone a personal review of the above jacket please ? . I currently have an old Sundridge Minus 10C Suit which keeps me warm , but it's a bit bulky so I'm thinking of matching my Jack Pyke zip off leggings with a warm jacket . πŸ€”
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